You have 10 SECONDS to name a better fast food restaurant than Five Guys

You have 10 SECONDS to name a better fast food restaurant than Five Guys.
>protip: you can't.

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but Freddys is cool because it has fried pickles

They're good. They're not In N Out good tho

Roy Rogers


Grew up across the street from an in n out my whole life. That shit is a hype beast. In n out is gross.

>In n out is gross.

In N Out

>fast food

Mcdonald, I work there and we have standards and I make sure that the ingredients are always fresh

If you're not above eating this artificial garbage you are a child

Pre failed takeover attempt Roy Rogers.

>mfw satan himself is trying to tempt us not to eat good-tasting food
Whats next, wheat shots?

I enjoy both of the fries. That's it tho

In N Out

Do you get paid to post this shit everyday?
I'm purposely avoiding five guys because of this shit.
In N Out is a better chain in every way anyways.

Just went to 5 Guys, overpriced for a burger I'd only classify as ok, and their fries are way too salty.

You take that back you vegan cunt

that is because it keeps white trash and niggers out

Go chew on some quinoa you cow, well go ahead and eat your delicious slaughtered mum

My friend works for Five Guys. He spits in between the buns every single time he has the chance. He's been caught several times, but nobody has the nerves to call him out on it.

>tfw only have five guys cuz east coast fag

hhaha Five guys is shit tier fast food. i mean... LOOK AT OPs PICTURE!!

In and Out is pretty nasty. Just a regular cheap burger, absoulutey nothing special

Long John Silvers

Go to a Shake shack. Whataburger, In n Out, Shake Shack, Sonic, DQ... All the same lousy shit compared to Five Guys.


I agree with you OP those burgers are the best thing I ever goddamn tasted

Just like you like it!

>They're good. They're not In N Out good tho

Chick fil a


Better fast food restaurant? Panera Bread, maybe Arby's?

Best fast food burger? Five Guys.

Pretty much anywhere. It tastes like an unseasoned homemade burger. You get charged for the "free" toppings whether you get any or not, and that happens to be the only source of flavor.

To say it tastes "bad" wouldn't be true, but I can't bring myself to pay a premium price for something I can make at home ( as well as improved versions with basic seasoning) for a fifth of the price. You would be hard pressed to make a burger with the same aroma and flavor as one from burger king or mcdonalds because of whatever proprietary chemicals they pump into it - It would be expensive and time consuming to try to replicate that exact flavor. But I can go into my freezer, thaw out some ground beef and make a burger that tastes EXACTLY like a five guys burger with no trouble at all - and then I can improve on that flavor by actually seasoning the meat - It is retarded to pay a premium price for it.

I know a manager in Central Florida who does the same thing

Tried 5 guys once. It doesn't really taste like anything without the toppings, but I don't like toppings so I don't like five guys.


Where the hell else are you gonna get that variety and enough food for a white trash Thanksgiving for only $5?

Steak & Shake


Mcdonald, I work there and we have standards and I make sure that the ingredients are always fresh from the deep freezer.


I've never been. I do love a good burger, but I don't know if I wanna drive all the way to the other side of town for one.

Are they large burgers or are they puny little things like the ones you get at mcdonalds or in n out?

McDonalds. The Only fast food restaurant to rip their customers off.

They look like Wendy's burgers. You can get a double patty for $7, if you need more meat (and like wasting money).

Did that look okay in your head? Seems like it doesn't fit as a response, like when someone asks how you're doing and you reply with "not much."

amerifat: the thread

This place is complete dogshit. There's a reason they closed all the one's in Florida.

Five guys is overrated

This better be bait. Everything is fried in the same grease so it all tastes the same and it tears my insides up every time I eat there because of the insane oil contents. I eat there maybe once a year because there is no good fish place around here and every time I say I learned my lesson.

Five guys is utter shit

Smash Burger

In an out burger obviously

Patties are the same size as a mcdonalds quarter pounder, but they aren't seasoned so you have to like toppings(rabbit food).

Dubs speak the truth

He's saying it's overpriced to keep the riffraff out

>that is because it keeps white trash and niggers out
>white trash and niggers in the restaurant all day running the place and touching your food

racist fail

what's a burger without toppings?

well op said we cant, i guess theres no reason to post this thread anymore

Had the portobello Swiss burger for lunch with their cardboard French fries.

Fucking steak n shake with their inferior European ass food. Switzerland and France ain't hitting on shit.

A meat sandwich

No, I get that, he just completely ignored the point of the post. Who would pay more for an okay burger?

five guys is over-priced franchise fast food shit. more likely five guys jizzed in your food.

Two places user

a burger



Stop the government and your isp from seeing your online activity

It's convenient and you're paying for the service as well as the food. Some people don't want to buy all the ingredients at the grocery store. It'll cost more in total and that's not worth it if you don't plan to use all the ground beef or all the hamburger buns.

Stop trying to SELF PROMOTE. Your burgers suck.


White Castle

>5 gays

That meal probably cost $22.58.
god forbid you bought a milkshake

It's not just the meat and buns obviously, but also all the toppings you might want.


Most expensive stuff is garbage, a lot of people think something is better just because it's more expensive

You really think five guys would want to associate themselves with Sup Forums?

Overpriced greasy hamburgers. No thanks, I'd rather have Taco Bell.

you have 10 SECONDS to end your life
>protip: fucking kys

>West coast McDonalds


I have eaten at LJS 3 times in my life. All 3 time it has made me sick for multiple days. Never again.

Also, Panera bread is better.



fucking slow ass roll i knew Sup Forums was dead

That's what makes it so good. Green apple splatters, baby!!


Nope. Five Guys is much better. More expensive, but better.

Repeating digits are pleasing to people with classic autism. These people enjoy recognizing patterns and are often infatuated with numbers.

The very definition of mental illness.

Look it up, it's fairly common knowledge.


“Oodle Noodle, Dr. Little/pocket just like Ramen Noodles/Extra loaded with that sauce/Say my traphouse gon’ supa stupid.”


foot long chili cheese dog and tater tots oh hell yeah

and then get that sprite shit with the blue coconut flavor

love sonic. love.

They're fine when they can get your order right. It's a burger place. The sell burgers, fries and hotdogs. How fucking hard is it for them to put bacon on a burger when you order a bacon cheeseburger. They suck at taking orders yet they want to make $15 an hour?

>he's so poor he think the following:
Bread, two patties of beef, cheese, pickles, lettuce, onions, tomatoes, a bag full of french fries, ketchup, mustard, servants to make your food, seasoning, a cup, soda, bacon etc.
>should only cost $3
LOL poor people are hilarious. Good food cost more, deal with it.
Also that mean is probably $12.

Buger King

White Castle, love the steamed buns and onions with the simple ketchup and pickle.

Mexican tier fast food. That place taste horrible.

kind of like thinking one greasy fast food burger joint is better than another equally horrible establishment? yeah i think so

>hurrrrr people that work shouldn't make a living wage
>I support corporations fucking workers
>its no fair, I don't get paid that much!!!
>I'm too stupid to understand I'm underpaid too!

>Good food cost more
>Good food
there's the rub


grew up on east coast. moved west.

First time I tried In N Out I was very disappointed. Basically McDonalds. I had to try it twice more to make sure I wasn't just wrong.

5 guys is good food you mongoloid. It's not GREAT food, but it's good.

>real hand cut potato fries
>real meat
>real cheese
>hurrrr Mcdonalds is bettuhhh!!!!