Feels thread? Feels thread

Feels thread? Feels thread.

>Be me
>3 years ago (16 at the time)
>Parents just divorced
>Depressive at school.
>New weird emo girl drops her phone while in class
>Pick that shit up
>Thanks me
>Voice actually cute
>Sit with her at lunch,get to know each other,actually pretty chill girl(8.5/10)
>After a while i want to ask her out
>Send text message
>She doesnt reply,wait for her all night.
>Next day teacher announces she had a car accident
>In the clinic she is about to die
>Cry my eyes out at home
>Open phone,see message delivered ''I love you"
>Her mother calls an hour later
>She is gone

>be 19
>5'4" manlet
>small 4-3" dick
>socially awkward af
>below average intelligence (I heard around 96)
>tfw no future

sorry for your loss user



god damnit, i wish i could forget her... but my best memories are with her and i still love her.

so fucking true

Kill yourself

the only thing that would accomplish is making my family miserable


So what? Like you care.. If you can't love yourself you can't love someone else. Just do it



Simple honest answer. You new?

The thing is - there are no good looking girls like this, or at least they don't look out for a companion.

I wish I could find some introverted gf... like all of us kinda want.

found wun
but we're both to pussy to ask each other out

It's arthritis boy I was here in a few threads before without a name but I'll stick with this one

I'm 15 with JRA I was diagnosed at 4 I have it in my knees, ankles, wrists, fingers, hips, through out my spine, and jaw I think that's it. My jaw seems to be the worst with TMJ which is arthritis for the jaw and my jaw is literally just falling apart I've been through 4 surgeries to clean out the joints and by 18 I'm getting joint replacements. My knees are second worst to me I have multiple flare ups every night I have had deep injections for my wrists knees fingers and ankles 3 times now. Because I've been put under so many times for the surgeries I have memory loss from the anesthesia gas. I'm on multiple drugs for it all to help the pain which it all just seems like a waste since the pain only gets worse, I'm on an injection for it self injections on a chemo drug called symponi and I've been on it for a few years now it's horrible I hate it but I have to take it if I want to be some what functional when I'm older

sounds like ur qualified to be president

Fucking whiney bitches all day rambling about your "feels" bawww fucking threads.
If you feel so bad about yourselves - why don't you fucking do something about it?
But no, you go on Sup Forums and cry your pathetic eyes out because you're too much of a coward to tackle your problems.
Fuck you.

Been trying to do something about it but you can't get rid of my disease

first time greentexting something hope it's not so bad.
> have a friend since we were about 5
> semi rich parents, we both went to a private school
> we talk and hang out a lot but there's like a small awkward silence between me and him and has been since about the beginning of 2nd grade
> last day
> I say goodbye and hug him and say i'll see him next year.
> that day never comes
> he had leukemia and died about 3 weeks after that last day i saw him

that didn't help user

Not with that fucking attitude. Do or do not. There is no try

Well the surgeries only help for a few months and I feel no changes with the meds and shit we've tried a lot to raise the dosage but I've met my safest and highest dosage

>be me, on the edge of 18y
>lost nearly all my friends cause I moved to another town
>new school sucks, people are much dumber than I am
>met with some old friends I knew from the internet irl
>this one guy is actually a rich kid
>he is doing some youtube shit
>got this one beautiful redhead girl 10/10 at on video
>fell instantly in love with her
>friend told me she is single since a few months
>met her at a party at rich kids house
>"Sorry user, I got a bf already..."
>her new bf is a skinny weak emokinda faggot boy
>I used to mock him the whole evening, constantly show her what a weak cunt he is
>two weaks later they break up
>Now its my turn
>Again at a party at rich kids house, some time later
>A new enemy appeared
>some kind of retard from her school
>this guy tried to make her drunk and shit
>she just replied after some drinks "Do you want to make me drunk?"
>he said "Oh, is it so obvious?"
>I was kinda drunk, too, but I can handle it good since Im a born man, born to be man not manlet
>I instantly replied: "Yes, this is just as obvious as your cheap flirtation."
>got this dude at his balls, he instantly back off from her and starts heavy drinking
>then he got too drunk and started kinda molesting her, sitting always next to her, following her etc.
>I stepped in
>she grabbed my arm, this guy lost in all ways
It played out fine for some time, but her crazyness and the far distance relationship wouldnt work for her. We visited a festival earlier and in that time I thought our relationship got stronger and kind of deeper..

>go on a music festival
>bought a new tent for me and her, enough space for lovetime etc.
>just arrived
>got all my stuff out of the car, build the tent after 10 minutes
>suddenly she pull out her own tent
>Whats this? I asked
>My own tent, she replied, I sleep alone..
>No more talking, thats how she broke up with me


strung out memories,
no pain,
that day never came so I fall asleep still believing.

I miss you.

well... i tried

I'm sorry user, it just goes to show how we take life for granted. Nobody knows when their end will come.
Dude, just because you're short now doesn't mean you won't get taller in the future. You might just have a growth spurt. Also there are exercises to make your penis bigger. Ever heard of bathmate?