I think Sup Forums can play with this too. I'll just leave this here

I think Sup Forums can play with this too. I'll just leave this here.

That's fucking terrible. He looks like an autistic pedophile xD

All Arabs are

>Goat fuckers are savages

This just in: water is wet.

Why does anybody care about cats? Pets are broken animals anyway. Livestock, I understand, because they're useful. Dogs are useful if they're used for working. Cats suck for pretty much everything. Pest control is better accomplished with poison, and patching any holes the pests would be getting in through. Plus, patching holes doesn't keep you up at night meowing, and doesn't knock over shit on counters.


found the muslim

That's called having 0 empathy.

I have a cat femur in my sock drawer.

Arabs are pussies

Jean Marc Saad? that one? I will congratulate him.

Why does anybody care about muslims? muslims are broken animals anyway. Livestock, I understand, because they're useful. Dogs are useful if they're used for working. muslims suck for pretty much everything. Pest control is better accomplished with poison, and patching any holes the pests would be getting in through. Plus, patching holes doesn't keep you up at night allahu akbaring, and doesn't knock over shit on counters.

>he's abusing cats because he's Arab/Muslim
Yeah, it's not like any white fag has done shit like this before. Oh wait.

When will you retards learn that violence is human nature, not a religious motive? Whites, Jews, Muslims, blacks, gays, men, women, all are capable, all have, and will continue to hurt other humans, and animals, wether religion is involved or not. Humans will find a reason to hurt other humans.

Why does anybody care about Silverfish? Silverfish are broken fish anyway. Troutfarms, I understand, because they're useful. Sharks are useful if they're used for working. Silverfish suck for pretty much everything. Pest control is better accomplished with poison, and patching any holes the pests would be getting in through. Plus, patching holes doesn't keep you up at night eating mouldy books, and doesn't knock over shit on counters.

Le internetz loves Le cats. I can haz cheezburger LOL. XDD.

I hope for every special little snowflake he offends he pelts 10 more cats

Fuck off mudslime.

I'm not a Muslim
Nice get though faggot

My bad.

Fuck off jew.

>implying a Jew would defend a Muslim
Now you're just being silly

Bump. Hope he dies.

A reminder that murderers usually start with animals. Hope he dies soon.

And murders usually start with being Muslim...burn him.