Ausfag reporting in from having just seen Suicide Squad

ausfag reporting in from having just seen Suicide Squad.
What. A piece. Of shit.
We are talking bad with a capital ba.
Makes no fucking sense. The characters have no less than three introductions. This is x, y, z. Oh and this is x, y, z. And introducing x, y, z.
One second shmaltzy emotion. Next second trying to joke.
The villain, such as it is, is a fucking throw away meaningless nobody.
DCEU is finished, these people don't have a clue as to what the fuck they are doing.
We are living in the age of Marvel.

who cares why are you trying to make factions dont you think its just a little bit pathetic

>That pic

Please explain?

This, Marvel v DC shouldn't really be a thing, i'd understand if they were both making movies about the same characters but they're not. I'll always be a DC fan, yes i'm disappointed that the movies they're putting out are fucking horrible, but does that mean i should like Marvel more? no because i don't really like their heroes besides spiderman.

The one on the left is Black Canary, the one on the right is Batgirl, though in Suicide Squad she is known as Oracle

Paralyzed vagina

Marvel hasn't been good for a long time neither has DC name the last good DC or Marvel movie.


It's like comparing King Kong to Jurassic park
Fucking irrelevant

>Makes no fucking sense
>The characters have no less than three introductions. This is x, y, z. Oh and this is x, y, z. And introducing x, y, z.
>One second shmaltzy emotion
>Next second trying to joke.
>The villain, such as it is, is a fucking throw away meaningless nobody.
Sounds just like a Marvel movie tbqh

Bruce gave her the bat dick and she's in hospital to recover from the lasting side effects.

Is it common in Marvel movies for characters to have multiple introductions?

Hi Marvel Shill! How are those Disney fun bucks treating you?

Yeah, they have their own movies.

>not being into Watersports

I'm not into any sports.

>that pic
I don't think the writer understood how paralysis affects you.

She'd still be able to pass urine, she just wouldn't be able to control the muscles to do so herself, requiring the use of a urinal catheter. The writer somehow implied that her pelvic floor muscles would tighten and she wouldn't be able to pass urine, which doesn't make sense with paralysis

It's a shop, the actual page is about her wiggling her toe, look at her right foot.

It's an edit.

>Yeah, they have their own movies.

I don't think you understand. He means multiple introductions to characters. In the one movie.

Imagine if Iron Man introduced you to Tony Stark as if you'd never seen the character before every twenty minutes of the movie.


>I will never be that bed

why even live ?