/prod/ Producer General


(Obligatory mixing course)
>The Art of Mixing by David Gibson
[YouTube] The Art Of Mixing (A Arte da Mixagem) - David Gibson (embed)

(Obligatory synthesis course + additional related videos)
>Intro to Synthesis by New York School of Synthesis
[YouTube] Intro to Synthesis Part 1 - The Building Blocks of Sound & Synthesis (embed)

YouTube channels that you should subscribe to:

>Point Blank Music School

>Pensado's Place

>SeamlessR (in-depth music production and sound design tutorials, based on FL Studio)

>BusyWorksBeats (same as above, a lot of good new content coming)

>ADSR Music Production Tutorials

>Justin Omoi


>Samori Coles (not many videos, but a few good ones on compression and EQ)

>Modern Mixing

>Image Line Tutorials (for FL Studio users)


Other urls found in this thread:




No derail, but anyone want to ID these?

Looks like:
Some Nord rack
Waldorf Q
Vermona drm1
2 Prophet 600s (?)
Ensoniq Fizmo
Yamaha CS15
Juno 106(?)

Does anybody use musical notation software after they compose their song?
You know, to help practice you instead of looking at music theory behind a piano roll?


me trying as hard as possible to get featured on Majestic Casual.

lit or shit?

>tens of thousands in synths
>few hundred dollar pair of entry level monitors

Makes me rage every time

I don't even think that's his main studio, he has another video where he has a full set of xox gear


How important is mastering to a new producer? I haven't made a lot of music yet and I don't want to go through the trouble of something complikated like mastering and I don't want to pay someone else to master a mediocre trak made by an amateur.

I'm pretty sure most if not all people itt have no idea what the fuck they are doing when it comes to mastering.


Tipps on the mix? I've only been able to mix with my headphones.

Does anyone know how to make this kind of bass at 2:00 on a DAW?
It sounds so good

How do I make punk music without having any real instruments or friends?

Amateur level mastering is basic as fuck. Just torrent izotope ozone and do the following in this order:
>(optional) add harmonic exciter to taste if your song is sounding a bit flat
>use the dynamic compressor to catch any excessive momentary imbalances and even up the frequency spectrum a bit
>(optional) add reverb if the song needs it, most people do this in the sound design or mixing stage though
>(optional) use the stereo imager to add width to the mids and highs if you think it needs it. Just a little though, too much can make weird artifacts.
>(highly recommended) pull down the stereo image for the lowest frequencies so they are 100% mono
>adjust the overall balance in the EQ to taste, meme of the day is to give it a profile similar to pink noise
>(optional) use a mid-side eq to cut bass and slightly boost the highs on the side channels. This is similar to what you might have already done with the stereo imager, you can do either or both.
>set the maximizer limit to ~-0.3 then start squishing, commercial EDM tracks can have an RMS of about -2 or 3 db but you will likely ruin the sound if you try to hit that when you are still learning. Just get it loud as possible without ruining the dynamics.

Even if you don't understand some of that it should make sense once you open the plugins and have a play around. By the way I'm not an expert, this is just my amateur method that works OK for me.

I don't know how you can make punk without a guitar but I guess you could do Bauhaus-ish music with a daw.

And for absolute lazy babbies:
>make bass frequencies mono with the stereo imager
>adjust EQ to taste
>make it loud as fuck with the maximizer

I want to make band-ish songs and I'm in your same situation. I think the best daw for this type of music is Logic, but I wonder how much far i can go using only midi... damn i want a guiar

Get replaceable band members

There's literally no music scene where I live.

I live in a fucking farmers village in Belgium lmao.
Everyone listens to top 40.

Are you going to Graspop?

I have a single day ticket for sunday.

Line up is pretty shit this year imo.

Buy a guitar and use computer software for the drums and bass instruments


hey gyus IT ME


>Not Saturday


>be me
>be shit at marketing
>be loosely connected to a community of other young electronic artists my age
>be objectively the best and most creative one out of all of them, doing my own thing rather than making simplistic trap instrumentals
>they are far more popular for making music that fits in with the current trend
>one of the other artists has his own label and is going to host his own label-themed night in a major music venue with his labelmates
>I will be attending and am going to have to feign absolute unwavering support for them despite this boiling feeling of jealousy festering inside of me

why go on /prod/?

Gonna go see Sum 41 for old times sake.

Rest of the day just gonna hang around main stage 2, I've never seen Sabaton live.
I've already seen all of the noteworthy bands live that come on saturday.

Music is a popularity contest my bruh.


pls respond =[

I'm from New Zealand and we don't have festivals like that at all here so the whole thing looks dope as fuck to me. Saturday is going to be the best day of my life, so many bands I thought I would never get the chance to see.

Is it easy to buy drugs there?

Your music probably isn't as well produced. You may come up with good interesting ideas, but are you executing them as well as these other guys? Are you mixes good? Are the songs at least somewhat catchy?

Good music is bound to get picked up even with average marketing behind it. Get a label behind you if you're so concerned.

Link us some of ur music.

>Good music is bound to get picked up even with average marketing behind it. Get a label behind you if you're so concerned.

I'm not that guy but this is the least true thing I have ever seen.

Yeah lol, drugs of all sorts are easy as shit to get in Belgium.

Just make sure to buy your drugs INSIDE the festival, they will search people pretty thoroughly on entry. No idea how some people get their stuff inside but they always do.

Dont buy drugs from french people.
Dont buy drugs from sandniggers.
Dont buy LSD or XTC unless you trust the person selling.

Best way to find a reliable source of drugs at a festival is to find someone who looks positively fucked up and just straight up asking.

Be wary of scams.
People that will rob your shit.
Make sure you keep your valuables close to you if you spend the night in a tent.
Usually french sandniggers will go to festivals to just slash open tents at night to steal shit.

I usually keep valuables with me IN my sleeping bag at my feet.

Festivals over here are pretty fucking fun solely because they are so dangerous and wild.

are any of you members of AES, NTM etc.?
what would you say their impact on your work has been like?


wats dat?


This is super fuckin dope man I love it, mix is sounding superb.
Also, dunno if you drew inspiration from this but reminds me of it a bit

Sounds FM but I made a preset in Sylenth1 that sounds a bit like this
.You grab yourself some Kontakt libraries.
Perfect post, I'm pretty sure that a lot of professional producers master like that too.

Sounding good man.

If you make unique and good music just pitch it to a lot of good promo channels/labels through their demo mail, I'm sure you can get something started through that.

Oh yo, thanks for the advice. I'll be backpacking so all my stuff will be with me, any suggestions how to keep it safe when I'm not at my tent? I don't want to carry a backpack around the whole festival.

Yeah. You can rent a locker, not sure how much you can fit in there though.

Oh sweet, a locker should be big enough I don't need to fit much in there. Just a couple more things, can you bring booze into the camp grounds, and what is up with the token system? Where do you buy them from and how many will you need for the whole festival for food, beer etc?

Is anyone here well-read on acoustics? I need some feedback on the latter. I can post the room dimensions, if they'll be needed, but what I'm really looking for is just some validation for this bare-bones plan of mine.

show us your shit then and we'll judge whether you deserve fame or not


Are there any Kontakt libraries you can recommend?

Fuck acoustics man, if you get used to how something sounds that's all you need, reflections are everywhere.

Start with the Orange Tree shit and Abbey Road drums.

>reflections are everywhere
wtf i hate properly treated rooms now

You're right about this, man, but I just need some to at least analyze the bass better. So bass traps and panels on first reflections, I guess.

Punk's more about theme and tone than instrument isn't it? Unless you exclusively want the usual punk sound I'd just distort some synths and go industrial, and scream into a mic, any mic, about the fuck government.

>The Art Of Mixing (A Arte da Mixagem) - David Gibson
holy shit this is illuminating

I like it.

I'm trying to make synthpop like New Order, but I'm not trying to sound like a retro act. Whenever I try to write anything, it naturally comes out as too 80s sounding. But whenever I try to use more modern sounding samples and production it sounds too "house". Do any of you have suggestions of artists that get that 80s synthpop feel while being unmistakably modern, or have any tips for sounding modern without losing the synthpop sound?


I think you might just be too self-conscious. The synthpop sound, compositionally, will sound like the 80s. That's just synthpop. The only difference with modern versions is there's more high-end sheen and maybe a fuller sound from layering more instruments / modern processing.

Here's a modern synthpop song and a genuine 80s song.



Modern's just bigger and with sounds that aren't as muffled.

I'm not sure what you mean. Synthpop will sound more modern if you use crispy samples and get a clean mix.

Requesting if anyone can make that square wave-y kind of sound at 20 second in this video, i tried but can't show because I'm not on my production pc right now.


Hi it me

bitsnake again

where i should go if i dont wanna look at mentally ill autistic trolls of Sup Forums anymore

like yeah i get it you wanna shitpost and you dont have a brain, thats fine just show me the exit and i´ll let you argue with other 17-19 year old summerfags who´ll never be anything

you sure are above it all in your ivory internet tower

Did 'she' ever appreciate your music?

she's not facing the camera, who is it?

the pickup fuck

It's just a PWM with an envelope.

Good shit my nibba bitsnake

We have a discord which is pretty cool

First time adding bass to a sample and I have no idea what I'm doing, does it sound ok? Piano is sampled, bass and drums added



Some unprocessed samples from Arturia's DrumBrute analog drum machine from Luthatron.

Maybe someone needs even more analog drum sounds.

The rhodes is way too loud I can barely hear anything else.

La Roux I think sounds very synthpop for being 'modern'(even though the songs here are almost 10 years old)

and then here is Cut Copy with nu-disco that has a slight acid house sound

Todd Terje:

Here is a karaoke backing track of Out of the Woods by Taylor swift, and it sounds very 80's if you mute the drums.



How? I did get slightly close to it by using a square wave on harmor and detuning it up.

modulate pulse width with an envelope instead of detuning a square

Like the other dude said, it's not a square, it's a pulse, not detuned

Are these lyrics cringy or na?

I was walking through the night
And i saw someone smiling
She was giving him a token of her appriciation
I guarentee when he gets home its going straight into his dressing draw

Sometimes it happens
Sometimes its bound to happen

How loud do you guys mix? I've been told that -2 db (peak) is a good limit and then you can push it up to 0 -1 or 0 db with a maximizer.

I wish Ableton showed RMS more clearly.

Perfect top 100 lyrics
I clip sometimes

Shieet -3 atleast

Cant tell if thats a compliment or not lol

ehh speakers are not needed for mixing. anyway, the mixing is alright, though the lead thingy at around 1:05 is a tad too loud. repetitive though.

composition is alright, i'll assume that you haven't mastered this yet. the intro could be more interesting.

overcompression my dude, if you wanna squash the sounds, distort them, not overcompress them

-6 or -3, but if i have a fat lead that won't clip the more i push it, then i'll mix as loud as possible, then compress during mastering.

on the mix or final product?


How is my bass? Tried to match it to the chords but i can't tell if it's off-key or not

'I was walking through the night' is a bit cliche, other than that it's good, a bit ambiguous though

Just started this and I'm kinda liking what I have so far.
I need some advice on what I should add to it tho I'm kinda stumped.

Ok sweet, its more about someone brushing aside somones attempt at showing love

It is.

Bass fits but not sure what else to say.
Bass variations, some bell melody, idk experiment around don't play it safe.


Still can't see how that would achieve it, i went to see what that sounds like and it's very far from the actual sound.

Might wanna clyp that before you get shat on.

tried adding a bassline to it along with the 808 but now I think the low end is too cluttered. Should I keep the bassline or the 808 in your opinion?

I didnt mean exactly that, don't have 2 basses, keep the 808 but try fuckin around with some pitch automation on it maybe.

didnt use any compression at all, only a master limiter

not sure if youre still lookin at this thread but how does it sound now?

There's definitely more things going on now but it sounds very dull overall, seems like you went into this with no vision, just arranging shit on the DAW, that never works for me desu.

yeah I definitely agree. I didnt really have a vision starting, I just fucked around with some synths and and 808s and made this. How do you normally give shit more life?

It has to start inside your head, get something going, inspiration, an idea, for me it's super autismic, I can't start producing a song unless it's done in my head first.

lol autismic. Okay I feel you, thanks for the help man.

Thoughts on this track?

I'm not so sure how I feel about it and I could use some outside opinions.


Anyone got a pastebin or something for drum samples, Serum presets, etc.?

Yo this shit is pretty lit actually

this is cool man, I like this

Not for recording

Sounds a LOT like Prefuse 73, like the sound of a few of his albums combined. I quite like it, particularly the outro. Well done lad

Thank you! I've never actually listened to Prefuse before, although I love a lot of stuff from that mid/late 2000's LA beat scene. I'll check him out.