I think that im falling for her Sup Forumsros. how do i avoid getting hurt by this bitch

i think that im falling for her Sup Forumsros. how do i avoid getting hurt by this bitch.

whats her name Sup Forumsbro?

Is it Maddi?

>avoid getting hurt
don't fall


it's danielle

good point

live in florida?


how are looks range? like rate your self out of ten

Kill her

Kill her while you can

yikes i have a low self esteem so i'm like a four and she's a seven point five

Listen fam, I know this bitch. But to me and my other friends, she is Maddi. We know her over skype. Kinda mentally unstable and maybe a little catfishy...

Dude that's my cousin Dani

She's in FL, loves Gatorade and microwave meals, has a box fan and lives with our grandparents..

Op.. I'll definitely make sure this "bitch" doesn't hurt you. You won't have a chance.


>how do i avoid getting hurt by this bitch.
you can't, the only question is how hard you are going to get hurt.

noted, thanks

Almost everything--all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure--these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.

Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.

Stop being a timid pussy and go for it.

She looks like a 14 year old crack head,either your a pedo or underage

oh christ

Np Sup Forumsro

kek well the first and 2nd pic looked like her... the latest pic confirms its not

fuck i things might look bad for you
I have the lowest self esteem here at my looks
being 0/10 but i talk to and regularly hang out
with 9/10 so i cant really help you there but

i can say you need assertive but there is a huge chance of fucking up

And im in the same boat as you

thanks dude. that actually helps a lot. i think i'm done here now. you rock

Hanging out doesn't equal having sex. Hot girls usually have a flock have beta orbiters and nice guys they hang around with but don't fuck.

and? i don't want sex from her

You must have a great personality then and are underrating you're looks. Average looking guys can slay 8+/10 pussy all day if they're witty, outgoing, and funny.

Personality goes a long way.

well im funny and thats about it im just extremely beta and passive