Has Faye Marsay been in anything good lately, Sup Forums?

Has Faye Marsay been in anything good lately, Sup Forums?

in the trash

Lesbian affairs

I want to fuck the SJW'ism out of her.

pls tell me that mustache is shopped

It's not.

I want to make this girl my gf. How do I go about achieving this?

Is she even straight? Get a genuine gay vibe from her Instagram.

Be a woman

nothing here tbhesu

probably a Sup Forums memer

she has a fuller beard than I do


ayyy le waif-fu

>She will never give you an aggressive handjob to relieve your sexual frustration before taking your credit card to buy an obscenely expensive outfit for her night out "with the girls".

She's in some sort of comedy memoir type series set in London in the 1980s, on BBC iPlayer. It also stars Helena Bonham Carter. She plays a slightly autistic Northern girl working as a nanny. You fetishists will be pleased to hear that her "gimmick" is that she walks around barefoot, I didn't pay enough attention to learn whether this is because of a phobia or le quirky artiste kind of thing.

I have to say it's impressive that she's still got a visibly great rack even under the thick woolly jumpers her character wears all the time.

No but I'd like to be IN Faye Marsay if you catch my drifterino.

>All of your episodes set you up as a cold, dangerous professional, the embodiment of what Arya is supposed to be aiming for in the Faceless Men
>Clumsily stab the shit out of Arya and leave her alive
>Chase her through a city in broad daylight with your default face
>Get killed by a badly wounded rookie


just what is your malfunction Sup Forums?

>great rack
She's a 10/10

Update: It's called "Love, Nina" and is a 5 part adaptation written by Nick Hornby based on an allegedly well known book.

>implying anything can defeat plot armour

It's amazing how unremarkable they made her look in GoT. She really looks like a skinny teenager when in reality her body is ridiculous.

I mean I know Arya's not going to die and Waif-u would, but it's the total lack of character consistency that kills me with GoT.

>look at this niggas mustache
>a literal coal burner

A literally nobody.

Fuck off

That's because you're thirteen and shave with the back of a comb.

There was no reason for Arya to return her face after killing her, made no sense. Would have made sense if she kept it to use as an alias + that would have been an easy way to keep Faye on the show but, no, god forbid anything in the story makes sense and god forbid you employ an attractive actress.

Are queers fucking retards?

>kill off Ygritte
>kill off Waif-u

stop killing my waifus

The real question is: What happened to Faye Reagan?

>bible thumping old man
Literally Hitler

>Islamist country executing gay people in barbaric ways

Why is the left so retarded?

>she will never bully you and make you worship her feet

This bitch looks just a teacher who molested me when I was 6. I had to abstain from /got/ becuase of people posting this shit. Now its ont eh front page?

Fuck you OP. Go out and have sex instead of crushing on Z-list actors

>implying you were this lucky

no I shave because I'm not a manchild

Only my dreams

tell us more about your molestation
did you get a big stiff boner?

They are too stupid to understand sexual reproduction, what do you think?`