Shit word of mouth on Suicide Squad

>Shit word of mouth on Suicide Squad
>Fans already lost faith in DC after BvS
>Needs to make at least 600 Million to break even
>Already filming Justice League which needs to make way more than BvS to be profitable

So we can all finally agree with that DC has officially lost the war

There's way more shitty Marvel movies than there are DC movies.

>inb4 MUH MCU

Deadpool and Captain America did much better than BvS

What war? WB has been making consistently bad movies for years.

yes but there are also way more good marvel movies than DC and the shitty marvel movies didn't come out all in a row

>[citation needed]

They might catch a break with Wonderwoman, I highly doubt that one will get too terrible ratings.

>Needs to make at least 600 Million to break even
>Already filming Justice League which needs to make way more than BvS to be profitable

are you forgetting they're WB? they make profit off the film before it's even released you dumb fuck, ticket sales aren't everything.

It will more than likely get a similar reception as Ghostbusters. Will DCucks still despise the tomatometer when the DCEU finally has its first fresh movie?

all professional reviews will be accused of sexism if say it's shit
have to give it a good review because "girl power"

They need Swamp Thing

That's not what he was arguing. He was talking financials. Nice goalpost moving though, DCuck.


Enjoy your blackwashed Johnny lmao

>Justice League Dark is cancelled
Feels are really bad right now.

DC was just too late to the universe shit. And Marvel films are completely hollow and formulaic instantly appealing to masses. They are watching the same movie each time

See, the main difference between Marvel fans and DC fans is that I have never seen a single Marvel fan trying to defend shit like Fant4stic, let alone act like it's a great movie and critics are just too stupid to truly appreciate it.


Marvel is responsible for the worst rt of the superhero decade lmao

Hopefully the animated thing will be alright, if it even gets made. Seems odd though even if they get panned critically isn't the superhero thing still guaranteed money?

No. They'll try to use it in arguments like how they always use IMDb or the audience scores.

but thats fox not disney/marvel

disney makes bangers. DC cant compete

>Needs to make at least 600 Million to break even

Needs 750-800 million to break eve.

>600 million

Hahaha try 11 trillion

It'd be Deadpool 2.0.

They will fuck up yet another unrelable character.
>same movie each time
In a reductionist sense, sure. But we get to see Tony stark slowly go off the deep end more and more as he constantly takes things further, being a control freak and all. We might even see the day where he becomes THE villain and dies at the hands of the other Avengers. You want dark? That's both dark and follows a coherent story.