Is it cool to wear a beanie at a funeral and weddings?

Is it cool to wear a beanie at a funeral and weddings?

god i hate that faggot
what kind of 50 year old man decides to start calling him self the edge
he can't even play guitar
his band fucking sucks ass
u2 need to fuck off and die forever

Don't be mean to the edge. He physically can't remove it. Bono played a horrible prank on him where he filled it with superglue, and now it's permanently stuck on his head.

He's a muslim.

what funeral is this?

Funeral for U2's creativity

i don't get it, he was fine not wearing it for the discotheque video but he can't peel it off for a fucking funeral? get a grip, edge

much like bono's sunglasses, the edge's beanies didn't become a permanent fixture until the 2000s around the same time when U2 went to absolute fucking shit

this looks recent though. Why would they have it over 20 years late?


I just looked it up. It's his father's funeral. For fuck's sake. That's sick.

It's not like people don't know he's bald under it. Kind of disrespectful but whatever.

>posted a thread about U2 just to piss off some fags
God damn you faggot. me and some other fags just want to talk about U2 without a bunch of homos ruining our thread. and here you are being a little queer trying to make Sup Forums hate U2 as much as possible. just meme some U2 up my ass faggot! I really need a vertigo thread about now! Lets talk about sucking Bono's dick! Go to hell faggot. All we want is to talk about U2 and not be a pain in the ass for to other fairies. let people learn to like U2 instead of waving your dick around. Sup Forums is so gay anymore.


Bono has a medical condition that's why he wear's the sunglasses
look it up

>believing that excuse


Shut up Montie.

Montie lives in Michigan you fucker. I live in Boston and I'm coming for you nigga.




why do americans drink champagne and shit at funerals?
what the fuck are you celebrating?

U2 is Irish and he's in Dublin in that pic, you fuckface.

I didn't even read the topic desu lol
i thought i've seen him somewhere

>posted a thread about U2 just to piss off some fags
God damn you faggot. me and some other fags just want to talk about U2 without a bunch of homos ruining our thread. and here you are being a little queer trying to make Sup Forums hate U2 as much as possible. just meme some U2 up my ass faggot! I really need a vertigo thread about now! Lets talk about sucking Bono's dick! Go to hell faggot. All we want is to talk about U2 and not be a pain in the ass for to other fairies. let people learn to like U2 instead of waving your dick around. Sup Forums is so gay anymore.

at that age you should have long past the shame of baldness. At that point wear a nice tailored hat.

Is that him burying their career?

If this was true then how come he's not wearing sunglasses in the Sweetest Thing video?

That's not the only time he hasn't worn sunglasses you know

That champagne shot was at the bassist's wedding, not the funeral.

>implying he started calling himself the edge when he was 50

It's called a midlife crisis.

he's been The Edge since Boy

Learn to english retard

nigga what

You speak like a retard.
"He's been The Edge since he was a boy"

holy shit I'm dying

Why would I memorize the discography of a shitty irrelevant band that I hate

Why would I capitalize Boy if I meant "since he was a boy"? Why would you forget the question mark at the end of that sentence? Why would you call me a retard if you don't know what you're talking about?

you're the retard because you couldn't take the obvious hint of their capitalization of "Boy"

This what U2s fan base looks like everyone

Tell me about Bono, why does he wear the glasses?

>Is it cool to wear a beanie at a funeral and weddings?
No it's edgy

his dad's

>wearing a beanie

Literally fucking retarded to think this, sounds like some creepy Islam reasoning