Ask a recovering pedo anything

ask a recovering pedo anything

What made you attracted to younger people?

why haven't you killed yourself yet?


not exactly sure
i pretty much suddenly realized i was one day
i am not proud of what i like but i am trying to get help so nobody else is hurt
ive been getting therapy

What did liked more Little boys or little girls ? or both?


>nobody else is hurt
Also, what country do you live in?


Recovering from what, exactly? It's natural for humans to be attracted to children

Do you also find adults attractive, and if so is it still both?

a couple of years ago i was bathing my little cousin and i touched him a little im very shameful of what i did and i hope i didnt scar him
i live in the united states

What are you recovering from?

>Recovering Pedo

That's like saying you're a recovering dwarf.

>a recovering pedo

being attracted to children its not natural
i find men and women attractive also

So, were you arrested/caught? Does your therapist have to keep what you say confidential?

>being attracted to children its not natural

It kind of is, though... it being a neotenous feature and us being wired for it and children being sexual beings.

but we all know you're just a faggot ass virped cuck, pic related: it's how little girls see you

>being attracted to children its not natural
They turned your natural feelings into something wrong, spit on their face and keep going OP, your not a freak, you're not alone, don't let them break your mind, this leads you to an hero

you can't recover from autism. i think ur best bet is to suppress ur shit until it explodes in an ungodly rage of child molestation and sodomy

ur a fag

i went out to seek help on my own and my therapist does keep everything confidential

Depends what you call children. Sure, it's... somewhat natural to want sexual relations with someone... just past or during puberty.
Pre-pubescent children, we're supposed to be wired to protect them, the brain of a pedophile is physically different - it's not wired correct

why is this even a question. who tries and "recovers" from something unless they get acaught

OP apparently.

why can't you kys? fuck pedophiles

Are you mad or do you just trolling your fellows Sup Forumsro with some normies' shit?

Are you from Germany?

Well now see this is completely false, and hinges on a misunderstanding of the nature of childhood sexuality.

It is exploratory, so-called "pedophiles" (poorly translated 19th century german bullshit) are wired to facilitate that sex play for the benefit of the child. The mass media image of the "pedo" as a deranged edgy madman with an out of control penis is just ridiculous.

A gay recovering pedo, gross. Girls are better

Pedophilia along with rape was a natural thing before us humans stopped being savages.


So how old are you now?

what trying to recover?


Nice attempt at d&c, shlomo

>three years older than me
>claims to be a pedo

Mate, Even I want to fuck some 16 year olds. doesn't make you a pedo.

You won't recover anything, it's in your blood, in your genetics, you'll suffer your entire life from frustration and shame. Face it or try to reroll.


Did you hear they technically legalized pedophilia in Oklahoma?

Wow dude great job trying to normalize your degenerate mental illness

You should fucking kill yourself you sack of cancerous meat

im not attracted to just teens im attracted to young children thats the problem
i have now

April Fools, kys

Hows recovery going? What coping strategies do you have? Do you feel better gettimg therapy?

There's nothing to normalize, you idiot. It was normal for all of human history prior to 100 years ago when some dumbfuck psychology bitch came along with the theory that it might "indicate emotional weakness". Also the same person that said homosexuality, masochism and sadism were all fucked up.

The only people that take that bullshit seriously are those with a (((leftist))) political agenda and white knight cucks. kys d&c piece of shit shlomo motherfucker

No , dont worry I not a kike.
I am a hispanic.
But what I say is a theory of mine.
I think that before religions and stuff, us humans were guide by instics. And the importants things were eating and reproduction.
Right now telling you the true there are moments that i want to kill people who bother me. but I dont do it because as a christian thats wrong and also i understand that there will be bad consequences like jail .

You said you find men and women also attractive.

Cut your masturbation addiction and your deviant drives will subside and give way to your natural ones.

One seeks out more extreme kinds of porn when masturbating to more traditional porn becomes too routine.

I know from experience with shemale porn.

Ever since i stopped masturbating, i only crave women and have 0 interest in shemales.

So what if it's natural, it's not normal, moral or acceptable in modern civilized society. Many things are illegal when they're natural, and for good reason.

OP is a faggot

>>(((modern civilized society)))

holy MODS!!!!

its been going pretty good ive deleted anything and everything tor related and have been distracting myself with other things like drawing
ive felt a lot better now that ive been getting help

Not funny. We're progressive authoritarians here, silly goyim



>I know from experience with shemale porn.



i dont have a masturbation addiction i masturbate usually once a week


It was "accepted" to marry post-pubescent girls. After puberty they are technically fit for childbirth so your argument surives when considering teens only, though this still requires some kind of aberrant drive imo, and is largely by product of the neuroses of small dicked faggots like yourself, though not crossing into the realm of mental illness.

Beig attracted to pre pubescent children, on the other hand, is mental illness, it is a subversion of the protective drive that we feel towards them and a corruption of that love. Its fucking mental disorder of the highest form.

Stop trying to normalize your degeneracy you fucking mongrel subhuman.


maybe that's your problem... try 3 times a day for 2 weeks

have fun in prison. reported


Oh please is just a girl in a swimsuit. Would you cry for the mods if it was a boy ?
Society today is really stupid, call for the mods when you see a naked child.

Regrettably, it's actually quite large. It puts niggers to shame. However, children do need sexual stimulation to develop normally. Consider how children that engage in relationships mature faster. We're dumbing our own kids down, and only one (((group of people))) benefit from this.

I think we know where this thread is going. tfw, op was really just trying to get more cp



but you never post any childish bullshit in here...

>mfw OP is an 8fag
Fuck you and your shitty website.

that shit is not sexy man