People you automatically hate?

People you automatically hate?

Anyone fat
Anyone tattooed



>conservative/trump fag
>gun nuts
>angry lesbians
>niggers (not the blacks, just niggars of any race)

im both

People who wear sunglasses indoors

>fat, stupid and ugly
>unjustifiably overconfident
>unjustifiably insecure
>men with no individuality
>nearly all women
>especially sluts and whores
>especially sluts and whores with no individuality
and of course

Secret society yuppies
Black athletes who can't stop bragging
White men who act like bitches
Sunni Muslims
Rnb African scene folks
Entitled fat people

If you actually purge all the above the planet will be so so much better

ppl i meet ol or irl

Any politician

>the youth


Autist like op

>a lot of the left

>a lot of women mostly teenage girls with shitty opinions

> the flood of the middle east into my home and native land

>my vaginal cavity of a leader Justin Trudeau

> anyone trying to take away my rights to free speech (see above)

> entitled cunts my age (20)

Popular minorities, disrespectful libs, potheads

Women who go clubbing dressed like sluts
Women who make sexual remarks the first time you meet when you're looking for a wife

>People you automatically hate?
>Anyone fat
>Anyone tattooed

you must be really insecure with your own body

Insecure and judgemental people like yourself

People like that.

can you tell me why you hate people with tattoos?

its literally only affecting their life, and has absolutely 0 impact on yours. the ink on their skin was put there because of their own decision so you really have no right to hate them

fat people suck tho fuck fat people

Anyone who disagrees with the God Emperor, Donald Trump.

u got problems

>white women who love black cock
>bible thumpers
>third-wave feminists
>anti-trump protesters (i really want to get in my car and start mowing some down sometime)