
What does Sup Forums think about this film?


I don't know I haven't seen it yet. the trailer just screams PRETENTIOUS OSCAR BAIT so I haven't really bothered to see it. How will you rate it?

loved it

kermode called it creepy, i call it honest

it's a "have sympathy for generic depressed white male" movie

Interesting idea, somewhat of a poor execution, sometimes movement seems wonky. The trailer is kinda shit compared to the movie itself tho. I recommend it, it's something surprisingly fresh.

It made me feel bad because I saw a lot of myself in both of them

Shut up, Lisa.

When a movie isn't available everywhere until after the new year it is the definition of oscar bait.

Well it is written by Kaufman. That man knows how to write interesting and bizarre stories.

i liked it

any other good Kaufman stuff?

When I saw the trailer I thought what was the point of the puppets? Why this movie in stop motion when a more traditional film would tell the same story. I was pleased to see how they used the puppets to their advantage. Like how all the people besides the main characters have the same face. Clever stuff. Still, it was a little flat for me.

all of it

Being John Malkovich
Synecdoche, New York
Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind
Confession of a Dangerous Mind


I still can't believe there were 2 R rated stop motion animated movies in 2015, but I can believe that the total gross of both of them wouldn't cover the budget of even one of them.

Loved it. It helped me in a lot of ways.

name 10 ways it helped you a lot

Synendoche, New York and Adaptation are both masterpieces, like literally some of the best films ever made. They remind me of 8 1/2 and Kubrick type stuff.

You talk like you've only seen 10 films in your life, take a sit and shut the fuck up, embryo

It's great but it really disappointed me because every othe Kauffman movie is better

Struggles to find good pacing at first, but the 2nd and 3rd act are great.