Im doing a tinder experiment showing double standards. But in speaking with these women...

Im doing a tinder experiment showing double standards. But in speaking with these women, im finding myself attracted more than physically, how do i let them know that i am me, but not who the picture shows?

Pic related

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Don't dress like a douche if you don't want to be treated like one.

One of my matches

I don't think you understood the post pal.

>"tinder experiment"
SJW detected

Not me

you don't...theres not really any recovering from catfishing

Absolutely not, maga all the way


Jesus, a fucking hipster

Reread it and it's even more pathetic. How does this show any double standard at all?

at first i was catfiahing, but now i realize.....ah love ewwwwe

Reddit would just call me a rapist becaus i posted a fake profile... Good try though

Protip, women on tinder look at the pics and decide if they want to fuck you. So you need to look like this dude or guess what? They will not want to fuck you.

Women on Tinder are sluts anyway. Why the fuck would you go there.

>im finding myself attracted more than physically

translation have feelings for some bitch I don't even know. You are a fucking beta faggot

.... are you serious? to fuck sluts, ya dingus.


well he said he was attracted more than physically

Another match. My point is this, though im misleadung these wimen by using a fake picture, i am soeaking with them as myself. Ive got an honest tinder orofile using my actual ohotos and less than 10 percent have matched, but i click with more than 75 percent of the matches on the fake profile.

Didn't you mean pic unrelated.. Fag

No, i meant related as in im using his pic in the fake profile...


Another match. Keep in mind, these are pics sent to a google number...

so, let me recap.

You are using a fake picture - of a man, to whom those woman are attracted to.

You are then "clicking" with them - and you think this is because they like your personality (which is shown by your writing-style), yes?

Here's a bit of truth for you: You only click with them, because they think, you are the guy who gets them wet. Like when woman laugh about unfunny jokes because they want to fuck you.

They don't find your personality attractive. They want to fuck said guy out of the pic.

I guess thats the ultimate hypothosis of the experiment: could I bang these chick without looking like mat best (the gentleman pictured)

you don't need an experiment to figure that one out.

So, general cinsensu is that ill never be able to convince these suoerficial cunts that im just as good as the meat head in the picture?

>Mat Best
>Filename: marine
You sure are a fucktard.

Nah, probably cause you're a fat sack of shit with a weak jaw line.

Correct, not only because you're out of shape, but because you're showing how much of a loser you are by disparaging someone who is:

A) In shape
B) Intelligent
C) A SOF combat vet
D) A self-made millionaire

What exactly do you have going for you?

Well, im in shape, im a vet, i have a 168 iq, im just not former special forces nor do i base my self worth on how much a bench.

SUCH A SHOOPED PHOTO she dont look nothin like that in real life.

What exacrly is your level of autism?

>im in shape
No you're not

>im a vet
No you're not

>i have a 168 iq
No you don't - as an aside, only retards don't properly capitalize and use shit grammar and punctuation. If we're gonna lie about how smart we are, maybe we should start by displaying basic level intelligence.

>im just not former special forces
Considering you're a "vet", you should probably know the difference between SOF and SF. Mat was a Ranger, friend.

I guess you can sling lies to dumbass slam pieces and they believe you, but lets get real; you're on Sup Forums saying that you're mad at these bitches cause they won't match with your busted ass mug and dadbod physique on your actual profile.

>OP get raped

So, because i didnt capitalize 2 letters you assume my intellegence? If you have no viable input, do the right thing and be quiet.

And please, dont doubt my veteran status.

>special forces
No, I assume your intelligence because you're an idiot and then make comments about your "168 iq [sic]". Just as reference, Stephen Hawking has an estimated IQ of 160.

>And please, dont doubt my veteran status.
Redacted CAC card or DD214 or shut the fuck up.

the whole thread premise and the way you articulate yourself makes you look stupid.

Why would you make an alt account if you look fit in the first place?

Stop being a lazy, lying asshat that disrespects everyone who does better than him and maybe one day you'll find someone who would date you.

The redneck kingslayer.

Right, im gonna post my 214, and i had to turn in my id. Idiot.

Mdr sepcode


It is sad, im just as god as he is...

Girls like attractive men that have accomplished things and hold down jobs and engaging hobbies.

Girls don't like whiny out of shape ugly socially weak men that love with mum with no job or live in a shithole apartment with a trash job.

It isn't a double standard. I don't see you posting 5/10 or worse girls and crying about how you actually like them. Now that is a double standard you pathetic piece of shit.

Even if you somehow miraculously convinced one of these girls to see you despite lying to their face, engaging in extremely shady pathetic behavior, and being unattractive.. you would pussy out and never show up

>I don't know what redacted means
Hit us with some deployment or hero pics then bud, I put mine all over /k/.

you obviously only like these girls for their looks, so why would they like you for anything else?

Sorry i didn't take a pic of my cac? And im staying anonymous so, no pics of my experience will be provided. Eat a dick

>Deployment or hero pics
Where did you see CAC anywhere in that statement you mouth breathing motherfucker?

Dude you're a fucking loser, lmao.

I bet vaginas slam shut and wither when You get within 50 feet of them. Jesus dude you are pathetically sad.

Lol pwnd

Not only does it slam together, it fuses the lips shut like a growing wound.

His mom told him he was handsome once when he was a kid and he really just mistakenly took it to heart.

This thread got savage

Lmfao "marine 800" photo name on a picture of U.S. Army Ranger Matt Best. 2/10 for effort

Everybody likes winners and everyone thinks they should be at the top because at the core everyone's a narcissist.
But what exactly is winning really just comes down to your own limitations: what can you perceive as winning and where you can realisticly put yourself. You can be fan of a movie star but probably you're not going to be in relationship with a moviestar. The most beautiful girl in the kingdom doesn't marry the prince, instead she gets wrinkly and old while waiting and then she ends up marrying junior jack of all trades.

TL;DR: women are leeches whom only learn when their tits get saggy.

After the first dozen words or so I thought you were going to say something logical but instead it was this.

Too many fucking edgy virgins or sad 20 somethings that have only intimately interacted with 1 or 2 women on this site. Women suck for a number of reasons but the way you all hate them and the reasoning for hating them is pathetic.

If women are garbage tier and don't matter and men are all better then how come every single god damn thread is something like this or porn.

You tell yourself those things so you aren't as utterly pathetic to the core. Youre the reason you don't get laid user

You think that they like you for your personality and they wont care about the picture or profile when you tell them. Women do not like you for who you are bro, they like you for what they think you are or what use you are to them. You can do nothing to change this, go head and tell a few of them in different ways. You will see.

because this site attracts the dregs of society, nice place for weirdos to congregate. Also an interesting place to be a tourist.

So you used the picture of the chad next door to talk to girls and now you realized they are ppl and fell in love? Pretty pathetic. And you dont let them know who you really are, cause it doesnt make sense. They wont like you, they wont meet you. They'll feel betrayed and never use tinder again. You fucking pathetic retard.

With fake profile? Seems retarded.

It certainly has a concentration of dregs, but they typically keep to the fucked boards like mlp r9k and the autistic anime boards

Yeah cause you are ugly boy.... no double standart. Nobody wants to date ugly mofos.

Im sure some of these girls are generally sweet and nice people. OP can get fuckd

so much edgy butt-hurt rage detected.

But I do get laid, so something's wrong with your analogy. I don't get into the details of my personal life but my adult life has been more successful than my teenage years and this has to do with having dosh.

The only reason I hate women is because of the hard road they've made me walk to this point while they've focused on grooming themselves. I guess you could say that I've became sadistic and want to punish them as collective. That being said, the term isn't "pathetic" it's "bitter" or/and "sadistic".

The bottom line I'm trying to make here is that women want to jump the social class even though they don't necessarily realize it. That's why they love winners, because it's all about improvement of their own life. The only issue is that the thing which makes a whore able to jump the social class isn't permanent, therefore there needs to be something else. You can't be a complimentary partner in somebody else's luxurious life, because beauty isn't permanent.

From man's perspective this offers us few good lessons:
Always get a lower class whore because whatever you have will be to her like a dream. And if you want to keep your whore of a girlfriend in control, don't enable her to jump to the next social class. Don't enable her to get education, build wealth or do anything of importance, and she will be dependent on you. Never marry so you can dispose of her when needed.

Sure they are, but you are not. You are a creepy weirdo. There is no way any of them would be interested in you after you lied big time on first contact you delusional fuck.

It is called hypergamy, you havent come up with anything new.

>It is called hypergamy, you havent come up with anything new.
>you havent come up with anything new.

You might have taken courses on social sciences but you still got lessons to learn.