What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Jeremiah was better

Terrible acting and a boring setting.

not enough people watched it

great show



Too much sitting around town
Not enough dealing with road agent gangs
Too much retarded deaf girl
Not enough struggles to find food
Too much that one barely passable chick
Not enough that one smoking hot chick

too much family drama, not enough mad max

Horrible pacing, they tried to milk the fuck out of it.


the writer's strike?

This, just when things were getting interesting. It posed some real world scenarios too.
>rogue military posing as active duty in order to steal supplies
>government issues
>food and supply shortages
>government fracturing

So many things died because of that. And what did they get out of it? A little more money sure, but then all the studios figured out they never really needed them to make money. Studios are super strong again and writers just don't get any respect.

So what ended up happening?
>Protag (I'm gonna call him Jake) comes home
>Jake is actually involved with nukes somehow
>Black guy is also involved with nukes somehow
>Black guy is being tracked by other people involved with nukes
>Nukes might not be nukes, despite that there was radioactive fallout.
>Right Wing Death Squad in the Hospital
>Only thing stopping biker gang armed to the teeth is a river.

What else happens?

~9 episodes worth of good and interesting plot stretched over a 22 episode season. The filler was pointless and really took you out of the survival aspect of the show, especially the entire episode about that blond girl thinking about how her wedding would have been.

Jeremiah was WAY better than Jericho. Have you seen both? Somehow I doubt it. I doubt you've seen both. You probably just asked Siri what Jeremiah was because you've never heard of it before.

>~9 episodes worth of good and interesting plot stretched over a 22 episode season.

That's one of my hugest pet peeves, when they've got a room full of writers and only enough good ideas to last half a season.

That's something I like about Netflix and most BBC show, short focused season with minimal filler.

Jericho is the semitic Moon Good

Yeah but its not like the writers didnt know there would be 22 episodes.

They just failed to come up with anything interesting. I swear most Jericho episodes are about as compelling as daytime soap opera. Its a shame because when it was good, it was actaully really good and interesting.

my most vivid memory of jericho is an annoying old lady that ran a grocery store and an annoying teenage boy who was constantly hanging out with her. one day annoying old lady got killed and i felt really happy about that.