Sup Forums-tards don't actually realise that Sam Hyde is not a racist but instead is being satirical and making fun of...

>Sup Forums-tards don't actually realise that Sam Hyde is not a racist but instead is being satirical and making fun of actual racists who sincerely believe what he's saying and doing while the rest of us laugh at them for not being in on the joke

Why is Sup Forums so retarded? Do they seriously not understand that it is tongue-in-cheek satire? We're laughing at you idiots

Other urls found in this thread:

>retard doesn't understand that he's being meta-ironic

this is obvious though and doesnt change the fact that niggers and brown people in general are a plague upon humanity

>hey hey look at me, I love pretending to hate what I don't like, what is bigot, racist and not politically correct at all but I secretly love it

what kind of hairline do yuo want fampei?

I know people like you who are in the "Sup Forums is just all one big joke and has no legitimate points h-haha" like to obsess about Sup Forums all day and cannot stand to have actual funny comedians with similar beliefs, but Sam is an actual Nationalist.

The guy isn't any sort of traditionalist or anything, but he's definitely into redpill ideas/belief in hierarchy/belief in nation-state/belief in patriarchy despite the good-humor of him to make fun of the overly-extreme and ridiculous sides of his own political sphere.

or maybe, just maybe you stupid redneck fuckhead he is actually a liberal and not by your own logic some kind of andy kaufman alt righter

In fact which makes more sense? that he hates stupid ass rednecks who post online in places like Sup Forums (like everyone else does) and expresses that through a satirical tongue-in-cheek performance,a style of comedy that dates back to ancient greece or that he is in fact a dumbass redneck eagerly awaiting a Drumpf presidency despite all the evidence otherwise

just fuck off back to your containment board cancer

Sup Forums IS satire

I can't wait for white people to become a minority. You'll be raped and killed on a daily basis on your own streets. Then we will see what was satire

You're a fucking idiot if you think his satire is that shallow

kek what does this even mean


>the original humans and the people who first created civilization are a plague upon humanity

>it's a "I'm forced to post this again" thread


Sam Hyde is anti-establishment.

Used to be, that meant being anti-conservative and anti-Christian. If Sam had been born earlier, he'd probably be another Colbert.

Right now, the establishment is liberal. It's been that way for a decade, at least since Obama was elected.

This is also why stuff like The Daily Show hasn't been funny in a long time.

there actually is no correlation between refugees and crime though, especially sex assaults. In Germany, refugees make up less than a single percent of sex assault cases


I've only the seen the pic of him holding the gun and heard other anons talk about him, and I can tell its satire.

>there actually is no correlation between refugees and crime though, especially sex assaults. In Germany, refugees make up less than a single percent of sex assault cases

Merkel, stop posting on Sup Forums and go back to destroying Europe



nah, I'm just a slowpoke about this sam guy

I wonder who could possibly want you to think of white pride as a joke. I wonder who would stand to gain from globalism. I wonder who it is that could have the power and means to spread these ideas?

I wonder if you even care about your own thoughts and beliefs, or if you have them at all.

yeah, sounds about right

>I wonder if you even care about your own thoughts and beliefs, or if you have them at all.

>>Sup Forums IS satire

no lol

I wish I was this delusional

>I wonder who would stand to gain from globalism
The Chinese

I kinda miss being blue pilled. The world seemed like a magical place

If you exclude Cologne, there really isn't a correlation between sex crimes and refugees or even violent crimes in general.

The most cited crime for refugees in Germany is taking the bus without paying the cab fare and loitering

you know that the police conceal the statistics on who commits crimes, especially if it's a refugee.

Why do you think a lot of pools in Germany recently banned adult men from going in?

I think it makes more sense that he hates far left types since he constantly mocks them and goes into their spaces to do his skits/routines which get him in trouble.

>crime is non existent if you ignore the crime

at least put some effort into it

Sup Forums is a board of peace and tolerance

>If you exclude a mass rape riot by 1000+ mudslimes including hundreds of rapefugees it's all good

Cologne wasn't an isolated incident, similar stuff happened in other cities in Germany and in other parts of Europe like Sweden

But how are the many acts of terror he inflicted on innocent civilians satirical?

Implying we won't just nuke everything. All niggers will come crawling back like they are in africa.

The majority of it is. Aside from the odd, intricate threads based on rationality and evidence, its just le epic funposting. If you legitimately believe there's a Jewish conspiracy to control goyim, then babs should get some fresh air and interact with people again. Unsourced infographs shouldn't be taken as fact.

epic bait friendo


Hitler was right

it means i assumed you were a white american since you are on Sup Forums and that once the mexicans/blacks/arabs outnumber whites/asians and start getting more and more jobs as police white people will start getting raped and killed on a daily basis and there will be nothing poor/middle class whites will be able to do at that point. might not be your lifetime but definitely in your childrens (i loled at the thought too)

Read the Culture of Critique by Kevin Macdonald. Obviously there's no orchestrated conspiracy, but Jews have overwhelmingly been at the forefront of pushing subversive ideologies.

>who first created civilization

Sumer was made by the brown people of the middle east

and now look at them. literally havent progressed an inch since then while whites have been to the god damn moon and sent robots to mars and out of our solar system lol. also we have weapons that can destroy the entire planet

>middle-easterners are the same as africans

>The majority of it is. Aside from the odd, intricate threads based on rationality and evidence, its just le epic funposting. If you legitimately believe there's a Jewish conspiracy to control goyim, then babs should get some fresh air and interact with people again. Unsourced infographs shouldn't be taken as fact.

i don't disagree with you. i don't believe or subscribe to just about anything posted there, but the people who post there do.

I assumed he was talking about niggers specifically.


Ello Ahmed, I was expecting you.

>My skin has adapted to work better in cooler environments therefore I must be superior

No I'm pretty sure it has to do with Europeans founding the principles of western society while Africans remained in mud huts.

Who was here during the trial of the IRA agent Seamus O'Hydie?

>t. sociology major

kek seecant wait till the completely worthless southern half of this planet gets nuked to hell so actual humans can come in and build something besides rape and disease

Go read Guns Germs and Steel and educate yourself m'kay?

dunno if this is a sarcastic answer but Guns Germs and Steel is a good book

also dubs

Its kind of babby's first excuse for western dominance. standard issue Anthro or Soc 101 brainwashing.

>completely worthless southern half of this planet gets nuked to hell

then how are you going to afford anything with your neetbucks?

>all of these non-arguments

Those weapons that can destroy the whole planet were made by semites


I know I'm being baited but damn

It's fucking pop-science filled to the brim with unprovable hypotheses

Lol, is it hard to avoid the truth to not be considered "racist"?
>Jared Diamond
Kek, you can't get anymore Jewish than this.

still white

>literally havent progressed an inch since then while whites have been to the god damn moon and sent robots to mars and out of our solar system lol

So jews and slavs are white when it fits your narrative, nice.

>claims there is no correlation
>backs up claim with zero sources

Employed by the US government*

im not a retarded Sup Forums faggot if they have white skin and are capable of not raping and murdering every second of every day they are white

Slavs hate Jews. Look at all the post communist eastern countries Jewish Bolsheviks have leeched off and ruined.

>reddit invasion of Sup Forums, Sup Forums and /r9k/
lol you fags are pathetic.
just because the BERNout is a limp wristed pussy doesn't mean you can come here and shit up the place.
now go back and watch your reddit tier shit like GoT

>claims there is a corellation
>backs up claim with zero sources

Paki rape gangs all across England, Sweden rape stats nearing those of South Africa since they decide to become diverse and fucking their male to female ratio in the process to china tier and the massive cover up attempts by the german government regarding refugee crime seem like pretty strong arguments to me. Not to mention the occasional trucking in France.

Here you go Mr. Kikel.

OP started the argument, those generally agreeing with him aka ((((you)))) need to prove your point with some form of evidence, then we can prove its bullshit

Wow I guess Sup Forums really is just an extension of reddit. Kill yourself faggots

why did these "white" people rape and murder millions of indigenous peoples and African slaves then?

Why do you always assume everyone who disagrees with you must be a racist Sup Forumsack who has some weird race theories about "true" whiteness and shit? Of course slavs and jews are white. If you're a caucasian, you're white.

So by that standard, Indians are white?

Why are white people such goobers thats my question ? Goobers

Caucasian also means North Africans, Everyone in the Middle East, Horn of Africans and Indians

if they have white skin and dont rape and murder every second of every day and can make white babies who also dont rape and murder all day every day then yes they are

>Sweden rape stats nearing those of South Africa
while I agree with you about your point this is just statistical magic, you know that right? because every reported crime that's sexual in any way (like groping someone's butt) gets labeled under the same crime.

not the op but srsly u gauys are just arguing for the sake of it

So I guess for you to be so adamant about this you must've lived for a while London or some such place and seen these rapes happen first hand?

I've lived in some of the most diverse parts of england all of my life and nothing like what you have described has happened in my experience.

>creating daily threads about yourself on Sup Forums to create hype for your new show
sam you are one pathetic fuck

Not really. Just astounded by the amount of false Leftist rhetoric about Racial Politics.

What is this from?

the collective subconscious of Sup Forums

>and nothing like what you have described has happened in my experience.
Doesn't unrape the 1400 girls in Rotherham. Europe for everyone, right?

Well you've turned into a social construct. In terms of racial anthropology Semites and varying other southern European countries are seen as undesirable and therefore not white. Pretty the white construct meme comes from racial anthropology.

hi /tumblr/, hi /reddit/, welcome to Sup Forums.

please, stay.

Pretty sure the white construct meme comes from racial anthropology.

Leftist mouth-breathers btfo

I dunno. Why don't you make this thread on FUCKING Sup Forums?

The fact that they commit more crimes, particularly of sexual nature is evident wherever they go, even with western media and government trying to cover it up. As a nationalist I don't really care if they are good or bad for us though, I just want my people and our children to have a country. Look at Western Europe. Every single country is set to have a white minority in less than a 100 years, some even if immigration stop because all the Africans and Arabs have more children.

Because he's afraid someone's going to disagree with him. Poor OP autist.

Wtf I hate Reddit now.