Bloodhail or earthmover?

bloodhail or earthmover?

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>arrowheads x75

Bloodbath is the only good song on this album.

That on the Japanese edition?

There Is No Food

opinion immediately discarded

Ah, sorry. Bloodhail. I have autocorrect on.

I Don't Love is the only answer


Hard choice because the entire album is pretty damn great

bloodhail. HANL is one of those bands where their most popular songs are also their best IMO

Bloodhail, like anything else comes even close

Waiting for black metal records to come in the mail is my personal song.

I Don't Love is better than both so


>tfw The Big Gloom is still your favorite song

whats wrong with the rest of the album

Deep, Deep is the correct answer.

I think your forgetting about Hunter

Earthmover > Bloodhail

Earthmover is much more powerful.

>jesus christ, why is love so lonely

highlight of the album.

Earthmover > Holy Fucking Shit 40,000 > I Don't Love > The Big Gloom > Bloodhail > Deep Deep > Black Metal Records > Hunter > Quick One > Telephony > There Is No Food > Who Would Leave Their Son Out In The Sun > The Future

They're all great tracks though I wouldn't cut a single song from this album

The Big Gloom

Earthmover is overrated as fuck

This is correct

This is very close to correct too

I Don't Love and Deep, Deep are the best tracks. Earthmover is close behind.

I Don't Love was the first HANL song I heard so I'm attached to one. Earthmover is the kind of song that actually makes me want to get up and write music, which makes it a 10/10 in my book.

*attached to that one. I apologize for the spaghetti spill


Earthmover > I Don't Love > Bloodhail > A Quick One > The Big Gloom > HFS: 40,000 > Who Would Leave Their Son Out In The Sun > Deep Deep > Hunter > Telefony > There Is No Food > The Future
Black Metal Records isn't an awful song but totally takes me out of the album.
Who Would Put Their Son Out In The Sun So Low?

>Who Would Leave Their Sun is second to last

Even if everything else is right, you're wrong.

>No one has said Hunter yet

There is anything similar to this besides their other album?

It's not a bad song. In fact, it's a great song. But I think it's the only song on the album where the cheap production takes away from the music rather than adds to it, and there's not as much buildup or progression as the other songs on the album

There's a compilation of outtakes from DC called Voids
Also check out Planning For Burial

>not listening to deathconsciousness sped up 1,5 times.

I just bought a copy of Voids on discogs.

>turn on the bright unknown pleasures (feat. reverb)
i actually really like the eerie opening track

I hope you don't actually do this user

Earthmover is much longer but much more rewarding.

I can't fucking listen to this again
It's just... so fucking grim...
Going back to it seems like a really bad idea

just wanna say i made a thread hating on this album about a year ago, my opinion has completely changed after listening again. Whats happening to me Sup Forums?

A quick one

Gotta correct myself
Treating a quick one and bloodhail as one song is best

Tied between this and hunter

Earthmover is best by a long way

Hunter is my jam

Blackest Bile

Hunter and Deep, Deep are the patrician choices

>quick one before the eternal worm devours connecticut
>the big gloom
>holy fucking shit: 40,000
>i don't love

How would you make this into a 1 side album?

~40-50 mins long

bloodhail legit funky as fuck

>A Quick One
>The Big Gloom
>Who Would Leave Their Son Out In The Sun
>Holy Fucking Shit: 40,000
>Deep Deep
>I Don't Love
Little over an hour but godamn if it wouldn't be the best album ever.

how do you feel that every song follows the same formula? listen to them again it always quiet 5 minutes buildup and then loud climax

earthmover is so goddamn boring and sounds like shit
deep, deep is the only song i need from that album

that's definitely correct, sir

it's like, ye're in this trippy mood and everything is going well and suddenly madness starts... deep