Celeb thread for adults that don't stutter, and can jerk off without being egged on by other anons

Celeb thread for adults that don't stutter, and can jerk off without being egged on by other anons.
>>no faggotry
>>shut up and post pics
>>post feet if you like, but don't be fags about it



giada is fucking hot



werent her nudes supposed to leak?

>thread for adults that don't stutter
kek whats up with this stutter shit anyway? w-why do p-people t-type like t-this as if they're n-nervous

story goes:

one guy in the know claims a trader has them. trader ponies up some win of other celebs. Guy in the know brags about Giada leaks he hasn't seen. Trader goes in to hiding and takes supposed Giada leak with him.



You sound like my kinda guy OP

fuck, i wanted hers most


Who's this bitch

chances are they never really existed, but the "guy in the know" had good sources

Who's this bitch

Who's this bitch

Who's this bitch

Who's this bitch

Natalie Lind
read a fucking file name
on the picture autist

Who's this bitch

Who's this bitch

get out of my thread stutter fag

Who's this bitch


Who's this bitch


Who's this bitch

Who's this bitch

Who's this bitch

Who's this bitch

Who's this bitch

great body. face just pisses me off

>public image board
>your thread
Fuck off faggot you should be happy someone is bothering to bump this shitty thread

Dani Bregoli AKA. cash me ousside (slut)


Jennifer Love Hewitt's looking worse for wear

Who's this bitch
