Katy Perry isn't the one that is naked

>Katy Perry isn't the one that is naked

Fuck everything!!!

That's a lot of foreskin damn I'll take it all of she won't

Typical uncircumcised cuck boy is the one being her beta bitch while Russel brand the circumcised God was the alpha in their relationship. Just goes to show how desperate those disgusting elephant trunk looking cocks are for pussy.

>p-please l-love me!

Is that shooped? Why is one of his thighs like twice as thick as the other?

Looks bent.

why is his dick so big and pretty

>That's a lot of foreskin
Indicator that it's quite a grower

Orlando Bloom looking good. Would prefer Katy naked though.

well that's a huge bummer

just the angle, you have more muscle on the back of your thigh so it looks thicker from the side

Brand is an effeminate junky with a small penis who once sucked off another man in a cubicle for a television program.

More like huge cummer amirite?

>that look on her face

Someone isn't too happy about having to suck on old Earthworm Jim when they get back.

>it's not a big black stud
into the trash it goes

what movie is this?

he's slightly erect, well who wouldn't be chub when you're near katy perry all the time


>I have an idea!!!
>let's mutilate our dicks so we can't feel anything!!!

looks like the avarege pathetic tiny white penis

katy deserves a big black bull tbqh

russel isnt circumcised though, you insecure amerimutilated

good thing too since I dont think there'd be anything left at all

Damn that's a small dick

>Americans are so jewcucked they're proud of being mutilated by their overlords


>not coming out of the closet and dating gay black guys

Dude it's so much better.


Nah, that's just how your cock sits on your balls when they shrivel up in water

google "katy perry big black cock tweet" and enjoy

Dumb whore set this photo up. If it wasn't staged shed at least be topless.

I sort of wish I was circumcised as a kid

I have phimosis and underneath the foreskin it's so sensitive that it's painful. I can't fucking touch underneath without cringing like fuck

I wish I couldn't feel that.



How does this guy fuck girls? Genuinely interested. It seems like it'd be kind of hard unless he grew a lot.


Katy used to be a BBC slut.
Bitch probably fucked thousands of men.

Oy vey

>t.butthurt Muslim who doesn't realize that the Torah is literally the 1st half of the Christian Bible

This triggers (((hollywood)))

he's charming

I dont know why anyone thinks big dick = lots of sex; small dick = not much sex, how does a girl even know how big your dick is until you're literally already undressing in bed together?

At least somebody is being a man. Everyone wants a beard but mustaches are taboo. Sad.

I had phimosis too. I just stretched my foreskin over a period of weeks until I could pull it back.

The more often you expose the tip the less sensitive it becomes. Doing it in the shower helps.

Muslims get circumsised too.

Reminder that Biebs cucked him with his literal wife and mother of his child. He also has the bigger dick. Based Bieber

That's because not many people can wear a mustache well.

What's with the porn stache?

he's on so much coke there his penis has retracted into his body

He was asking about the technical aspect

He wants to be Terry

>High waisted bikinis are back
Are we about to enter a new golden age bros?

I tried stretching when I was younger, but it didn't really seem to work. Now I'm 25, and still fucked

It's really a problem, because I feel it's hurting my self-confidence, in the sense that I wouldn't want anyone to see it

They were about the same I'd say. Miranda Kerr would fuck anyone who's making more money than her. She even fucked a ugly 50+ year old billionaire for a while

But even when you can people laugh and think 70s pornstar.

What technical aspect you fucking virgin ?

You just spread her fucking legs

fame and money must be an important factor too

I meant actually putting the penis into the vagina. Not how he gets them to bed. Like how do you keep a penis that small inside a vagina. Add moving around and the actual act of fucking.

I know girls aren't generally size queens, but there's got to be dicks so small that they give almost zero pleasure. If it's not falling out all the time.

Then get circumcised, shit.

I'd stick my fingers up her ass, if you know what i mean

>[a woman] would fuck anyone who's making more money than her. She'd even fuck a ugly 50+ year old billionaire.

Just seeing her next to a naked cock is pretty hot though. Can you imagine if some dude was just waving his sweaty ham behind Taylor Swift?

Jesus, that's like nearly a micropenis....

You have an actual medical case then. I had a similar problem when I was a kid and my doctor said I had to get circumcised, maybe you should too.

taylor swift is an ugly bird

>That's a lot of foreskin

For you


>implying you can determine erect size by flaccid size

If you walk up to him and tug it, sure.

Zooey >>> Katy

Muslims are circumcised too you dumb cuck.

Problem then is, I'd have to walk around with an overly sensitive dick constantly feeling bad, rubbing up my pants/underpants

How can a man who seems so effeminate have such a huge willy?

My dick is 35 inch long faggot

nice try russell

That's a micro penis. Fucking hell. Why would he ever pose naked? At least it makes me feel better about myself. My dick is an arm compared to that. So now i know I'm bigger than that fag, the fag in op pic, tom hardy, and brad pitt. Feels good man.

Astoundingly, Russell Brand is notorious for having fucked hundreds of women. This leads me to think that one of two things is happening: either he's full of shit and it's all just overcompensation with lies about all the girls he's shagged, or alternatively, he's such a disappointment in the sack that none of them want a second go on little Russell.

W-What's wrong with his thighs?

Like less than first tenth really. Torah is the first five books. Tanakh is the whole Jewish canon (Old Testament).

Enjoy your infection then goy

>Judging penis size in its flaccid state

You're a fucking idiot.

Next time you fuck a girl try putting only the tip in, if you can do that so can they.

He and Katy "could fuck every man on earth" Perry were married. Sounds like you just try to overcompensate

he was probably fucking druggie women (who have literally no standards or planning ahead abilities) before he got famous since he was an addict himself

>huge willy
That's huge to you? Are you some microdick asian? That dick is really damn small, and a lot of it is just the foreskin.

Damn those American women sure love them Brits.

>Next time you fuck a girl

where do you think you are?

Virgin spotted. You can give pleasure with your thumb, and the vagina would need to be cavernous for even a micro penis to fall out.

How is it so big flaccid? My dick is like 0.5 cm when soft :/

reminder that Katy Perry is a cuckqueen

then fucking buy a pack of tighty whities until u get used to it, takes like a month tops.

But if the tip was my whole penis, how am I supposed to fuck unless I have the shortest stroke in the game

>Sweaty armpits

Jesus she really DID get implants :(

Hi asian

me on the right

How do yours stack up Sup Forums?

why is he wearing so much face make up


Katy is such a butterface. Don't look up any pictures of her without make-up on. Jesus christ, she's horrifying. 3/10.

Muslimas love my kaffir foreskin for real

Anyway legolas just scaled the rankings of cool bros for doing that. that is alpha as FUCK.

>next time you fuck a girl


Well lets see your dick mandingo, I bet it's no fucking bigger

>inb4 you use a fisheye lens

I want to suck a dick

My dick is bang average and even when I do shitloads of coke and MDMA it's still bigger than Russell's in that pic. There's no way he's even 5" at full length

He broke up with her.

I she was then this would be rape

He jelqed it