ITT: Talentless Niggers

I'm so sick of the niggers you cucks seem to obsess about, so post some negros that lack any sort of skill.
Pic very related

Other urls found in this thread:


Kendrick Lamar
Lil Uzi Vert
Lil Pump
Lil Yachty
Lil Ugly Mane

you can tell how new someone is to Sup Forums by how excitedly use naughty naughty talk

OP you are one wild dude my guy

I would lie if I told you I don't agree.

never post again :))


>lil ugly mane

>Lil Ugly Mane

oh fuck off ya cucks

Maybe but nogs are still talentless retards.


who cares he's still a run of the mill soundcloud rapper that everybody raves over

The bait is stonk with this one

>he couldn't get past the pleb filter of (12th Movement)


Lol cuck xD hahaha


This man will be the president in 2020. Show some fucking respect.

>implying it won't be President Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

>this is the current state of US politics
truly the land of the meme

cucky cuck cuck hahaa hahahah (don't tell my mom I'm on Sup Forums)

omg how subversive of u

1.) Kanye is not talentless at all. He's not the best lyricist, sure. But he's an amazing producer, that you can't deny. Kanye's music relies not on lyrics alone, but on the music that supports them. Listen to MBDTF. It's one of the most maximal, lush sounding 'hip-hop' albums ever made. If you can't appreciate or at least acknowledge that, you have shit taste in music. MBDTF def did not deserve a 10 from anyone but it's amazing nonetheless.
2.) 2edgy4me

niggers are disgusting cry about it

can they seriously not do anything about the size of that plate in his jaw?

>If you don't like MBDTF you have a shit taste
jeezus fucking christ, you nu-males make me sick
