Post your go to breakup albums

Post your go to breakup albums.


Why yall so emotional

>implying I've ever had a chance to be broken up with

better to have loved and lost than never loved at all

also 808's

What are albums for ppl who never been in a relationship

feel like shit desu

couple songs in here that hit it out of the park, for me at least


At least there's Steven who gets me :c

Cried a lot to this one


What's that?

Hey answer me u nigers



i dunno if you're joking but anyway
its My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy By Kanye West



>Not listening to something that makes you crack up after a breakup instead of wallowing


I'm usually the one that dumps and don't really care when dumped, but the only time that hurt, this album was there.

Unironically this

Perfect From Now On will always be there for you, user. Women will not.

PFNO > Women

I do this whenever I feel down, but at the same time can't help to relate to some songs/album, as in "ohh, so that's what (artist) meant".

Do these also work as rejection albums, or is it a whole different feel?

Here's a classic rejection/pining album

For especially bad breakups.

Pretty much.


Definitely this

24 Hour Revenge Therapy was my go to last time, but Diary also got a higher than usual number of spins.