Do you think there are any living directors brave enough to make a feature film about how Sandy Hook was a hoax?

Do you think there are any living directors brave enough to make a feature film about how Sandy Hook was a hoax?

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No, but some may be retarded enough.

No, but some may be Jewish enough.

The mentally unbalanced are almost always "brave" enough to tell you all about their pet theories, I don't know why this is a question.

it could get a Room 237 treatment.

the conspiracy theory could be presented as a joke, but done straightforward

>not believing every word the msm shoves down your throat
>"you retard! fall in line with the rest of us!"

I don't see how anybody could see that kids face and NOT think he was an autistic ticking time bomb.

Gun sales went up after Sandy Hook, and no gun legislation has gone forward. The only one to benefit from the hoax is the gun industry. A whole school of children died. If that doesn't get a gun ban nothing will.

precisely why they framed him my friend

I don't believe it was set up but I can see how you could. Lots of strange occurrences and general weird shit going down that day.

Ya but the conspiracy is the government wanted to take Americans guns away but all it did was get piers Morgan fired

The fact that people actually believe Sandy Hook was staged blows my mind.

Then again I suppose it really shouldn't since those same people usually believe in reptilians and the Illuminati too.

CTR did Sandy Hook

they also are 100% more likely to vote for trump

You probably believe 9/11 you dumb faggot

Hope ur trolling. Hillary is a piece of shit and so is that novelty pres we have right now

The band that sung It Aint Me?

That conspiracy is false. It's counter to the evidence. As I said, if 20 kindergarteners get shot in the head and that doesn't get a ban in place, the government doesn't care that much and a ban will never happen.

The only people who benefit from mass shootings are gun manufacturers. Every shooting the government comes out and talks about limiting guns, people freak out and buy more guns, and then the ban never happens.

nigger pls if anything the conspiracy was to raise ammo prices and gun prices like with every shooting so that stocks for weapons manufacturers go up and the mudslime oil overlords who own them can make a few more bucks

Obama thought it would. He is a dumb nigger tho

There's literally 0 evidence it occurred. Everything you've been given has been word of mouth, so you're just trusting that everyone told you the truth and nobody was lying.

Then that is a real shitty conspiracy. Taking the guns away makes a lot more sense. You're a fucking Jew

That fact that people unquestionably accept anything and everything the mass media feeds them blows my mind.

It happened in Connecticut.

>losing money is a conspiracy
kill yourself brainwashed nigger, you're probably JIDF too

you're unquestionably accepting any bullshit theory from an "alternative" source just so you can feel like you're smarter than everyone else. you aren't

subhuman conspiratards can't wait to scream and yell at the world how superior they are because they know the "truth" while the "sheeple" believe the "jewish propaganda"

I'm talking national law. You know, the law that matters?

I remember some image about Sandy Hook about how the kids were well mannered students but their parents knew something about the government that got them killed as a warning.

Try Alex Jones or David Icke.

Here's what I don't get about you conspiracy theorists: you claim certain events couldn't have happened, while in every case there are other, very similar incidents that you don't have a problem with. If anything, Sandy Hook was more minor than the Anders Breivik incident. You guys have all sorts of conspiracy theories about the holocaust, but you don't whine about the Armenian genocide, people dying in the Gulags, the Cambodian killing fields, all the starvation under Mao, etc.

>mfw I live in Jew York, where the most restrictive gun legislation was past in the middle of the night after Sandyhook

Why does this shit always happen in the US?
We can get legal assault rifles in my shithole and no one has shot up anything in 50 years.
First world consumerism/selfishness coupled with extreme autism is one hell of a mix.

>implying people don't deny the Armenian genocide

Holocaust numbers are inflated, and have been used for political gain since the end of world war 2. Very few people believe that it didn't happen, but that 6 million number that is peddled is utter lunacy. None of the other events you mentioned were used for political gain like the holocaust was, they were either footnotes in history or denied by entire countries. There is no motive for a conspiracy in those cases.

As far as your Brevik comparison goes, the source of Sandy Hook conspiracy theories is not the number killed but the strange way that investigations were carried out and disseminated to the press. I'm not a sandy hook conspiracy theorist, I think that it was handled differently then other mass shootings because it took place at an elementary school, but it was absolutely handled differently by the press and authorities than other mass shootings. The creepy ass coroner didn't help either.

They paid hundreds of people to pretend to be hurt. Just like the Boston Marathon bombing, 9/11, France, France, France, and the Turkish coup. Nothing bad ever really happens, and if we could just kill the small group of bad guys controlling the world, it'd be perfect!

The fact that an entire state has had their constitutional rights taken away and nobody can say shit about it because "think of the children" doesn't matter?

It matters who profits and what they stand to gain. A dictator killing off a population, you can tell what his motivation is. A conspiracy like Comey and Lynch being bought off by Hillary Clinton is something else because it means the International Community can do anything with American resources if they pay enough money.

What was the goal? Gun control? Gee, that sure worked out! If anything, the NWO must have fucking stock in gun manufacturers. What's the goal of the crisis actors used in European terrorism, or Orlando? Bringing in more Muslims? Keeping Muslims out? You literally have the same beliefs as schizophrenic people. Your conspiracy theory is on the same tier as thinking Harrison Ford is irradiating your testicles from outer space.

>implying Ergdogan didn't use trickery to force a coup attempt early to purge dissidents

>I M P L Y I N G

Sup Forums changed its mind 50 fucking times that week trying to figure out what the most inane thing they could believe was.

>/r/ing the picture of CIA's butt in the coup

>Holocaust numbers are inflated, and have been used for political gain since the end of world war 2. Very few people believe that it didn't happen, but that 6 million number that is peddled is utter lunacy.
holocaust denail shit stopped being funny when people are unironically using the paratheneses memes

What does Sup Forums have to do with it?


I believe Paul Lazta did Sandy Hook and got away with it

The US is one of the most racially and culturally diverse in the world which is a problem because completely different social groups with conflicting ideals are expected to live near each other. Today's society demands instant gratification so they expect it. Working wages are miserable and most people don't have a formal education. Rich people rule over the lower classes openly and celebrities are expected to be worshipped and adored through huge box office numbers and award ceremonies every month. The media stirs up shit every day because it makes for decent ratings on their dismal, skewed opinion pieces. A large group among the population is incredibly Christian and staunchly ingrains themselves in every argument. Criminals have access to incredibly dangerous weapons, not just guns. To respond the police are essentially militia, so there are basically high school educated people armed to the teeth, incredibly corrupt and underpaid. Schools are underfunded and the funds are poorly distributed and people wonder why there aren't more college educated people. American politics is such a flawed nightmare that I can't begin to explain how horrible it is.

Mix all these things together and shake them up and you have your answer. It's like an experimental think tank country where they take samples from everywhere and put them all together and think "Well, what could go wrong?"

I think it matters to the citizens in Connecticut. Are you being dense on purpose?

>Why does this shit always happen in the US?

Yes, it's not like multiple locations in Europe that have outright banned domestic ownership of guns have been massacred by Muslims every two fucking weeks for the past 4 months.

You mean the same muslims that took out the twin towers?

Good goy, keep shilling for free.

A decade and a half ago?


Compare that to the weekly shit in Europe.


The real problem is there are too many fucking niggers.

And yet you were on Sup Forums all day?

Nice reading comprehension there, i already implied it doesn't have anything to do with guns since you can get rifles in my shithole and it still doesn't happen.
Typical pol poster getting triggered when he sees the question about why it happens in the US.

Now compare the numbers of the dead

I love going to Sup Forums. For the record I am a conservative so I find a lot of good discussion there but so many of their beliefs are fucking nonsense and the massive groupthink there just perpetuates it.

You're living in an almost exclusively white arm-pit of Europe that doesn't border Mexico.

He wouldn't do that, would he?

More people got killed by a fucking truck in France than the number of people killed in "the deadliest spree-shooting in American history".

No i'm not

here is a (Du)

>the strange way that investigations were carried out and disseminated to the press. I'm not a sandy hook conspiracy theorist, I think that it was handled differently then other mass shootings because it took place at an elementary school, but it was absolutely handled differently by the press and authorities than other mass shootings. The creepy ass coroner didn't help either.

And this is the problem. There cannot be an open and honest look into this episode because it's somehow "distasteful" or something to even fact check or verify anything that happened. That's a form of psychological control that any rational adult should easily dismiss and yet here we are. Sandy Hook happened exactly as it was reported and if you have even the slightest problem with that then you are a heartless freak.

Fucking ridiculous.


Lol for a second there I thought you were calling me a heartless freak.

Im from ct and a park in my town is dedicated to the 20 something year old teacher and i think its bs

Like JFK, you gotta wait a decade or two before you start laying out the water filters and going full super saiyan.

Although I agree, it would make an excellent conspiracy thriller. There is just so much conspiracy content you can pull from:

>the world headquarters of the satanist church located less than a mile down the road
>the bizarre "demon" mannequin found just in the woods outside of the elementary school by a hunter before the shooting (pic related)
>the secretive military base just across across the river from the elementary school that supposedly is used to house aliens and functions as a number station
>the bizarre actions of the parents and first responders in interviews
>the strange "circle" of EMT and first respondent cycling in and out of the building, doing nothing
>the DNA on the guns match both the principle and substitute teacher, but not lanza; the gun used to kill Nancy Lanza had DNA that matched to a fugitive in New York state
>the aerial footage of the school shown on tv was actually the catholic school down the street that Lanza DID go to as a kid
>the released pictures of the crime scene show a completely dilapidated school that seemingly was not in use at the time
>the whole investigation was sealed for 30 years by the governor, and the whole school bulldozed
>Obama keeping the green demon owl painting from one of the dead Sandy Hook kids hanging up in his office, even mentioned it the other day in a interview out of the blue
>the house across the street from the Lanza's was home to an influential anti-gun activist that was involved in the making of a indie rock album in 2006 that had pictures of crying naked 6 year old children on the front of it that looked alot like some of the victims of the shooting

Lots of spooky shit for a good thriller.

Manchurian Candidate =/= Hoax