Ask a dude who just walked home to his gf sucking his husky anything

Ask a dude who just walked home to his gf sucking his husky anything.

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how big is his dick?

What did you do?


I never saw it this big. Hate to admit t, but he's probbly slighly bigger than me.

We both froze on shock, with my dog looking at me with his usual fjking goofy face. Then I GTFO and went to the bar to drink a few glasses.

I don't have pics, and honestly I'm not sure I'd want some.

Stop being a faggot. Your GF obviously love it, and the dog obviously loves it. What's the issue here.

But how do we know if you are telling us truth without the pics? Ask your wife to do them, she has to do it now that she's been caught.


>my dog looking at me with his usual fjking goofy face

if i was in your shoes, i'd probably have left the house laughing.

>doge like "i didnt do nuffin! lol"

So what you're saying is that walked in on your dog humping your waifu pillow

This is my fantasy
My gf giving and receiving oral

Don't know if I could handle the sex part though
Not sure why that's a line when the oral part would turn me on

>I don't have pics, and honestly I'm not sure I'd want some.

pics or it didn't happen.

you thought enough of this to start a thread. now go back, make her suck the dog some more and get some god damned pictures!

God damn huskies are the most retarded looking dogs. That image must have been priceless.

Are you turned on or open to her exploring beast stuff?

I'm not sure my dog knows what's happening, he's pretty autistic.

You'll have to take my word for it. I'm not sure how to react yet so I'm just getting wasted for now.

Well, a part of me was kinda amused, but I was mostly disturbed by what I just witnessed. I don't even know for how long she did this. I guess I should have known when she "jokingly" told me about those animal dildos she saw online, but goddamn I wasn't expecting this.

A few years ago, I had a fetish for girls lusting over horsecocks, but it kinda died down. But goddamnit, this is my gf, not some low-end girl willing to do easy money with porn.

she's just being adventurous because it's different, i wouldn't worry about it too much. you'll never be able to outperform him in bed, even if his dick is bigger.

dude. any animal above the level of mudshark knows when its cock is getting licked.

At least you have a gf?

That's a question, too.

>you'll never be able to outperform him in bed, even if his dick is bigger.
Are dogs really that good in bed?

You don't understand how much of a retard he is. We had to install styrofoam on one of our kitchen walls because he kept rushing in and hitting the wall like a dumbfuck when he heard the sound of his food being poured into his bowl

This will be awesome leverage to use later
You'll have her by the clit if you can get some pics and vids

lucky guy!!!


Didn't think of that. But I'm not really willing to stock up on compromising things to someday use against her. I love her, and I'm pretty sure she does too, despite her (newfound?) love for dog cock.

i miswrote that
he'll never be able to outperform you in bed
dogs are done in no time and can really only do one thing. the only thing that makes people want to fuck dogs is the fact that their dicks are weird


and then let the doge have your sloppy seconds

best thing to do at this point is whip your dick out and fuck her while she's busy with him

Well, I kinda feel better, but she's oral obsessed and have a deep fetish for cock worship/licking/kissing , so if they stay hard after they come, it can be kinda problematic.

I've already been doing it for years, butthe further my dog got was staring at us with his stupid look. He made us stop several times beause gf and I were both laughing too hard.

I thought about it, esecially since she was naked, but I was too surprised to do it.
Well, at least, she wasn't camwhoring.

It should say a lot that you came to Sup Forums

You wanted to encounter some people that would tell you that it's cool and that you should stay with her

Which you should

I feel like you should talk to her about it. I honestly don't think it is THAT bad of a deal, but then again I haven't ever walked in on a gf sucking my autistic ass dog off before (plus that shit is honestly a fantasy of mine).

>TL;DR: If you care enough for her, talk to her about it and figure out what the fuck...if you don't then a boot out the door will suffice. TBH, it wasn't that bad...she could have been with another dude, but instead it was an animal.

it's not to much that they stay hard after they cum, it's that they cum for about 5-30 mins continuously, so tbh they're good for cock worship. that being said, dogs can't provide for you, they can't be romantic, they can't take you to dinner, they can't do weird and crazy positions in bed. no bitch is going to leave you for a dog. she's just indulging a sexual fetish of hers, and rather than try and change it, it would be best to talk it out with her, try and find a way that you can be ok with it and best if you can be ok with being involved. i guarantee that you being ok with it and being sexual with her at the same time will make her feel incredibly happy and lucky that she found you.

Fuck yea

she is a keeper
ask to do a threesome

>making her stop
why not help her jerk the dog?

as a bifag that sucks dogs i'm ok with this, but i'm pretty sure op is straight for once. at least, as straight as any Sup Forums user is

Honestly dude just roll with it, you may not like it, but allowing your partner to be more open about stuff shes into sexually will strengthen your relationship to a point. You need to discuss this with her.

You're very likely right.

I DO care for her. We have always been in good terms and loving each other. We have a lot of things planned for our future together. If I have to, I'll accept that and will even involve myself if it can make her happy, or help make one of her fetishes come true.
And yeah, I prefer immensely to know she's lusting over our dog than ove someone else's dick.

You're right. Thanks for the advice. It's not that I'm utterly disgusted or anything, but I just wasn't expecting that. I had a fetish for girls lusting over animal cocks myself, but it died down a few years ago. I'm sure I can handle her having a beast fetish. At least, it's not a cheating fetish.

Sup Forums is pretty gay
just look at the threads
>g fur
it goes on and on
a generation of internal desire for weiners
and i'm ok with it
only animal dick

Yes, only animal dick.

Sup Forums logic
>hate furfags
>everyone owns dragon dildos

I just noticed my gryphon isnt in my pic of all my toys, thats unfortunate.
>I want to be a hyena now

Sure if you want to live in a female dominated society and have your mate possibly die the first time she has a litter.

This is why i have a Chihuahua

>All those dragon/animal dildoes
She showed me a website selling those, where you could customise it. I think it's Bad Dragon, but I'm not sure.
Prices for a single basic dimdo ranges from $90 to $200. How many bucks did you throw on those?

Now I'm thinking about gifting her a dog or a horse dildo since I'll probably indulge in her fantasy. Are they worth it?
What should I know about? Which is the best material for oral and vaginal?
Which one is liked best and closer yo reality, horsecock or dog cock?

Is pineapple on pizza acceptable?

My collection was around 700, im putting in a $500 order here next month since me and my gf want some more toys. They are expensive but aree worth it imo, if you ant more real dog/horse toys go to Exotic Erotics, they have toys cast from the real animal.

Thanks, I'll look it up.
Damn, I never thought I'd buy a dragon dildo. I guess that's one step closer to your common Sup Forumstard behavior.

It's really whatever you/your gf want, wouldn't call it common Sup Forumstard behavior, my finance has never been on Sup Forums, and she has no interest in fucking dogs/horses like I do, but she likes those kinds of toys because they're different.

treat it like a growing closer thing. you were surprised, and even a little curious, but your relationship is too strong to end over something as trivial as the finer points of pet care.

>They are expensive but aree worth it imo, if you ant more real dog/horse toys

Ant dildo NAO!

Wooo I can't spell for shit, thanks Trudeau.

i was trying to make a joke, Eisenstein. thanks for fucking it up.

I know, no one wants to fuck an ant.

are you sure about that? Or have you just never truly explored the internet?

Fair point.


there was a guy with ants in his dick posting here years ago...