When did this cunt lose his soul

When did this cunt lose his soul

Every single joke in his monologues are leftist based jabs at Trump and the right. I'm not evena conservative and even this offends me. I'm somewhere in the middle, maybe even lean a little to the left. This shit is fucking ruining comedy. To think this guy used to write for The Simpsons in its prime.

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Are you upset that a public figure has political opinions contrary to yours?

Just tired of topical political shit on my comedy

I'm independent but I hold a lot of liberal views desu

are you retarded?
>this offends me
oh of course you are

A large portion of all stand-up and stand-up-esque (grouping late night douches here) have political material. You just gotta find the ones that don't.

Craig Ferguson used to make a joke about how he agrees with everything the viewer says, making fun of that. Maybe he'd be more up your alley.

Every time a comedian has something leftist to say there's always got to be a fucking cry thread on Sup Forums about it. Stop getting triggered over clowns you child.

how is a late night host that's supposed to make jokes about news and current topics not going to talk about trump

>a joke that makes fun of both parties
>wahhh why all the anti-Trump jokes?

>white guy OP posts
>I mean.. why shouldn't we.. entertain this privileged orange racist hateful demogogue.. it's only fair.. right?

He didn't lose his soul or anything, Conan's writers have always worked with the current trends, at one point it was Al Gore and then it was Bush. Right now Trump's an easy target to mock.

You're being extremely sensitive.

He sounds more upset that every public figure has the exact same political opinions. Liberals are always so big on diversity, but where is the diversity of opinions when every single comedian on tv is a democrat shill?

He's obviously talking about Trump, bro

But this implies both sides are nuts.

>inverse of pic

Well, they managed to ignore the DNC leaks, the Clinton Foundation leaks and any controversy relating to Hillary Clinton just fine.

lol is that George lucas

People stop being funny around their late 40s.

His remotes (especially ones with Jordan Schlansky) are the only ones worth watching. The on-stage skits, monologues, musical performances, guest stand-up acts and most interviews are completely disposable.

George Carlin stayed pretty based.

>jabs at trump and the Right
If your candidate makes himself a punchline on a daily basis, what other results were you expecting?
THIS is how delusional you alt-righters are; you actually make moderate Republicans look normal.

>What are writers?

Seems his sho used to be pretty damn funny, all around IIRC

God I'm old

Sup Forumscat detected

gawd, the stench of stupidity

>I'm not even conservative
>Uses 'cunt' as a slur

He's pretty much completely sold out, his Trump thing though has always been a thing, he's made fun of Trump since the early 2000's which is highly convenient for him so he's jumping on the joke as much as possible for more brownie points. Which is pretty stupid because he's overusing the shit out of it now. I could go on for days about how his comedic style has immensely suffered from his move up in late night.

Nope. Conan's musical performances are top tier. They're bands he actually enjoys not whatever needs to be promoted. You are wrong and frankly, I believe you're just spewing memes and don't even watch the show regularly.

Get the fuck out if you have nothing to say but stupid, swine-tier banter.
No. I'm upset that too many figures have been forcing their stupid leftist agenda onto these mentally enslaved retards such as you libcuck faggots.

Go fuck yourself then you leftist cunt. Do you know that these hollyjew fucks are trying brainwash the public on their leftist agenda? Every person in the heights of stardom have been drugged into political correctness and the blue-pilled bullshit that they've been given. This applies to this stupid fucking Irish-Jew. He's just as shit as Fallon and Colbert, just with ginger hair. Do you think that we apex beasts of the hell-ridden earth should stay oppressed like this? To keep these dogs stomping us to the ground? No. Not one fucking bit I'll ever let that happen, you fucking cunt.

>i literally can't take a joke
>this is because of liberals
Eh Oh El

Why would I watch his show regularly when I just said I didn't care for most of the content? I just watch the best clips online.

George Carlin also never stooped to political humor.
The only political things I can remember him saying that they should turn executions in to public entertainment events and that rape jokes are funny.

You don't have a right not to be offended.


he doesn't write his monolog jokes
anybody remember Buckley who used to write them for late night?

Nothing wrong with that joke OP. If you think either Trump or Hillary are intelligent then you should kill yourself.

Keep fucking crying conservababy

He had that bit above yet how he doesn't vote and that the choice is an illusion. Other than that I agree

>I'm somewhere in the middle

In other words a fascist enabling piece of shit

If you're not with us you're against us, and never forget it

wtf I love tripfags now

He's got nothing on Jon Leibowitz


Carlin's late stand ups were trash, they were just old man rants, barely comedy.

Fuck off
You pigs actually think this lanky Irish alcoholic fuck is FUNNY? I tried to watch his so-called "comedy" late-night show and that shit was one of the worst things that I've seen in my entire life.

ITT: Bluepilled slaves


I don't like the way the show has been the last few years. I'd say Conan's peak writers was between '98-'05. Apparently they're all women now or something, and I don't care but women are almost never funny.

That being said Conan is almost certainly liberal, he is from almost the exact same background as the Kennedys I really wouldn't be surprised if they were somehow related to him.

>Doesn't even mention trump

nice job seeing stuff you want to believe.

The joke wasn't really funny, but it also wasn't something worth having an aneurysm about because it clearly indicts all candidates running as being insane. That's what's implied by 'People', you know, more than one person, as in this isn't just a trump joke.

You get killed for talking about that stuff
>inb4 CTR Sup Forums shills call me a CONSPIRACY THEORIST


>lanky Irish alcoholic fuck is FUNNY?

That sounds fun 2bh

First in the oven.

Waaaah waaah but following trump waaaah waaaah i want a lifestyle based on 50s fucking tv shows waaah muy white people shut the fuck up ya fucking goober


Are you seriously this much of a fucking Clinton Shill?

You know we all know you guys get paid to spam bullshit here right?

Why does literally every talk show host worship Obama? Even other democratic candidates in the past got made fun of, even if it was in good will. But literally every mention of Barack or Michelle by any talkshow hosts just comes off like transparent ass-kissing.

He moved to LA. We can only wait for the Big One to drown that entire city in the ocean.

>lifestyle based on 50s fucking tv shows
name a better family structure than the nuclear family



Fuck off faggot

He's the meme president
He literally references Reddit shit

Obama administration is in bed with the media and terrorist organizations. He is competing to be worse than Bush and I am not even exaggerating, it's just the (((media))) sucks his dick.

What are trends

Most people don't want to vote for a reality tv star, you goddamn moron. Donald Trump is a fucking moron who will ruin this country. He doesn't give a shit about your poor country ass. You can either accept that you live in a changing America, or remain forever angry.

The majority of the media are owned by leftists and Jews.

That's why they're constantly pushing their leftist shit....so stop watching them.

Pansexual transgenders in an open, polygamous relationship, raising adopted children of all races (except white).

no reproduction, human race extinct
captcha: Comune

>Obama administration is in bed with the media and terrorist organizations.

So just like every president ever?

>poltards are literally this butthurt and insane

Based Conan at it

Obango is liberal and partially black and apparently that makes him immune to jokes on mainstream tv

Sounds good to me, senpai. There's too many of us as it is.

I was just memeing, but the human race going extinct honestly wouldn't be a bad thing. I don't get the whole "WE MUST REPRODUCE AND CONTINUE OUR SPECIES" shit. No one loses if we choose to not reproduce.

a lefty nihilist/anti natalist!?
never knew they existed

>'it's wrong NOT to support retarded candidates'

Tell me why I should vote for the two worst candidates in the history of America

Go fuck yourself then you leftist cunt. Do you know that these hollyjew fucks are trying brainwash the public on their leftist agenda? Every person in the heights of stardom have been drugged into political correctness and the blue-pilled bullshit that they've been given. This applies to this stupid fucking Irish-Jew. He's just as shit as Fallon and Colbert, just with ginger hair. Do you think that we apex beasts of the hell-ridden earth should stay oppressed like this? To keep these dogs stomping us to the ground? No. Not one fucking bit I'll ever let that happen, you fucking cunt.

>in bed with terrorist and the media
Sounds more like the Reagan admin to me ayyyy.

>No one loses if we choose to not reproduce.
except you, because you exist and enjoy life enough to have not killed yourself already

>when Sup Forumsacks go wild

The kind with sexy, non-blooded related, similar aged female siblings and the parents are always away on business trips.

there's only one person triggered, and it's not that guy.

stay triggered babby.

What? No one said anything about killing themselves. And you're not killing anyone or anything by not reproducing. In fact, reproducing is the most selfish and narcissistic thing you can do.

I bet you voted for #change back in 2008 lmao

Because jews pull the strings of every president since JFK and Nixon

Isn't that jabbing at both?

Go fuck yourself then you leftist cunt. Do you know that these hollyjew fucks are trying brainwash the public on their leftist agenda? Every person in the heights of stardom have been drugged into political correctness and the blue-pilled bullshit that they've been given. This applies to this stupid fucking Irish-Jew. He's just as shit as Fallon and Colbert, just with ginger hair. Do you think that we apex beasts of the hell-ridden earth should stay oppressed like this? To keep these dogs stomping us to the ground? No. Not one fucking bit I'll ever let that happen, you fucking cunt.

And who did you vote for? Sarah fucking Palin?

Sup Forums is the worst but also by far the best board on Sup Forums

You have maximum shilling and shitposting but also some deep dark truths if you can filter through the tinfoil disinformation.

It truly is the Path Of Light Sup Forums

>when left wingers can't have what they want they falseflag and ctrl v it all over the site


>No one loses if we choose to not reproduce.
except for yourself, right now

There were no real options before Trump and even Trump only has a 25% chance of being legit anti NWO

Is it just me or do late night talk shows love referencing GoT any chance they get? Maybe it's just easy pandering because even the slightest mention of that show leads to the audience applauding and hollering.

I have conservative, nationalist tendencies and I can't stand you Stormfags posting you come off as such uneducated fucks that can't take jokes of any kind. Maybe you should be less worried about what the media is doing to brainwash people and attempt to create your own entertainment industry

>hates jews
>supports pro-Israel candidate


>Okay to call Hilary Clinton every name in the book and make jokes at liberal's expense
Your tears are fucking delicious.

Go fuck yourself then you leftist cunt. Do you know that these hollyjew fucks are trying brainwash the public on their leftist agenda? Every person in the heights of stardom have been drugged into political correctness and the blue-pilled bullshit that they've been given. This applies to this stupid fucking Irish-Jew. He's just as shit as Fallon and Colbert, just with ginger hair. Do you think that we apex beasts of the hell-ridden earth should stay oppressed like this? To keep these dogs stomping us to the ground? No. Not one fucking bit I'll ever let that happen, you fucking cunt.

Carlin stopped telling jokes and started trying to be deep and wise, when in reality, he had little to no wisdom.

Maybe Trump shouldn't be such an easy fucking target you big baby

Go fuck yourself then you leftist cunt. Do you know that these hollyjew fucks are trying brainwash the public on their leftist agenda? Every person in the heights of stardom have been drugged into political correctness and the blue-pilled bullshit that they've been given. This applies to this stupid fucking Irish-Jew. He's just as shit as Fallon and Colbert, just with ginger hair. Do you think that we apex beasts of the hell-ridden earth should stay oppressed like this? To keep these dogs stomping us to the ground? No. Not one fucking bit I'll ever let that happen, you fucking cunt.

>Every single joke in his monologues are leftist based jabs at Trump and the right. I'm not evena conservative and even this offends me. I'm somewhere in the middle, maybe even lean a little to the left.

No, what you are is a crybaby conservatard who can't handle the fact that society as a whole is leaving him behind. Boo hoo hoo, fuckboy. Hand your wife over to the nearest bull you see and shoot yourself in the face if the bantz trigger you so much.



>comedians tend to be more liberal
Literally who cares

Go fuck yourself then you leftist cunt. Do you know that these hollyjew fucks are trying brainwash the public on their leftist agenda? Every person in the heights of stardom have been drugged into political correctness and the blue-pilled bullshit that they've been given. This applies to this stupid fucking Irish-Jew. He's just as shit as Fallon and Colbert, just with ginger hair. Do you think that we apex beasts of the hell-ridden earth should stay oppressed like this? To keep these dogs stomping us to the ground? No. Not one fucking bit I'll ever let that happen, you fucking cunt.

not really, I would say possibly one of the shit dead boards introduced during moots sjw incursions like /soc/ /mlp/ /lgbt/ /s4s/ and the ever dogshit normie filled Sup Forums, you basically have an agenda if you say Sup Forums is the worst when it's one of the only boards currently producing fresh dank memes