So this one will be good right Sup Forums?

So this one will be good right Sup Forums?

They have learned their mistakes from the previous movies

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It will receive critical acclaim because they wont have the balls to pan the Wonder WOMAN movie.



never know man. the trailer seems like it will deliver on the tone and characters. but great trailers and underwhelming movies are a trend in dceu so we'll see. though they did restructure their dc people so anything can happen

Feminist and numale critics will rate it highly, audience rating around 38%. Everyone's been burnt by DC movies already one too many times so this will bomb.

No. It will be shit. I have high hopes for aquaman tho.

Didn't they rewrite the fucking movie in the middle of shooting it? We're probably gonna get another Suicide Squad type mess.

Let's post our predictions
>it ends up being an absolutely awful disaster full of STRONK WOMYN cliches, horribly out of place quips and terrible acting from Gal Gadot
>gets a RT score of 70something and certified fresh because of feminists
>bombs at the box office

Real Wonder Woman coming through.

>mfw this fucking theme

Its honestly one of the worst themes I have heard for a superhero

> set in ww1 or ww2 time

>So this one will be good right Sup Forums?

You know what they say, 4th time is the charm

>> set in ww1 or ww2 time

You honestly can't tell?


Since the trailer was released I've seen the number of stupid people using this term instead of "Amazon" increase significantly

Her soundtrack alone is already better than anything Marvel ever made

why is everything blue

Well i've seen german planes, but didn't see svastika.

are you blind? there's clearly 100% yellow as well

So the end battle is the Central Powers invading Themyscira.

What the fuck are they thinking

You can't tell if it's "the end battle"


Another rehash of the show


I'm sure it will be a good movie ruined by the main actress being an out of place pile of shit cardboard.

>I'm sure it will be a good movie

I'm not
Nothing indicates that

it`s painfully obvious that dc just doesn`t `get it`

The trailer is pretty neat. Still not gonna watch it though, we live an era where going too see a movie sporting a SIONIST WOMAN is a veru dangerous signal to send. Unlike other shit I didn't bother with (4tastic) I'm going to download it though.

Trailers that dramatically shift tone signal a problem. Thats what happened for both BvS and SS. If the next few trailers for Wonder Woman stay tonally consistent I'll sleep better at night.

the WW theme music is gud

>after failure after failure the time is ripe
>all the reviewers too afraid to go against sjws finally have a prine target
>everyone just assumes dc films will be garbage
>they can tear this one apart without fear of sjws swarming them, simply point out its a dc film and people will say oh no wonder it got panned
Im looking foward to this

>set in ww1 or ww2 time

Fucking amerilards I swear to God

>I have high hopes for aquaman tho.
with DC's track record I feel bad for you

The plane is a Fokker E-3 Eindecker you shitlord. Saw action very early on in WW1. It's engine was about as powerful as a modern lawnmower.

FFS, no wonder movies are so dumbed down for normies these days.

>It's engine was about as powerful as a modern lawnmower.

C---cut you in half with a single stroke

Just back from SS, and, eh. It ain't bad, but it's one big "We want Deadpool audience" the movie.

First act is bretty good, and the Joker has enough scenes, I dunno WTF was that "7 minutes" shit about. Third act is generic capeshit friendship, but with the words "we are bad guys to them" getting overused.

its so bad. How is she gonna talk for the whole movie she sounds horrible.

I wonder if all the villain extras in this series had to be manlets

>f-fourth time's the charm..!

At the point the only logical standpoint is to be pessimistic and hope to be proven wrong

>someone with a shield
>during ww2

It won't have a metric fuck ton of characters to focus on. That's a plus.

Lynda was pretty tall for a woman at 5'9, add in 2-3 inch heels on her boots and it's not so weird she using three arrows like a sword?

this image is excellent

Fuck now I've lost all hope now

Thanks WB!

>25% RT
Screen cap now

What's so bad about it? Except for being a borderline Fury Road-ripoff it's great.

can it be called rip off when it's from the same guy?

>lead actress who plays the titular character not attractive enough to appeal to muh sexually objectifying and misogynistic men
>too attractive to appeal to muh feminists
>is capeshit that doesn't have muh large female fanbase

doomed to fail

desu I think the theme is actually pretty fitting for WW. Unfortunately her portrayal in BvS was flat and boring as fuck and didn't fit this theme at all. From the look of the WW trailers the new movie won't accomplish that either, when they tacked this theme onto the end of the trailer it felt so fucking out of place.

Shut up Satan.

I remember early buzz about ss squad being horrible due to editing and stuff. Care to link to the accounts of those guys? I think faraci was one.