One of these threads

One of these threads




How is Two Towers contrarian? When i ask people that's usually what they say.

wanna fight?

Same here


Truly, Fellowship is god tier.

Plebian:Spiderman 1
Contrarian:Spiderman 3
Patrician: Spiderman 2

But all of these are plebeian

Plebian: Spiderman 1
Plebian: Spiderman 3
Plebian: Spiderman 2




>Barry Lyndon
Your pleb is showing


It's a boring piece of shit only worth watching for the cinematography.

Barry Lyndon is literally no one's favorite Kubrick film other than hardcore contrarians who want to appear superior by liking some Kubrick flick no ones ever heard of

>Pusher series
>Not the patrician choice
For what purpose?


Is this bait?



The Dark Knight rises is patrician just for the opening scene alone.




Memento should be in patrician.




Interstellar and Martian are about as pleb as you can get.

do you know what any of does words mean?



Holy fuck, those movies are bad.


It's literally everyone's favourite Kubrick who learned film or is a critic

It's my favorite, along with Eyes Wide Shut

Scorsese hasn't made a truly pleb film, but I'd rather go with Gangs of New York or Shutter Island maybe. Contrarian should be Bringing Out the Dead or The King of Comedy. Patrician is Taxi Driver, no question.

Just like your mom in bed xD


More like Patrician Patrician Patrician
You talk to a lot of faggots then


Idc, it's the truth. They're his best. Also FMJ is not pleb, people only think it is because they don't truly understand it. 2001 is definitely pleb, it's even more straight forward than his older work.

I feel like people ignore that stuff, by the way. Paths of Glory and The Killing definitely belong near the top of his filmography.


But Jackie Brown is one of his best

>terrific b8, m8
Pulp Fiction should be alone in Patrician, Reservoir Dogs in Contrarian, and everything else Plebian


Fucking this.

>Pulp Fiction should be alone in Patrician

You couldn't be any more wrong about this at all.

>all these plebs/contrarians

Pleb as fuck, imdbdrone


Why do people hate the Martian? I loved it. Apart from the ending and a few small artistic licenses, the science was pretty on point and interesting too imo.

Also, interstellar sucked.

This is right

>unrealistic cast
>"triumph of the human spirit"

Overall not a bad movie, but terrible by "alone in space" movie standards

>Scorsese hasn't made a truly pleb film


almost all of these are more accurate by moving everything 1 spot to the left

Fuck off James no one likes Batman Begins.

great silence is Corbucci u pleb

>Ned sitting on the throne



i'm aware shit dick, i'm saying it's the better spaghetti western and all of leone is trash

because he actually fucking did in S1/AGOT you fucking dolt, when the king is not in the city the hand sits the throne


>likes hateful 8
>posts b8

brilliant pottery

but you're wrong

>season 1 and 3

>season 4

>season 2 and 5

I can get onboard with that, yeah.

This one's hilarious.

I love all of them though and PoG what does that make me?

no according to the image i made, you my friend are wrong


>Eyes Wide Shut
Kubrick tried to red pill the masses about the Jewminati and they killed him for it. It doesn't get more patrician than that my dear friendittor

Go to bed Adum

and stop fucking your dog


I don't get it? It's the same thing in all three categories


They should all be plebian frankly

The Godfather 1
The Godfather 2
The Godfather 3

Most accurate so far itt

I appreciate Day more each time I watch it, but I still think it's the weakest of the trilogy. Night is my favorite by far, and is still genuinely scary for me to this day. Dawn for all its flaws has some absolutely incredible sequences and I also love the Argento cut. Day, though, I can't quite wrap my head around. At first it's serious like Night but then it develops some 80s cheese and gets tonally really weird. I might come to love it more with repeated viewings, though. I would rank it with Return of the Living Dead in terms of how good it is

Agree with everything you just said. I'm just baiting for replies frankly

Fixed that for you phamaladingdong



If Tarantino had just cut out explaining why Daisy had a secret, played some music as they moved the generals body, and cut out the poison being added to the coffee, it would be patrician

I like the SW Holiday Special. I think, even though it's bad, it's incredibly surreal and kind of a smart anti-consumer film. Chewie's family is only concerned with their gifts and spends the entire film with sequence after sequence brought on my electronic entertainment shit, they get sucked into these fake hollow worlds and ignore real life, on wookie christmas of all days. family is no longer important to them. more layers of social commentary are added by the fact that a shitty money grabbing christmas special based on a popular science fantasy piece of garbage is being used as a device to criticize commercialism. At the end of the film the family is reunited and they ascend to another realm, escaping the empty culture of buying and selling. It's really poignant stuff if you watch it with that in mind (and being high as shit helps)


Genuinely not baiting, I don't even vaguely understand why people like any ED film but the first one. The others are terrible. Not only are they not scary, but they aren't even funny despite trying to be comedies. The original Evil Dead is a grueling terror masterpiece with inventive filmmaking, real character development, and actual suspense, horror, and a deeply disturbing atmosphere

For A Few Dollars More is the patrician option

Place beyond the pines was so much fucking better than only god forgives

Pure MiyazaKino

>all of leone is trash

shit taste

You know, it's crazy, I come in to one of these threads, these template threads, and almost every one of them is wrong. It's sad, really.

Its also not a Refn film