Mr Robot Thread

It's actually getting good.

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How much do netflix shills make?

that is hands down the most beautiful woman on earth

No it's not.

B. D. Wong is 55.

Friendly reminder that Darlene is a better hacker than Elliott

what does that have to do with anything

>tfw finally something happens in this fucking show

Fuck this Fight Club muh psychosis bullshit.
>hurfdurrf lets circlejerk about theories about how its all a dream and Elliott is actually in prison xDXD

Fucking cancer. Move the fucking plot.

You need your adderall

>still passes better than white traps
8/8 p gr8

>rip off silkroad
>pretend it's le scary place for sociopath


really desperate for your angry (you) aren't (you)?


stop acting dumb

Steins;Gate reference, nice

Dude was literally just talking about alternate realities, one of which is him being a woman, which was a whole story arch in Steins;Gate. Then they add the fucking tube clock and sealed it. God I'm such a faggot for knowing and being excited about this.

Jesus that completely went over my head

im glad we have weebs and autists that decipher clues and shit like this

>turn out he is a fucking minister of China
So what is this character end game?

crashing this universe


>Ray's secret revealed

How am I supposed to believe Elliott doesn't know about silkroad?

what's to say he didn't? he seemed more shocked at the RPG's/Human trafficking which is pretty severe even for a DNM.

>That scene where QTpi FBI girl is about to get lit up.

Shit is getting tense. Although you can tell this whole story arch with Ray is just gonna be filler.

probably to make china stronk

honestly this show is probably entirely about china trying to destabilize the economy and elliot being edgy and not realizing hes falling into their trap.

>he sees every post as ironic and bait

It's different to know about silkroad and realize that the friendly guy that awkwardly tries to be your friend is RUNNING it.

Did anyone ever webm her furiously masturbating to an IRC log?


this show FUCKING SUCKS.

HEY, u suck

Ambush scene was fucking great, except for that one guy shooting himself. Why? He got shot in the leg and she's hiding behind a tiny table, they're on equal terms. Worst case scenario she's gonna shot him in the head anyway, but he could've gotten away.

I guess him shooting at her for like 10 seconds was supposed to establish he ran out of bullets or something

Was that mean to be the US embassy they were shooting up?

>Operation Berenstein

>Tranny Chink flat out mentions alternate realities

>Steins;Gate refrence

>Pretty clear that Elliot's life is a metaphor for prison


Is this show any good

fuck yes it is

yes fuck it is


hackerman is better than hackersis

like vera last season.

vera's going to return though

it's fun. it panders directly to us. one episode literally has Sup Forums front page in frame


Wow cool!! They know about the chanz!!

no, probably would have suffered a worse fate had he not taken himself out.

also has she supplanted joanna, to be best grill yet?

Joanna got 10x better in the last episode though

>Le only Steins;Gate has tube clocks

Go back to r/anime and discuss your shitty reddit anime there

well, what else?

>Only Steins Gate has talk about alternate realities and tube clocks


sure, but based dom is our grill


she into that?

where is best swede

Why is her face like that, I mean shes pretty in the show but she looks like a star trek alien here

In his pillow fort on elliot's bed


Not overly photogenic, Still strangely attractive though, Love her wide grin.

>singing the most gloomy danish lullaby in its history

Literally, ugly people: the show

He obviously killed himself to avoid being captured and interrogated in case the other attackers die/run and he's left wounded and immobile. That means he's not a hired gun but dedicated fully to some cause. Fuck, this show has so many mysteries unanswered it's getting too much for my tiny brain.

i can't decide between angela and fbi girl. so torn.

>i told you not to look

she looks like she would suck my dark dick for $5

Angela looks like an ayy lmao. Swedish girl is traditionally hot but all I can see is a complete psychopath when I look at her. FBI is my waifu and I want her giant birdnose up my anus.

literally me, good taste user

swedish girl is not my type. angela is beautiful. you can have FBI.

what I thought too initially, a lot of the actors like are kind of... weird-looking sometimes, but it grew on me and almost makes the show more realistic with them not all have exactly conventional features

>you can have FBI
t-thank you

*having fuck

>mfw only the Angela stuff is interesting now
Haven't seen episode 4 yet. Did something happen?

did I watch a shit stream or did the episode actually end right as the shooting started?

shit stream.

you mean episode 5?
and yes

>I can't into captcha

He asks beardo at the end of season one of he knows what the price of a rare earth metal has been adjusted to since the hack. I forget the name of the metal (something starting with a C) but it's one used in the production of electronics. He clearly has stock in either the mining/selling of that mineral or the production of computers.

i like how she went from dumb blonde "bimbo" to full ice queen

cap of frame you're talking about or ep number?

S01E01, after Elliot frames Colby

yep it ended a minute early

>dude they pander to Sup Forums
>dude the masks are so cringy le muh reddit anonymous reference
They're just trying to depict hacker culture. The mask thing is a bit 2007 I agree but I take it as an homage, not pandering.

>pubes on head
not even average african

>Goes upstairs from the ground floor
>"Excuse me where's the bathroom"
>Keeps walking and sees two big fucking doors and thinks it must be a washroom.

You can't make this shit up. Make it that she's curious and wants to explore not le bathroom trope. That whole sequence was fucking awful

This show is surprisingly legit hilarious.

pretty fucking autistic complaint, and she did seem to be curious.

i wouldn't have described her as 'bimbo'. tech was not her strong suit. she is not a hacker. her role at her old job did not suit her.

damn good genes
and hair dye


I haven't watched this show. What is Snafu up to? Does he kill Japs in this show?

nope, chinks.


Now that's what I call a leak!

some of it is pretty cheesy

>be elite hacker
>surprised about generic tor marketplace
>log in they used is dread_pirate_roberts

but still pretty good series overall.

>>surprised about generic tor marketplace

>human trafficking
>military grade explosives

>generic tor marketplace

mfw I actually just moved back with my mom due to a mental breakdown and am taking new meds

not seeing people or anything, just panic attacks and depression, partly from being out of a job for a bit

wait.. or am I actually in a mental asylum run by mobsters?

>wait.. or am I actually in a mental asylum run by mobsters?

I don't know, let's phone the Vice Squad ...

I feel very stupid because I don't really understand most of the ongoing plots:

* What is Angela doing like 99% of the time? Her whole "big reveal" with the E-Corp CEO in episode 3/4(?) completely flew over my head.
* What is Joanna Wellick doing like 99% of the time? I seriously don't understand why a sizable portion of the season has been devoted to her doing....stuff.

Even with the increased violence/plot movement in the last episode, I don't think the show has improved much.

Honestly, it's funny to consider the Whiterose persona in light of the show: I really don't think Mr Robot uses its time effectively.

I think I may be at one and people here are gangsters. Here I took a photo of one of them.

When you hack the world, you should know that shit is happening.

It doesn't mean you wouldn't be surprised that the kindly figure who was helping you with your mental illness was running it

You mean reddit You colossal fag

angela works for ecorp and is attempting to take it down from the inside, but shes kinda becoming corrupt herself with all the high dollar flashy things

joanna is covering up for tyrell who is MIA. she knows he killed that dudes wife and knows he's part of the big hack

You guys are fucking retards it's not a reference to anime, as if that's the only universe that has tube clocks. Kill yourselves

>rare pepe

Real talk though, the show isn't bad in itself but it's just a patchwork of different series and movies and it goes absolutely nowhere. It has no structure or real story whatsoever.

>10/10 qtp2t
>daughter of the greatest actress who ever lived