How can I buy weed without meeting the dealer?

How can I buy weed without meeting the dealer?
I don't want him to know I am a fat retard.
He could make fun of me and try to rip me off.
I was thinking we could do a drop off but he could just run away with my money right? Could I try to blackmail him?
He's on the HS football team so I could possibly get him kicked off if he did, right?

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Is there any possible way I could get him to go through with the deal without trying to rip me off, there is a parking lot that is usually empty near my house.

just go buy the weed you betafag

Heres an idea. Go to the house, give money, get weed. Fucking idiot. Wheres he gonna run if hes in his house? The kitchen?

But I really think I might get ripped off and I don't have much money. Plus I can't have people saying I smoke, my brother will find out.

I don't have a car man.

Blackmail a dealer yeah that'll work.
Just go buy it as you would a can of coke in a store.
You'll act weird and bait if your paranoid as anything, just go about it as nothing your doing nothing wrong. Just buying some weed thats it.

Grow some balls

Find another guy to sell it to you.

Dude he wants money you want bud.. go trade him go home and hold your body pillow to calm down, fuck

You'll only get fatter and more retarded on it.
T. Former smoker of 20 years

I can't, really I was hoping he could come to me. Would I have to pay for his gas?

How old are you OP?

Its a good idea i do with my guy but we worked that out a long time ago

If you're too retarded to buy from Alphabay, I'm surprised you were able ton figure out the reCAPTCHA

This guy is big, what if he just beats my ass and takes my money?

Why would a dealer make fun of a customer? He's just hustling and making money.
Don't be a insecure fuck.


OP. No one is going to rip you unless your asking for it... hell, i'd give you 5 a gram for my cookies and cream because (pic related would throw more but idk how to shrink file sizes to 2mb)

He might try and rip me off

Where do you live?

Because you obviously need it...

Dude, from the sounds of things I don't think weed is for you.
If you're buying the dealer will usually give you a place to meet him, stop worrying about being ripped off. He sells weed to make money, why fuck up possibly making more money?

Your mom might have had an abortion, but didn't.
I bet she regretted it, but hey. Might have's wont get you anywhere.

And lose a (repeat) customer and get a bad rep as a 'weed guy'. Probably not gonna happen...

Don't sell but bakersfield california

what if he rips me off on every deal. Like, how much should I be buying for what price?

Where you from? Prices vary from 30€/g to $2 a gram around the world.

I've been told many prices. My friend said it's like 15 a gram but he's never smoked or bought anything. His brother bought 20 grams for $20 but he knew the dealer really well.

Don't ducking blackmail the dude unless you can actually get him charged for sure. Even then don't because you sound like an idiot who couldn't pull it off.

Instead, just go fucking buy from him and if you think he's trying to rip you off ask him to weigh and don't pay if it isn't right. Meet in a place where if you yelled people will hear.

WTF? Who cares about your duck? Why'd you even write that? Decades of weed fuck with your head?

>20 grams for $20
Probably moldy brickweed or stems and leafs for that money.
This picture shows about 1 gram of weed. $15 is not expensive if its better than mexican brick weed.

559 here

He just wants your fucking money and he will charge you the same as every other cunt.

i literally bought weed in the bus station while people were waiting near me , it's not that hard you fat fuck , you go , you pay , you get the product , stop being a pussy

If it looks like this, it's shit.

sounds like OP may be a little young to be out buying weed. Ask your dad to help.

Would behind a building work? There isn't much traffic so if I yelled I'm not guaranteed to get someone's attention, but I wouldn't have to run far to get help.

are you already stoned? you sound way too paranoid. either go do it or dont. everyone says just chill out and go do it. maybe your brother smokes too and you guys could fuck each others assholes when he finds out.

Well, I don't really know if they even deal, just looked at their instagram and thought they were a dealer. Could I just ask them? Should I code it, like say flower instead of weed?


You fucking retard. You said your brothers friend bought weed. Let him hook you up. You gonna get your ass kicked or something.

Like people said, it would be bad for his business to rip you off or hurt you. If he's that shady tho, I'd want to meet somewhere semi public. My guy is this really chill fat dude who went to culinary school so we meet wherever.

would it be okay to meet him in a park?


None of my friends smoke. I am the only one who has gotten into.

"hey, I'm ______'s friend, heard you might be someone to contact for some bud. care if i shoot you a little cash to try what you have, if you have extra to let go?"

buy a couple grams, tip the man, come back later if it works out.

Look, if he shorts your bag, you just find another dealer. You should only let someone rip you off once, you dunce

Mail order you fucking pleb

Dude quit worrying. If he did take your money it's just 20 dollars. Don't bring anything worth taking other than that and hand it over if he tries anything.

Aaaaaand here's my proof.

How much should I pay?

Hey man. I'm also a fat retard with severe anxiety. Going to the dealers house sucks but it's what I gotta do. Just remember that while it's not Best Buy, this dude is a salesman. Calling your customer a fat retard and ripping them off means you lose a customer.

Congrats, you are a new level of pathetic bitch

I can't go to his house, I have no way of getting there.

$10/gram is cutting you a good deal, or crap quality weed
$20/gram is primo stuff or ballsy dealer.

hard to say without seeing the guy or the weed, but i wouldn't go far outside of that range. start out small if you're afraid of him screwing you

Im guessing he's just another high schooler. Unkess he is an absolute retard. He doesn't give a shit where the money comes from. Just ask him if you can buy from him, whats the price/quantity like. Acting all stealth shit will probably make it worse on you. If i was sellin i wouldnt give two shits about that one guy who wants to do fucking dropoffs in parking lots like its a movie.

Take an uber Jesus Christ. If you're really this helpless you don't deserve drugs

Lmao nice beasters (dense, damp nug with that tell tale curly leaf)

Man I've just been told $2 a gram, I live in CO, everyone is a smoker, what is a good deal?

i live in MI and have my medical card, so CO prices might vary

but $2/gram seems like a waste of time from a dealer's standpoint so that sounds kinda sketchy to me

I said
"Hey man, you sell bud?"

Bro, why don't you just be a cool guy and maybe you guys will become friends...Also, you're probably like 16 so I'mma give you a heads up. Trust no one with your drugs and $...But if you fuck him over he will beat the shit out of you. Don't make it sketch, be a dawg, don't say stupid weird shit. Make new friend profit. Kids these days are aucoustics

>he could make fun of me and try to rip me off
>could I try to blackmail him
Sound to me like you're the one trying to do the ripping off dumb ass

just keep it casual and don't overthink it.

the law is literally the only thing that makes weed taboo. if you need a better mindset just tell yourself it's no different than buying booze off a friend

lol love this

ya got 3 options:

1: order pot from the darknet (silkroad 2.0 sells pot)

2: dont buy pot

3: stop being a beta bitch, worrying about stupid shit. he is the only dealer you know, he cant rip you off. whatever he charges you is the best deal you can get.

I wouldn't sell weed to someone asking me to bring it to them.

L ol. Beasters isn't a strain it's a level of potency recognition between 7-12%. Don't say stupid shit. Identify the strain, or not at all...

>buy a couple grams, tip the guy
dont be a fucking idiot, this is the easiest way to prove you're a dipshit, you pay for what you buy and nothing more or you're a faggot that deserves to be ripped off

esp if he is willing to deliver the weed.

>he'll make fun of me because im a fat retard
and you fucking deserve it, but that shouldnt effect your weed purchases

or maybe just don't smoke weed anymore?
Your type of character sounds like you wouldn't benefit much from it.

You're stupid. People tip all of the time, it's a form of appreciation, for any reason the Customer feels satisfied. If I tip you I am complimenting your business etiquette. Also, if any dumb mother fuck tried me I'd bust em up real good, or blast a hole in their fucking hand.

I sometimes tip my dealer and I get extra weed or discounts other times. Tip the right dealer and it will pay off.

Move to Canada and order from a MoM, weed for weeks

I don't know if you know the dealer better than user, but i can say this. Dealers aren't out to judge, they're out to make money. And since the second portion of all of this is the fact that weed GENERALLY 'brings us all together maaaan', he's more inclined to tip his hat to you for buying/smoking. I wouldn't worry about it op, just buy.

how much for weed vape juice?

>weed vape juice?
you mean oil?
depends on where you are.

btw possession of oil/shard/hash/any "weed concentrate" is a felony. even if you have a script :)

yay federal laws!

yeah, no, pretty sure you're the idiot here. especially when you're attempting to build a little trust with a first time deal.

>blast a hole in their fucking hand.

you'd go to prison over weed dealing? your a fucking moron and the reason why people even on the right support gun regulation.

im not that guy but...
nope, you are an idiot. you do not tip drug dealers you fuckin dolt.

i am an american, so i tip for pretty much anything, but still - not for drugs.

if you want to look like a complete idiot and confuse the dealer, go for it. he will try and give your tip back though.

op is a huge faggot

Weed in general is a felony dumbass, concentrates are treated no differently at least here in commiefornia

wtf would he rip you off? If he does, you get a new dealer and he loses a customer. His goal is to get you to buy more and more and more from him. He cares about one thing, money

stop pounding your chest and trying to look cool.

the dealer is taking a risk by meeting you, a stranger, and hooking you up. of course you don't have to offer a tip, you dolt, but if you want to find a little extra in your bag next time, and to guarantee a next time, a couple extra bucks isn't going to harm you.

starting to think you haven't ever bought weed from anyone. this shit is pretty unspoken/standard.

whats the chance he even sells it?

the chance of some jerk off on the street selling oil is 0.

I live in a medical state, have a card, and wouldn't bother with it.

I have three patients I provide for and if they asked me to pick them up some I would tell them to go and buy it themselves.

>Weed in general is a felony dumbass,
AFIK no state considers possession of small amounts a felony but MOST consider concentrates to be a felony.

even in cali a DEA agent can charge you with a felony for having concentrates.


that was 3 years ago maybe it has changed, idk.

lol whatever fag. your wrong and nobody in the fuckin world will agree with you. thats enough for me.

be confident dipshit if he sees you are a total retard of course he is going to try to rip you off and if you are really stupid shit he will just cut you off and never sell you ,this can hepl, if you know what strains he has you could be like oh i heard you had this strain ive been looking forward to smoke this strain, how much per gram ? he migth think you already smoke and know your shit so he will not try to rip you off because he thinks you already smoke and know how much is one gram visually

Well where I buy it? I don't want to own weed, I want to just vape some and get high at night so I don't stink up the house.

no state charges you with felonies.

federal court within a state charges you with felonies.

when you get a felony case brought against you its the people of the united states, not the people of the individual state who have brought charges against you.

dea, or the federal prosecuter is who brings the case, for the people, against you.

if you get caught with any drug, weed, oil, crack, its up to the local municipalities judge to either bind you to the next court up or to charge you there.

local courts will only charge you with misdimeaner chargers, and have put bind your charges upwards to a local fedaral court.

you will never get a felony from a state court, they will always be at the federal level

>Reply to Thread No.727756516
you've never done vape to know what the fuck you want.

know how I know? because you assume vape doesnt smell like weed.

and you're wrong.


Isn't vape better? I could just change the label and they would have no right to check it if they just saw me holding it.

I think it shouldn't smell like weed unless flavored to
I do vape, just never weed, and I have read on Oranje that it doesn't smell

OP is a fucking retard. If he's too pussy to meet a dealer, he shouldn't smoke week. Fuck, if you're too scared to meet anyone, just kys.

I'm looking for real advice here guys

basically you are saying that i am correct. i never stated who charges you with the felony i stated what is considered a felony, which IS up to the state, because as you said, it is up to them to charge your with a misdemeanor first.

>you will never get a felony from a state court, they will always be at the federal level
ok but that doesn't address any point i have made.

>and they would have no right to check it if they just saw me holding it.
can't use tobacco vapes on wax AFAIK. wax is much thicker. takes a speacial vape.
i might be wrong but either way vaping is much easier to conceal, doesn't smell as much.

Do you know where I could get some? Without bitcoin