Not embarrassed to say I'm stumped

Not embarrassed to say I'm stumped.

I'm a faggot. I should fuck off.

Any other anons figure out how to get around this torrent business?
Even proxies seem not to be working for me now.

Other urls found in this thread:

if you can't figure it out you're ready to kill yourself

Just go to TPB.

If you give me a concise explanation of how I can get torrents as easily as I could last week, and I fail understand, I promise to kill myself.

he doesnt use filelockers

Have you deleted the bookmark yet user? It's not use clinging to things of the past.

Yes... I've also bookmarked about 3 or 4 dud mirror sites

come ere

this world isn't for the like of us

So neither of you has figured out a solution?
I'm either going to kill myself or start reading.

Solution for what?

You're motherfucking welcome.

"This site can’t be reached unexpectedly closed the connection."

Don't know what to tell you user. Thanks for trying I guess

Don't bother with any other sites. This is your kat replacement.

Take your broke ass out, buy a Kodi supported Amazon Firestick and your set.

protip:don't use utorrent/bittorrent

From the UK, working just peachy despite our cucked service providers. What's your excuse?

>public trackers

Not him but this is fucking shit. It's not as good as KAT. I kind find torrent anywhere but KAT was the comfiest. Nothing fills the hole.

Thank you, this looks great.

prep it

Where can i download muh cartoon kino? Kat had guys like loadstone who specialized in it.. Rar and ET seem slow to update

Right beside you in Ireland me darlin'. Brexit maybe?

It's as close as you can get to having a private tracker without actually having one. If you're trying to get older/less popular stuff it might not be as great as other public torrent sites. But for the newest stuff it's excellent.

it might be impossible to get torrents now
and what is this about a new domain? shit's confusing as fuck is also amazing, and we shouldn't pidgeonhole trackers anyways who knows who the zog will go after next.

I also use demonoid a lot still for older content and ebooks, it's still very much alive just not the pirate utopia it once was. I would give out invites if I had any but as far as I know no one can invite anyone since the sites been back online.


Thanks Obama

I'm not only in Ireland but on Eircom, world-renowned broadband Nazis bending over for any and every Jew who wants to ban the internet, and it still works for me

Who's your provider?

Use Piratebay

It's shit. You can get the newest stuff anywhere. It's not comfy like KAT.


KAT is already back up you dumb fuck, even got a stupid '#FreeArtem' shut on the homepage. Most proxy sites have already updated to the new domain.

In what was was KAT """comfy"""? You sound like a faggot t b h w y

Also if you need a VPN to access torrent sites and don't want to spend actual money use this:

Choose the Korean and Japanese servers. You probably won't need the VPN on to download, just to browse and grab the magnet links or torrent files.

The piratebay isn't good if you like your stuff organized. Plus it got raped a while back and now most torrents are dead.

It's not comfy.

you sound like someone who's so salty you can't use kickass's episode sorting feature that you lash out at anyone suggesting the reasonable alternative

>needing to visit torrent sites

You should consider rejoining the UK then. Ofcom are amazingly slow at knocking down proxies, and don't even bother going after PopcornTime traffic. UK has become piracy heaven since they started 'cracking down' on it.

Nice to see someone who's not a fucking pleb

>KAT is already back up

Didn't the old mods say all the mirrors are fake? I really don't trust this. Be that as it may, something like KAT needs to be available and widely used by people around the globe otherwise it really doesn't matter since the community is what made it worthwhile. If it got a hit in that regard it's just going to be a shell of its former self like TPB.

Never used that except a few times. KAT was much more than that.

He does sound like that, doesn't he?

Why do people pretend tpb doesn't exist?

oh shit I'm gonna try that

You should fucking know the difference between the two sites by now. TPB is way past its glory days.

>b-but I can still get my YIFYs from there just fine

I don't know why everyone hate it. I always use it.

Can you see us regular plebs from up there? Explain yourself. No one besides those who already do what you do are impressed. It's like fist bumping your dad.

He's using the search function of his torrent client. It's pretty comfy. But not as comfy as KAT.

Likely a different crew, but I've not noticed anything shady, and everything is back to business as usual. Same site, new ownership. The old lot were fucking morons anyway that deserved to get caught.

>KAT was much more than that.

Yeah, but like, how

>Same site, new ownership


it seems the only difference between him and you is the ability to read

Literally FBI, "How do you do, fellow pirates!", the thread.

You need to join a private tracker, user. Google private torrent trackers and follow their etiquette when you find one you like.

>the community is what made it worthwhile.
>the community
>of a torrent site

... a10v10 thanks yify!

With the frequency of these torrent threads (not to mention the threads glorifying KAT weeks prior), i'm starting to think they're actually made by looking to see where kids are downloading their movies now.

decent categorizations and search options
quality uploaders who care about their torrents and help you if you have problem
availability; not jumping through hoops, you don't even have to register

Whatever else you use, you will sacrifice one of those.

... are you fucking retarded or something?

Agreed kat was goat at organization and thier bookmarks were the best

You are retarded m8

Sounds haaw'd user.

I'll try it though

It's not like the original owners set the bar high. KAT is unusable without adblock, and they got caught in the stupidest, most amateur way possible.


le epic relply of the le epic commenter FTW

This community you making of is vital for knowing if the torrent is what you need or not. People tell you about the quality, the language spoken and the subtitles and often provide you with them if not available with the torrent. Which version of whatever you're downloading. I never had a problem with a game/software the comment section of the torrent didn't take care of it and provide help. This community makes sure the good stuff stays up and get seeded for the future. The community is probably the most important thing about torrent sites.

how did they get caught?

Kickass was one among many, and if I'm not mistaken they didn't even have their own trackers, they were just a place to get magnet links..


Used the same IP the server was running on to run social media accounts, and started buying stuff off iTunes using the same bank account as the one they use to collect ad revenue.

That's dumb. Or egotistical. Or self-sabotage.

It's not clever. one of the first results on google for "torrents"


what is a good alternative for utorrent


I need a place to get comics again.

... are you fucking russian or something?

get on IRC. the feds will never catch you in the late 90's

Can we start a strawpoll for what is the best website to use now? I don't wanna get tricked

If you use your brains minimally you won't get 'tricked'

what should you use instead of bit torrent or utorrent?

>leaps out from the shadows to strike down his mighty foe

Every time a public tracker goes down it reveals just how many underage kids are on Sup Forums and it makes me depressed.

That's an embarrassing admission.
Maybe you should leave.

Adorable. But again, it's not hard to avoid whatever trap on the internet. You people really aren't from here

Quit being an eliestest, do you know how difficult it is to get an invite nowadays? Register on this forum, to do this to do that, suck one dick to suck another dick. I refuse to an interview, REFUSE. FUCK YOU.

>from here
>brothers in arms

are you serious?

I'm being serious here.

Find a torrent for ByteCopy bluray conversion software. It may be tricky, but its less likely to be tracked.

When you get it you can then borrow any bluray and make your own personal lossless or less quality copies. Then you can also find your local video store ( at least I have one) and rent movies for cheap while keeping the copies.

It still costs like 3-4 dollars each, but you can get deals, support your local rental and get good permanent copies by yourself.

And its all 100% untraceable as far as I know. There's no know way to determine an authorized and unauthorized copy process that I know of, since its legal to make mp4s of your movies for an iPad.

Gl m8

Go back

Thanks user. Interesting idea.
kek alright.

seriously guys, where's nemesis uploading his stuff. im not fbi i promise.

Deluge is good.

I see amerislaves complaining about about it being monitored and getting ISP letters from their torrents

i miss the kat community

>literally using a program called bitch

im too cool for that shit

The 'kat community' was literally a mix of dumbos, reddit and mild-sjws. Makes sense so many of you miss it

how do i get my japanese comics tho

and american comics too plz

and bolivians also

Buy them?

>Running all over town at a couple bucks a pop for a possibly shit movie
>Not just paying $5 a month for a VPN & downloading someone else's copy

Didn't know this one, thanks user

Manga Traders and bakabt