YLYL thread

YLYL thread

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dumping random images
if you guys wanna have some real laughs hop on over to /gif/ their webms have sound and their ylyl threads are usually pretty great




lol xd, fresh oc







heres some oc

Squat well, Slavo.

Cringe af

>captcha: road road



Squat well, slavo

Okay, Google Cuck. Don't ever talk to me or my wife's son again.


>tfw you will never fight other humanoid species like your ancestors before you

Srsly tho, even their afd joke pushes the racecuck agenda.

Or will you

Squat well, Slavo

"Squat well, Slavo"

Squat well, slavo

Squat well, Slavo

do NOT do this. this guy is a fag



>me face



Squat well, Slavo

squat well, slavo

I fucking lost it


>B-But if we let men in the bathroom with women they're gonna rape them
>If we have a sign that says "no boys allowed" then that will stop them
Fucking autism

Squat well, slavo


Well Muslims still exist.

is he kill?




Squat well, slavo

Also, help me get rid of knee problems so I can run 10k again


Squat well, Slavo

Squat well, Slavo

squat well, slavo

this one isnt very funny but not everything is always supposed to be funny


Anddddd your a cuntttt

are you fucking stupid? hes obvioisly trying to climb out, no he isnt dead


Squat well, slavo



Fuck this thread, not even funny

Squat well, Slavo

Squat well, Slavo

oooh user isnt happy with his free ylyl thread we better step it up a notch

That's funny as shit

Squat well, slavo

Squat well, Slavo

We love USA, in fact. We love NATO, we love burgers; the fatsos don't come to Europe so everything's perfect.

Joke's on you, my knees are already fucked up from bipartite patella. Fucking slav.

Squat well, slavo


We didn't evolve FROM monkeys asswipe, we both evolve from a common ancestor...sheesh...


Cringe more than anything tbh.

okay then wheres that common ancestor? i dont see it so it must not be real? check mate racists

Squat well savo

Squat well, Slavo


Squat well, slavo

again, this image isnt very funny but it is a cool part of history. (anti american ww2 era nazi propaganda)




Squat well, Slavo


Just the jihadists, huh?

I'll stick with our morbidly obese Mexicans and black women. For now.

>Squat well, Slavo.



why did i watch this
i never felt so unamused before

Squat well, Slavo






Squat well, Slavo
