/trek/ general

DS9 edition

Dukat BTFO.

You have to post some bait if you want the thread to survive.

"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."

duet favorite acting

hated how the bajoran wormhole aliens were able to manipulate them. picard, kirk, and janeway would have put a stop to those manipulative assholes

>Daily reminder that Cardassia did nothing wrong
>Daily reminder that Dukat did nothing wrong
>Daily reminder that the Civilian leadership couldn't handle the success the military was having under Dukat's leadership which made them look incompetent in comparison
>Daily reminder that Terek Nor is a Cardassian station and always will be

Hey spoonhead, I'm in your station, fedding it up!


Even your women become dripping wet at the mere thought of getting with a human.

Sisko is best captain

best trekfu coming through

Rewatching s2, why did no one kill Winn? 7 Seasons this bitch causes trouble

brown pepe just looks gross...

Because that would be blasphemy, my poor misguided child, but do not worry. I forgive you.

Post Admirals.




I understand your anger that you will never be as based as Winn, and forgive you for your outburst. Bless you my child.


I apologise? Pls don't murder me

the only theing ill just dukat shit for is forgetting about his cardassian family sure the mom left him and took the kids but when all that shit was going down with the jem'hadar attacking cardassia he never once mentioned them did dukat truley die when they killed off Tora


>almost done with S2

>MFW Winn got made the new Kai

You know its good writing when you want to reach through your screen and strangle a character with your own hands

Im almost done with TNG and seen already seen the original.

What next?


Deep Space Nine, obviously.

So what EXACTLY did the Cardassians do wrong?

Just finished DS9 and hoo boy was it a stinker. Terrible characters, bad plots, little to no sci-fi elements, cheap sets, dumb action, unforgivable violation of Roddenberrian ethos, very unattractive women, gay stuff including trannies and space AIDS, bad acting, and a poor theme song. Just started Voyager and hoo boy is it a breath of fresh air. There's actual exploration, great acting, interesting plots, good-looking sets, endless sci-fi elements, a great captain, and a fun Star Trekky feeling DS9 just never had.

First of all "Army Sniper" I am going to doubt that you are the "top sniper in the entire US armed forces" because if you were, you wouldn't be sitting on your little facebook page making claims and threats seeing as how every action or word you say online is tracked by the CIA / Military Police... But let's say you are... I would then say that even if you have these skills, it would be against the Marine's code of honor to kill a civilian OF YOUR OWN NATION just because they made a distasteful comment on facebook. If you are/were the top sniper, you will also be the first top sniper to be locked up in Guantanamo Bay over a Facebook comment... Lastly, it's people with that mentality (moronic, arrogant, insulting, abusively aggressive) that create the conflicts that require you dumbass Marines to go running headlong into. I can see why you would become a military person, if it's so easy to get you that riled up then all the government has to do is say jump and tell you that by not jumping you are a wimp and you not only ask how high, but you continue to jump until they say stop... People who act like that guy are the cause of all the world's problems...

hoo boy

I hate her so fucking much


10/10 Bait.

Voyager does have a kick ass intro tho

>calls bait 10/10
>despite the fact that all it got was people calling it bait

Only plebs deny it

Should I try to watch voyager?


If you've watched everything else.

What's the consensus on Enterprise

We don't talk about it.

Better than Voyager, but not much else. Worth watching if you haven't seen it.

Flawed but good mostly due to the good cast.

wew this amount of bait

Better than Voyager but that's not saying much. Got better near the end but it was too little too late.

Season 3 is almost GOAT.

It'd be great if I'm the new series just a screen in the background with

>janeway released after 20yrs hard labor

New series is going to take place before TNG.

I already expect nothing from it.

enjoyed his character

Remember when Jerry from Parks and Rec was an alien in Voyager?

I'm disappointed he wasn't a pakled.

Is this confirmed? That's enraging. Star Trek is about moving forward and progress. It will probably be loaded down with SJW garbage too. Why are they doing this.

One of the producers said that the name of the ship had a spoiler of sorts in it. It's number designation is lower than that of the TOS Enterprise.

That hair was horrible.

She was qt with the bob cut. Pic related. I would have volunteered to work under her.



>It will probably be loaded down with SJW garbage too

t. Sup Forums in 1966

thanks for this

Why are Starfleet admirals such fucking corrupt assholes?

Are there any that arent?

>Are there any that arent?

I guess Ross wasnt .

There are a few who are just incompetent, not outright corrupt.

>willing to use chemicals weapons to wipe out a planet
>straight up punches Q in the face
>in the pale moonlight
Sisko is indeed the best.

Nana is the CUTEST

4 lyfe

I am formally calling for the deletion of these posts.

I haven't seen anything other than TOS and TNG. I checked each series' RT and IMDb scores. Who's more right:



Well, Kirk wasn't

Ds9 first all others fine

IMDB, by far.

The real ranking is


>I heard it in her voice

Goddamn it. Great character though, to be so memorable.

>tfw she was originally going to be on DS9, as the token Bajoran working with Sisko, but they changed their minds and came up with Kira instead

That's a shame, I hate Kira.

The actress they stuck with for Dukat's daughter was a disappointment.
Earlier ones were so QT

No spoonhead is cute.

I thought she passed on the offer because she thought she was going to have an acting career outside of Trek?

Battlestar Galactica was like 2 decades away tho.

Can we all agree that Grilka is the most QT Klingon waifu?

We should make an "I want an acting career outside of Star Trek!" chart with pictures of all the people who ended up in the gutter
>Beverly (came crawling back)

Weird how it's all women.

That's not even bait.

she's like a finnish QT

>wanting a halfbreed when you could have a pure blooded klingon waifu

Half-breeds don't count. She's the Stacey Dash of Klingons.

desu Michelle Forbes has had a pretty successful career
see for 1 example

Did anyone else keep thinking of Trials and Tribbleations Sisko when Kroll went back into human form?

>it's a pureblood goy
>not mixing the best parts of each to make the superior breed
>human smarts and savviness
>klingon strength and passion
I bet you eat packaged food off a shelf too.

I always thought Nana would be perfect for Dr Chakwas in a Mass Effect adaptation.

Would watch

>I've done far worse than kill you. I've hurt you. And I wish to go on... hurting you.


Klingons are fine just the way they are. Humans are fine just the way they are. No need to pollute the purity of both.

Do not forget that same logic got us Alexander Roshenko. The weakness of a Klingon with the weakness of a human.

>liking boring cookie cutter templates
Terrible taste

>imblying you have to be a different species to have interdasting cultures/personalities

Yeah those two are about comparable.

My favorite thing abotu Jellico was how he had Data following him around being his unwitting toady.

>std season 4 episode 1
>starts with an aged, male, and veiled Vorta on the run from a local systems militia who intend to kill him
>the identity of the Vorta is kept hidden through the whole scene with the authorities refering to him in their comm signal threats as "PW"
>they strand his ship with no power and prepare to destroy it
>gets beamed onto a cloaked ship Ex-Liquidator Brunt that had witnessed the ordeal
>The Vorta reveals himself after many questions
>It is Punished Weyoun, the Fallen Clone- a clone of Weyoun that had been scrapped due to the bodys rejection to the suicide implant

He can open his mouth really wide. Wonder where he learned that and what for.

>every character is played by Jeffery Combs

>Dukat letting his Ziyal live
>Dukat did nothing wrong
pick one.

not gonna lie i would have gone multiple rounds with lursa and b'etor

Perfect casting.