You have 5 SECONDS to name a better burger joint than Five Guys

You have 5 SECONDS to name a better burger joint than Five Guys.
>protip: you literally can't

five guys is too greasy

>my own fucking grill

five guys literally tastes like a homemade burger using the cheapest grocery store ground beef. it's not special at all. the easiest way to tell if someone is uncultured swine who doesn't know how to cook or hire a chef is that they are five guys fans.

I know that it is a custom on Sup Forums to argue everything to death. I however user agree with you on your assessment of Five Guys as the finest of burger chain emporiums.


five guys and in n out burger are just as good. However it's my right as an american to demand a milkshake with every meal, so I usually go to in n out

What do you get paid by this shitty company to advertise here? Why do you keep making these threads every day? KYS.

In and out animal style, now please kys

As a chef at Wendy's I must protest.

shake shack

you have no credibility. 5 guys is better than fast food, but not anywhere near being considered the best.

If we're talking chains, then In N Out
If we're talking ANY burger joint, way too many to list. Like literally hundreds, maybe thousands.
Also, their fries are terrible.


Fuck in n out

Fuck your mom.

Hakuba Burger Bar - way better than five guys

Learn your place op

Typical butthurt californian.

Not a valid argument

>cultured people have to hire a chef

That's not Five Guys though.

Literally anywhere that doesn't serve food on a newpaper. Seriously that's something a fucking hipster would do.
