How do you feel about women getting fatter?

How do you feel about women getting fatter?

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Fucking ew


I wanna put my cock in her fold and jiggle her lard around while i shove ham in her mouth



I feel like its their body and I dont give a fuck, not everyone has to be my ideal person.

I haven't laughed properly today, thank you.

Just get off this board you fucking cunt. Kill yourself.

its more disgusting than traps.

Fuck you too. Don't you know how to fucking write? Go back to facebook, fucking retard.

I'd fuck her right in the navel.


one thing ive learned in life is that there is no such thing as a chubby girl, just a girl moving onto being fat.


That picture in particular went from hot to inverted penis as she got larger.








Sometimes it's cute.

Most of the time it's not.
More muscle mass under the fat makes the fat look better though



What a bombshell.



A bombshell that exploded





its the HAES and love your body bullshit that is literally ruining the world.





Ex-gym nuts make the best fuck-blimps.

I find it scary how they don't even look like the same person anymore.


fat people can get nearly eldritch when they're that big


>tfw no muscle girl to fatten up
Tell me your secrets



I can't imagine how they can go this far, it doesn't happen overnight or even in 1 year.


Dang son! What a waste.



it's called doing it on purpose

I want to fatten up an ex-popular chick, transform her into a hungry and horny glutton.

Depends, if they are single then that's their own business PROVIDED they don't expect any special treatment because they have handicapped themselves. If they are in a relationship it should be a criminal offence.





Even if they demand their lover fatten them up? join if you like Sup Forums

All broken up about it.


That's what happens when you don't belly-fuck the fatty.

There's so many people who both get fat in relationship. It's because you have nothing else to do than sit on couch, eating crisps and staring at television with drool falling from your mouth.




I bet she smells like lilacs.

Only in countries where it is permitted for corporations to poison the food supply, here's looking at you Ameritard's.

the one on the left has a channel which i watch everyday, it's amy slaton if anyone wants to see

fuck its a shame she has a really cute face

shes actually hot either way.

meh not good
how does this actually happen? if you stuffed your face to simulate this weight gain, you would not be able to do it.
she went from really hot, to just average hot
better before, but looks younger after.

You must be coming from highly advanced society? It's the same everywhere you stupid fuck.

My buddy started dating this cute girl got her pregnant now a year after the kid she's fucking grossly fat. The best part is my friend hates fat people with a passion and is stuck with her and she has no signs of making herself healthy again




sad :(

synthol misuse... I've seen that b4

thats not synthol you fucking tard.




She's a bodybuilder.

This thread has been priceless. My Cringe directory has gained lot of good footage.

JFC what a depressing thread. Imagine the endless mouth-breathing and farting.

100%+ bmi body builder? she started at 50%+

you should take a better look at that biceps

did you write that thinking it'll turn people in this thread off?

>100%+ bmi body builder? she started at 50%+
That's Synthol. She wasn't that fat in the first place. You can see she's strong, a powerlifter type of physique.

Farting women are hot.

she is actually a weight gain model. she just eats lots

fat or obese?

Thanks all for helping me make up my mind not to not go out for fast food later and instead just have a snack since i'm not that hungry anyway

Fatter, period. Female weight gain.

last pic made me kek that bitch does not give a fuck


Bigger the better no such thing as too fat