Stone Phillips and Chris Hansen giving pedos the smackdown, come join the stream fgts

Stone Phillips and Chris Hansen giving pedos the smackdown, come join the stream fgts

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gonna be lots of indians

sh missed it



mad amounts of brown



Check'd and StarWars poping up again!


life is good

The only site Sup Forums uses is VaughnLive because it's secure. You can't harvest peoples IPs from it with programs like wireshark.
Never trust these threads, anons.
Do not go to the links.
Remember Sup Forums only uses VaughnLive for streaming because it's secure.


being this new




Catch em


>meat rocket




SJW cucks being SJW cucks*




dateline you cunts, get in on it

no more


I don't think any man above the age of 20 hasn't ever thought about sexual interactions with somebody under age even if only a few years underage. If you asked Chris Hansen to go on a lie detector test so you could ask him if he has ever thought about it he would probably leave the room lol

I'll bet $100,000 OP was raped at least 400 times as a kid

I will kiss you from top to bottom


only 68 times sadly, was really hoping for one more




Why don't you have a shit over there?

I just pretended

Can I rape you analy?