So I made a thread earlier asking whether or not I should smoke this fucking weed I found on the sidewalk next to 7-11...

So I made a thread earlier asking whether or not I should smoke this fucking weed I found on the sidewalk next to 7-11, I just smoked a bowl and it's breddy gud! A little dry, but a nice indica heavy smoke! Just wanted to start a new thread and ask if any of you have ever just found random drugs on the ground and taken them? Also general stoner/drug thread.
>pic related
It's one of the nugs I found on the sidewalk.

You are retarded bro

Yeah I know, but it worked in my favor. The weed was okay lol

You actually fucking did it

Yes sir! Smokes great! Little dry but it's good!

Well, good for you for doing something really stupid and having it turn out pretty good.

Clean your goddamn fingernails

Thanks. I figured it was something someone ditched because they were spooked by cops or something. Smelled legit and looked legit so I started with a rip and went from there.

fo real clean them jons

Fuck off i work in dirt all day.

Good it worked out for you. I find random drugs all the time working at Red Rocks, on the post clean crew. Shit ton of weed, but I find coke and molly too.

That's awesome. Do you toss it or use it with friends or what? Do you trust powder drugs you find on the the ground?

I could use some free weed right about now. Honestly I think I would have done the same.

I mean, why not. It was like a whole 8th I found (pic is only one lil nug). I was curious more than anything. And I'm pretty sure laced weed would be obvious so I smoked a bit. Worked well. I'm pleasantly stoned.

Well, I can tell what coke and molly is by taste, but I don't like to chance it. Me and my buddies have drug testing kits that you can get from Amazon.

It's nice to find some blow, and then do it in our cars during break. It's a pretty fun job, and we get paid $20/hr after taxes, and you find all kids of drugs, money, pipes/paraphernalia, and it's a laid back job overall. Pretty much half of us are on something, but we still kick ass at our job, that's why we got a nice paybump last year.

What sucks though is I'm going to be on probation for a DUI soon, so I can't really partake, but I plan on stashing everything I find, and throw a huge party with all my friends once I'm off of probation.

Man I was so afraid to smoke this shit lol, that sounds like fun though. Good money.

Hell yeah user. Well, enjoy your ground score. That's what we call the shit we find left behind.

I will! Since it turned out to be alright! And it's a nice sleepy strain which is just what I need lol.

DUIs suck man. Hang in there. Whatever you do DO NOT get a second one, especially within 5 years of your first. Be thankful no one got hurt.

Yeah, I don't plan on it. I'm using Lyft or some sort of similar service from now on.

Here in Colorado, they just passed a law where a 3rd strike is a felony now. I'm going to stay relatively clean, but I'm going to party like crazy before my probation period.

I figured I can time out my UAs, I kind of know how the scheduling works since I worked on the other side at a facility that does UAs and classes for DUIs. I figure if I pretty much get my classes done quickly, and get my fines and community service done quickly, and don't have any dirty UAs, I should be eligible for early release.

I refused the blood test and BA because I knew I was like 4-5x over the legal limit. They had to transport me to the hospital after I was booked. I barely remember that night but I remember getting a ride in the ambulance, so that's really not going to help my case.

Uber and Lyft are awesome.
Im pretty sure 3rd strike is usually a felony. Keep clean on those UAs though and make sure to feel out your PO! Would suck if they were the type to come to your house all the time.