Hey Sup Forums, I have this balloon that has been partially filled with alcohol. What should I do with it? Also...

Hey Sup Forums, I have this balloon that has been partially filled with alcohol. What should I do with it? Also, if I lit it on fire, will it explode.

it would burst and spread like water does just on fire dont do that

Pure alcohol? Yes.
Shitty 35% supermarket wodka? Barely.

Sorry forgot timestanp

Light it on fire.

Do it its dubs

I never said this was a roll thread...
I'm just looking for suggestions

Light it at the bottom and breath in through the top. 10/10 idea.

I got the alcohol from a little bit of hand sanitizer. I got the alcohol separated from the gel by using salt

you could build a molotov cocktail, throw it somewhere on the ground (outside i guess) and then try to throw the balloon at the fire and see what happens


Also post vid if you do.

Trips says do it OP, gotta do it now.

Nice trips! I don't think I would do that.


Thought about just lighting it on fire.
I will try to deliver.

trips means go OP

it won't explode.

I literally did that with pure ethanol a while back in highschool, filled a chemistry glove with it, set fire to it (inside a corridor, most of the building is stone and lino so it's okay), it spilled everywhere and let out a huge lake of fire on the ground.

I grabbed my friend's bag to try and put it out, the bag set on fire for a few second, the fire went out roughly 30 seconds after it started (spilled ethanol over a large surface evaporates really quickly, but burns in a super short time).

When it went out we realized some 10yo kid was at the end of the corridor, probably waiting on his mother who was having a talk with some secretary further down.

The look on his face is one I will never forget, pure horror and confusion. My youngest brother reported that the big white mark on the linoleum is still here today, along with some of our black marker markings.

Near burn pit now

Bumping while wait.

Aright. Sorry I took awhile. Will post pics/vids soon

Had some pizza boxes to burn.




Is anyone in this thread still?


Ye I'm here still. W8ing for vids.


RIP OP died in the fire


