Channel Awesome TGWTG Thread

If you told me this would be who Brad would become back in 2010, I would have never believed you.

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We got a party going in Eggkara, come join us we are watch this shit review now.

Let me guess, are they sucking Hillary's clit really hard?

who's the nu male on the right

>he fell for the 'Based Brad' meme
it's your own fault desu

get in here boys

my wife's son

We are talking Lindsey Ellis brand of SJW clit ridding.

>new video

suicide when?

Lindsey Ellis intentionally got pregnant and got an abortion for a shitty less than 30 min video all to get into Anita's inner circle.





I live 4 hours away from Brad, I might want to drive down there and kill him.

>guy who is well known for reviewing things that are bad
>realizes over the years that by telling people to avoid bad things it actually encourages people to seek them out by showing them it exists
>realizes that everyone who does negative reviews for a living is just contributing to more shitty things being made
>decides to stop


try to save him from his misery first

user, please don't deliver. he's had such a hard life, please don't end it so tragically. he needs to die when he's 41 and relapses on cocaine without realizing how strong the product he has is.

based brad was when he was married. Since then he's gone downhill, double after he got cucked

Your obsessions with online reviewers is really faggy.

Get a life fags.


Sup Brad.

I thought he got cucked before he got divorced

When you become an SJW there is no salvation, the sign of being a man is suffering and becoming stronger, not weaker. Stand by your ideals and improve yourself. Not sacrifice it all for the feeble attempts at pussy.

Brad has been clucked more than once
>First time, wife cheated on him with a girl at a con
>Second time, Jake was sleeping with Rain while dating Brad
>Third time, after purposing Brad's gf Violet dumped him aka cucked him.

I miss old Brad and when Luke used to be a man

>ITT: Sup Forumscucks act surprised good people hate their spank material

>Takes meth
>wonders why he has trouble sleeping

why Brad, you were the chosen one

Late Night Eggkara?

Is it really a secret that the Democrats were the hardcore racist party until LBJ signing the Civil Rights Act drove all the angry, frustrated racists into the waiting arms of Nixon and the Republicans? Do Americans not know basic history?

I'm not suprised, but I'm still dissapointed

That's right Jay

ITT: Sup Forumsyps getting triggered because an Internet movie critic might not agree with their "Hitler did nothing wrong, save me from the Muslims daddy" worldview

What are you on about m8

What does Luke have to do with anything?

>I get that reference

The movie was shit honestly. It's all actors with Danish Douchebag as the central character. Ends with 3 "patriotic" songs with the most try hard murrica imagery I have ever seen and it's clearly sincere and not ironic. Everything in the film can fit into 2 Sup Forums posts there is no reason for 100 minutes of shitty acting.

Haven't seen their review, but I'm sure hes being a #mentallyhill #clintorus instead of actually providing a counterargument to the information presented (which is old and common knowledge).

>Brad doesn't like a shitty propaganda movie


He said he genuinely likes Shillary

desu senpai I wouldrape Anita


the fuck is going on with ScreamingMantis's twitter lately

She's an alcoholic whore. Literally. All she does is drink and show her tits while begging for money.

>you'll never lick her jewish feet

The guy who is boning Brad's ex. Seriously.

which one Satan?

feels bad

Republicucks like to deny the southern strategy and history in general

Wrong Satan.

Sarah cucked her first husband, Brian, with Jake. Then she cucked Jake and married Dave (guy in the pic). She's the village bicycle of the Snob team.

nude videos leak fucking when?!


That's Dave. He knocked up Sara.

Brad and Sara were never married. Brian and Sara were years before.

Speaking of that, anyone got access to Sara's real Facebook? I kinda want to see her preggo but I cant access it and know some people on here have access to Jakes page too.

Dude, just go to her twitter. She's posting her tits all the fucking time.

Goddammit. It's all confusing as fuck.

kek he hasn't made anything new in over a year besides one movie review, doesn't even post review vlogs anymore.

tits on pics are nothing compared to tits bouncing around on videos

she had a couple videos on twitter

Does anyone have the family picture of young lewis?

Brads wife was Jillian. Jillian sucked at reviewing things and it's obvious that she would quickly read reviews on her phone after the movie then regurgitate it back out on camera.


Nah Jillian was alright. Certainly the best Brad ever had. Plus she was cool enough to show her tits for the movie.

Her tits were nice.

She's such a fucking try hard tho. And she popped up on another review site and her profile literally just said "Ex wife of Brad Jones The Cinema Snob".

But seriously someone help me with the Sara facebook thing?

No, that's isn't the one. He was skinny and barefooted. It was posted a couple of months before.

It's like a Samson kind of thing with him, isn't it? I definitely think there's a connection between him losing his hair and the quality drop of his videos.

Brad with hair video = time well spent
Bald Brad video = it's a gamble, m8



>Linkara was a twink
Now I understand his lust for bbc


This pic gives me cancer everytime I see it

They look like they went shopping for a new bull immediately after seeing the movie.

Latza wouldn't be caught dead with these spergs.


That's Latza? I thought it was Doug's brother.

It's going to be great when he finally gets John De Lancie interested in his Disney pitch, while Doug is stuck cleaning toilets.
Maybe it will teach him. It to exploit obviously naive and well off fans.

>teach him not to
Fucking autocorrect


Why do autists always go full edgemaster by acting like their favourite movie character? Nobody talks like that in real life, they're just emulating what they saw on a screen

What did he meme by this?

>voter fraud
Classic Paul Latza.

oh shit, Linkara just looked like your average nerdy kid. What happened?

It's also interesting being able to recognise the facial features of his brother just from seeing the Ghostbusters review, he looks pretty alpha.

>latza hasn't tweeted in like a week

>Latza accepted him as a follower
how did you do it?

Brad is so full of shit. As if him and Dave didn't know they'd get that sort of reaction. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if that wasn't the main reason why they saw it and reviewed it.

Pure luck
I made an account dressed up like a ponyfag and latza rejected it, but then I made a general shitposting account and he accepted it

I knew it, behind all the pony faggotry he was still one of us

>it's a I didn't expect any controversy episode

He's a busy man now.

I'm honestly proud that we shitposted a guy into becoming a responsible adult

When he drove to Milwaukee, he was a boy. He drove back a man.

>only republicans dislike shillbillvol2

If your circle of friends would look like those people i guess the best thing is staying antisocial.

Junk Food + wrong career choice + Too much time invested in fandom

If Lewis just treated his little show as a hobby, he would have turned out okay.

This is generally his response to any negative feedback.

>"You're taking things way to seriously on the Internet, and my opinion is still right!"

Do you think he even likes Caligula anymore? He seems like such a prude now.

>You're taking things way to seriously on the Internet
He's right

>Teetering on 1900's, just about to reach sub 1900
>Check again today


>This same Linkara was writing about wanting to suck BBC's and getting fucked by futas


>Latza can't even vote correctly


Spoony is such a faggot. Its been like a decade. Get your shit together you loser. Miles should've shot Spoony in the face instead of that Spic.

SUB-1000 WHEN?

>Even when doing literally nothing, Spoony gets $1600 a month

>say something in the comments
>brad calls me out on it