I need pics of musicians using old computers

I need pics of musicians using old computers

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I was going to ask the same thing
i need this too

if anyone's got one of robert smith in particular that would be great

They are so wholesome

I've given up on trying to find older ones



Imagine being on the AOL IM rooms and seeing all of them log on

Warning: extremely comfy interview of Stewart Copeland making the Spyro OST for playstation magazine.

oh shit my bro thanks for this

>drummer of The Police did Spyro OST

what the actual fuck

this is great

Possibly technically a synth, but close enough.

this guy's youtube channel lmao
hes been youtubing for over 10 years and hes only got 2k subs
he seems really happy tho

good on him

this is the best one
I so badly want to know why he's looking at a picture of himself and where he got that SWEET mousepad


Thought this was Tom Jones before I clicked on it

that's not unusual


>tfw parent's old computer had that exact mousepad

That's Photoshop, nigga, That nigga's retouching himself.
He's even got a pen tablet which hints that he does it regularly.