Name a film more red-pilled than Demolition Man. Pro-tip: you can't

Name a film more red-pilled than Demolition Man. Pro-tip: you can't.

Nigger I bet you don't even know how to use the three seashells


I scoop the poop daily

Blade Runner.
>minorities are hunted down like animals by a straight white male who also rapes one of them in the process (because that's what women really want)

nah,this movie is actually pretty blue-pilled

yeah I do.

You use one seashell and stick it up your butt.
Then you take a poop
Then the middle seashell you scrape along your bare butthole until it's clean
And the last seashell is for making your butthole smell pleasant

No man. The shells are buttons you press to have water squirted up your ass

I wouldn't call replicants "minorities" in the usual sense it has now.
Phillip K Dick was definitely red pilled. He overdosed on the red pill so much he got visions warning him against the Gnostic threat.

>I wouldn't call replicants "minorities" in the usual sense it has now.

then go by it's textbook definition, asshat.

Jesus wept

Demolition Man was SO kino that even Rob Schneider is watchable in it.

Think on that for a moment.

I'm the first one to be triggered by all this acceptance feel good bullshit about making it illegal and turbo evil to prefer some people.

Reminder that womyn are considered "minorities" when they are 51% of the population.

what is Judge Dredd


Its ridiculous how much this movie feels like a contemporary social critique now.

It was just a dumb action sci-fi flick back in the 90s

>It was just a dumb action sci-fi flick back in the 90s
no it wasnt, that is just what people assumed.

life imitating art

It was just some generic dystopian future in which people got sticks up their asses.

Bet the writer was even thinking about conservatives when he wrote that society and its rules.

>what is Judge Dredd


It's a fucking great film.
I'd kill myself if Taco Bell won the Food Wars.