Who will be the next Radiohead?

Who will be the next Radiohead?

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my band
were called white feminist

Ed's pointing at Colin...

nope its actually my band

Already exists, it's Kendrick Lamar

Radiohead 2


there are certain ingredients necessary in a band as successful as radiohead. you need a guy who sings falsetto, two drummers, and a bunch of synthesizers. so atoms for peace

tom york and the radioheads




But really, radiohead was so influential they already spawned clones.

Muse is radiohead for stupid people
and coldplay is radiohead for faggots and normies


and Thom's pointing at us...

Fleet Foxes.... Im fucking serious

Their first two albums were their most commercial while their third had a unique edge to it while also maintaining the accessibility of the previous two records. Both third albums are masterpieces.

Fleet Foxes gonna hit us with an IDM record two years from now.




me, i am the radiohead

>the next Radiohead is a clone of themselves


coldplay is radiohead if thom wasn't depressed

Me m8ys

Imagine Dragons. Their next album will likely solidfy them on the Radiohead, Pink Floyd and Talking Heads level.




Very similar career paths, similar amount of praise, he's the only artist of this decade that's comparable.

Some band that kind of seems experimental but is actually not that much, allowing all the plebs to pretend they have good taste

my band actually




This board is fucking cancer.

Yep, this.

I love Radiohead but they are babby's first art rock band. They're really not as intellectual as their fans portray them, it's just typical white man angst set to time signatures outside of 4/4 and a few electronic bloops.

gizzard wizzard is a band and does rock and at one time, they had a lot of influence over barely 20 year olds who thought of them as "cool".

So Gizzard is the new Radiohead. So is Death Grips. Anyone from ages 12 to 19 is welcome to adventure with musical tracks like this and feel rushes of excitement. Yeah you like music boys arent you special.

Oh yeah and heres some anime because we all know none of you trolls are mature and have ADHD

My band


Are you an autismo?

Implying thom isn alpha as fuck.

Old creep thom is dead!

New bang an Italian model after your wife dies of cancer thom is here baby!


It wasn't White Lies, Alt-J, Muse, Editors, Clinic, Doves, Coldplay, or Idlewild.

No but you faggots are so im explaining things very clearly expecting everyone at Sup Forums to be autistic, small dicked teen virgins who derail music threads into mental illness

Arctic Monkeys is the only band i'd say had comparable instant worldwide popularity that is in the rock space.

Problem is rock is dead

Radiohead became popular when Rock was alive.

For another Radiohead to emerge, Rock would have to not be dead...so...

As of this date and point in time ther'es really nobody who could do this period.

Twenty One Pilots


holy shit the daily mail is savage

probably this if they choose to advance their sound and escape the Hot Topic crowd

>Implying accessibility isn't one of the good things about the band

Yeah it's amazing pop music with some cool sounds



U mean ipodtoe

Just because you can break something down to its parts doesn't mean it's anything bad lol.

Tellyface and Mediabrain sound promising


Can't wait for his Kid A-
>already 5 albums into his career and he hasn't evolved as an artist, in fact he's actually devolved

>The Bends
Section 80
>Good Kid MAAD City
OK Computer
>Kid A
Untitled Unmastered
>Hail to the Thief

tpab was his Kid A

Can't wait for his In Rainbows

Does that make damn his HTTT


But HTTT brings something new to the table in comparison to say The Bends or OKC, combining the electronica of Kid A/Amnesiac with their rockier output in tasteful way. Some songs like There, There or The Gloaming are among their best material and the B-Sides (specifically Paperbag Writer) are like nothing they've ever done before or since. Meanwhile DAMN. gets away with shit like HUMBLE. and LUST. , which is unbearably bland in comparison to the jazz-rap experimentation of TPAB, and even then TPAB's barely experimental, not pushing any boundaries, which is why the comparison of Radiohead to Kendrick doesn't work. One could argue that Kid A/Amnesiac is """"experimental"""" in terms of early 2000s pop/rock (though it may seem ridiculous to say this now), as evidenced by its divisiveness on release. Meanwhile TPAB is still relatively accessible (not a bad thing at all mind you), but while Kid A was a significant change in sound for Radiohead that lingered on in the majority of their works going forwards, TPAB did not mark an evolution for Kendrick. DAMN. is a significant downgrade musically from Kendrick's previous albums and is by far his worst, while HTTT is easily one of Radiohead's best.

history of music:

the beatles were the next mozart
the mamas and the papas were the next beatles
u2 was the next mamas and papas
radiohead was the next u2
animal collective was the next radiohead
death grips was the next animal collective
and now xxxtencion is the new death grips

so currently xxxtencion is the next radiohead

i like you

and Phil's pointing at his asshole


ayy lamo


What are the ingredients?

>decent debut with super popular single
>strong follow up with more mature sound
>all time classic as third album pushing their sound even further
>each album retains unique sound but tries something a little different
>do all this over 20+ years
>be popular but not quite soccer mom household name popular
>retain all band members
>have an aesthetic maintained by one artist (album art, promos, etc) since early in their career

You're probably not on this thread anymore, but you seem flustered. What is the problem?

Isn't he a 5'5" manlet?

Arcade Fire is the right answer