Serious question: Is really him the greatest critc?



sure man

I was overjoyed when I heard on Sup Forums that this charlatan had finally died, but I was also saddened by the fact that he hadn't suffered that much before deciding that he could insult film criticism no longer. The pain and suffering that he went through is only a fraction of the evil that he inflicted on the millions of cinematically illiterate teenagers. When I found out that the old fart had finally decided to not assault the public with his adolescent approach to art, I pulled off the framed picture of Armond White from my wall, kissed it reverently, and immediately embarked on a Korine marathon. Good riddance, you jawless hack.

What?! No way

Do not speak ill of the dead.

Serious question: What the fuck did I just read?

literally the Citizen Kane of critics

No. He had horrible taste and was more concerned with his own agenda than actually reviewing a film. He would review movies badly for being violent and stupid shit like that.

he married a nigger beast

He's a meme

He liked The Phantom Menace and Home Alone 3.

So no.

Literally anti-cucking. Based Ebert.

Who gives a fuck who is the greatest critic? It's like who's the greatest sports columnist, nobody gives a fuck. He's a meta-artist his work has no value by itself. Who gives a fuck what he was.

I always thought he was a great writer

I prefer someone that has more of an expertise in films and film criticism.
>curator of the victorville film archive
>501 movies in 501 days
Clearly gregg turkington desu

For once this is actually being used correctly.

Yeah he was a pretty good writer but his actual film critique was random at best and hypocritical at worst. Like his score depended on what side of the bed he woke up on that morning.

Seeing him with his neck and throat like this is weird

he was a movie critic

and has lost his jaw

His christian-lite moralizing was boring.
He wrote nicely from time to time, but ultimately he's enjoyed for the readability of his prose.

Pauline Kael was snobby and pretentious, but at least her critiques had some bite. Armond White gets that too.

Ebert bitched.

>A man becomes a critic when he cannot be an artist, the same way that a man becomes an informer when he cannot be a soldier.

Kino critic

Fuck off

He was honest about his opinion, as was sikel.

richard roeper is the most honest critic now but we won't see anyone like s&e again.