The Beatles were active for under ten years

>The Beatles were active for under ten years
>six 10/10 albums, and no album under 7/10 with the possible exception of Yellow Submarine
>The Beach Boys have been active 56 years
>arguably two 10/10 albums
>The Rolling Stones have been active 55 years
>released maybe five 9/10 albums
>The Monkees have been on-and-off active 52 years
>no 10/10 albums
>Hermans Hermits have been active 53 years
>literally who?
Has any band ever had competition this laughable?

biggest colluded meme pop cuture social engineering bubble of all time

super serial stuff

>Who is Pink Floyd

are we talking 1st or 2nd Paul McCartney Beatles?

All their 10/10 albums came out with the second McCartney. First one died before they made Rubber Soul

>anything before Rubber Soul
>over 7/10
Are you even trying?

oy vey. can we adjust the rankings to reflect this discrepancy?

>please please me isn't 7/10 at least
>with the beatles isn't 7/10 at least
>a hard days night isn't 7/10 at least
>beatles for sale isn't 7/10 at least
>help isn't 7/10 at least
If you haven't listened to these albums, you shouldn't be posting about them


Good question.

>what is a momentary lapse of reason
>what is division bell
>what is the endless river

Four 10/10s and still technically active. Still not competition

A good band, but they're more 70s. Not really considered competition for The Beatles. The OP bands are all contemporaries of the Beatles

>first album in 67
>b-but they're not competition
How convenient for you.

The first Monkees album was in 66

Yeah, but they didn't make a good album until 1970. And they didn't make a 10/10 album until 1975

Division Bell is definitely a 7/10

Good catch
>Pink Floyd has been on-and-off active for 52 years
>Has four 10/10 albums

T Rex > The Beatles

Marc Bolan > Paul McCartney

Eh I don't know about Beatles for sale and with the Beatles.
Some good songs on both sure but I probably wouldn't say they're even 7/10.

>endless river

Imagine if Ringo was allowed to release a Beatles album in the 2010s using scraps from 20 years ago

But Beatles only have 2 7/10 albums

This is pretty much the reason why they are still remembered.

Cry all you want about how they were more of a product than artists or how their producer made them great but no one can deny that their consistently good and varied output in such little time is something noteworthy and most of the huge bands in the rock genre pale in comparison in that aspect.

Please Please me and For Sale are way below that. With the Beatles, too. A Hard Day's Night and Help!, though, are about on the same level as their late stuff when they became more and more separated, maybe a bit higher, even.

The early albums are underrated because the late Beatles get a boost from classic rock circlejerking. Dude, guitar solos.

>Active for 9 years
>One 10/10 album and at least 3 albums under 6/10

You forgot to mention their only real competition...

True desu but Beach Boys are the only one of those to have 11/10 albums

I'll give you Help! and A Hard Day's Night. I don't think the rest are 7 or higher.

And I am a Beatles stan

>The Velvet Underground were active for around 9 years
>four 10/10 albums (if you can't comprehend Loaded you're a pleb)
>Only one actual dud that technaically doesn't count as a VU album
The Velvet Underwear

>Yeah, but they didn't make a good album until 1970
come again, please?

>Active three years
>4 albums
>all 10/10
>Outtakes and demos collection
>also 10/10

the beatles never made an album over a 7/10
they made decent songs but i've never actually been able to sit through their albums without getting extremely bored.
get taste OP

sounds like you're the one in need of taste m8.

Maybe A Hard Day's Night and Help! are 7/10, although AHDN being only retarded pop love songs. The others are easily under 5/10.

Le faul.

>piper is not 10/10
>saucerful is not 7/10 at least
>atom heart mother, meddle and dsotm are not 10/10
>beatles are genius, everything is over 7/10
Are you retarded?


>Wish you were here
>Final Cut
>Dark side of the moon

Yeah, you're right

>Final Cut


Yeah I was about to say now I've really heard everything. That's almost as funny as when someone said The Wall would have been better if it had been made by Korn

>the smiths were active for less than 10 years and have only 10/10 albums
>the beatles only have 2

I bet you think Dark Side of the Moon is superior to any Roger Waters' solo album (except the Commie opera)

GTFO, Sup Forums is a The Cure board

look at the levels of delusion we have to deal with here

>Meat Is Murder

I think OP is baiting

>look at the levels of delusion we have to deal with here
It's correct. Scaruffi even likes TVU.


Saucer is fucking BOLLOCKS, now pull Barrett's schizo dick out of your cum logged mouth.

Piper is the best album they ever made.

If you're a tripfag who likes unlistenable schlock, maybe

The Beach Boys had a lot of great releases. The following records are better than anything The Beatles ever released aside from Revolver, which is undoubtedly one of the only albums of substance that they ever put out. This list doesn't include Pet Sounds or Smile because everyone knows them.
>The Beach Boys Today!
>Smiley Smile
>Wild Honey
>Surf's Up
>Love You

Clean the ejaculate out of your ears before listening to music kiddo

Implying electric warrior and the slider aren't both 10/10

Have you even listened to them or did you just judge them by the popular singles?


Beatles may have had more good albums but even their best albums can't touch The Beach Boys best albums

You're delusional

>The Beach Boys have been active 56 years
>arguably two 10/10 albums
Not a fair comparison
Brian clearly could have put out more material as good or better than Pet Sounds if Mike Love didn't make him go Kokomo

I love the Beach Boys but it's kind of embarrassing you think albums like 20/20 or Love You are better than fucking Rubber Soul or Magical Mystery Tour.

For real. Like what even

who honestly thinks that

I'm gonna just assume they're being contrarian

>The Beach Boys Today!

"Kiss Me, Baby" and "She Knows Me Too Well" are two of the most beautiful pop songs ever recorded

Morissey is a bitch