Walk into a bathroom

walk into a bathroom
see this
what do you do?


Kick in nuts.


this has been posted 12,641 times

but here is the serious answer:

walk up to him, make soft pleasure noises and unzip (getting his hopes up) and then piss on him.. faggot has it comin




turn 360° and run

Take out my swiss army knife and cut it off



Get pissed off that my stall is taken.

>Go next stall
>Do same thing

realize that i am having an outer body experience from the bath salts and swiftly shit myself

climb over the top and shit directly onto his face

Idiot you will run in the same direction you must turn 180 degrees and moonwalk away.

Newfag detection success.

Welcome new friend

Are you enjoying 4 chan so far

Above average get rate.

This is now a get thread.

Did you even read? Dont you get it? You guys must be blinds or retardeds


You're special.

kick it hard enough into the bottom of the door that I try to actually cause permanent damage. don't care if I break a toe or two, it would be worth it.