Can we have a CD thread? I've just started collecting, and I like it way more than collecting records

Can we have a CD thread? I've just started collecting, and I like it way more than collecting records.

Anyway, post collections/recent gets/whatever

Pic related, it's my collection so far, all from Goodwill/garage sales/shitty local music store

CD collecting... Is this real life?

I collect FLAC, what does that make me?

A FLAC Collector


Yes? What?


I have hundreds of cds


Looks like a 90s time capsule

got hundreds of discs...usually the music i find is crappy but i've found Kyuss' 'sky valley' a Hidden Hand cd & 1st 5 Metallica albums for $1 each


I do a lot of mail-order for CDs. Here's a bunch I bought from Ebullition Records' wholesale/distro list. Everything here falls somehwere in the punk/hardcore/thrash spectrum.

That 7" sleeve is the packaging for a CD by a band called the Faeries that was on sale for 25 cents. I couldn't find any samples of it online, but I went with it anyways just for the hell of it. If you like the idea of experimental grindcore, then you should check that band out. I certainly enjoy that disc.


Picked this up on RSD for less than $10. Not bad, considering that people try to scalp this for $50+ on Discogs.


Who buys CDs anymore? It's not 1982

>All these plebs who don't have the Cocteau Twins EPs Box Set

Who buys Vinyl anynore? It's not 1954.



do you have these fucking organized by color or something

For the most part. Those are all 2016 digipaks

what the fuck is wrong with you

The remastered edition of The Great Annihilator has yet to arrive. I'm not going to send Gira any more shekels until it does.

Some of my older stuff is more organized by musicians

That's a very nice collection.

thank you

just took this real quick on my phone so sorry if this shit turns out sideways due to some fuckery. this is just the stuff I've bought since i moved into my new place. have several more in storage. if it's not an album that came out in the past 3 years i bought it used. my local record stores have some good prices. I'm in a really small bedroom so I don't really have the space for a vinyl collection unfortunately.


>Tiny collections
Every time without fail, no matter the format.

You'd think a board full of people who should be enthusiasts about the board topic would have more than 20~ CDs in their collection.

I have hundreds of cds

Physical formats are dying. I've always just imagined that most people these days reserve physical copies for their absolute favorite albums.

OK Computer looks so good in CD format that it makes me want to own it despite not enjoying Radiohead.


>Physical formats are dying.
Patently untrue. Record labels are fervently chasing the hipster dollar with overpriced new vinyl pressings of albums.

Buying physical is superior, as you can rip the music to whatever format and bitrate you like at any time without being beholden to whatever a digital music store gives you.

Nice Shadowy men on a shadowy planet! You must be nearly as old as i am

Thanks I turned 40 last month

Rate my collection, anons.

Here's some. The other one is a little embarrassing, so it doesn't get its picture taken. Anymore I mostly pick up cool/limited editions, promos, demos, cd exclusive stuff.

Bought these plus the second Suicide album, the 2-in-1 compilation of the first two Sweet Smoke albums and the Band of Horses debut in the last few weeks

can't see shit, captain

Dead is a pretty decent album. They're putting out a TAPE ONE/TAPE TWO double CD remastered re-release. Check that out.

holy shit i'm the Akinator

Try again.


much better



i collect cd/s too, got just over 100 i think. you other anons who do it too, why cd's instead of vinyl? only bc cheaper? better for hifi systems too, thats my reason partly

A lot of stuff I really like you can't see because they're just in sleeves or smaller packaging. Some that I can remember because it's 4:30 am...

Thee More Shallows - TMS
Ben Frost - Music For Sad Children
Look to the North - You're a Seance, Old North
The Pax Cecilia - Blessed are the Bonds
Hymie's Basement - Live

Plus some non-standard packaging that resides elsewhere.


Pleb that I am, I don't recognize too much... But I will say that it is an impressive collection

>Thee More Shallows
Oh fuck yeah good for you
I love those guys

Much easier and less retarded to rip a CD than fuck around with digitizing a vinyl.

>Buying CDs in the 2010s

Go vinyl or go digital. You fucking faggots.

Vinyl is more expensive and its easier to rip CDs with disk drives

not really, when i feel like listening to an LP from start to finish, i have a line to my PC as well

It's just stuff I like. Not all well known, or cared for. Thanks though.

TMS is a tour-only cdr of demos and live tracks. If you like them at all, you should try to find a copy. Also they're recording a new album currently. On a small hope I emailed Dee and asked him if Thee More Shallows were still a thing. He replied saying that recording was going well. So yeah.

my dude is that a copy of Gorillaz' We Are The Dury i see?

uuuh, didn't know that
