Is there a difference between what girls like and what guys like ?

Is there a difference between what girls like and what guys like ?
List me artists u classify as good music a guy likes and good music girls like if this separation exists

Brel de mon brells te su ju vien all my rings ringo

Jawbreaker and Tori Amos are actually the same act, but if you're a man and you listen to the album you hear one thing while women hear another.

I know it sounds crazy but it's 100% true and accurate.

girls like whatever's popular
guys like whatever they like

not really

alt rock- both
rap- both
trap- both
electronic- both
folk- both
experimental- many experimental and even groundbreaking musicians/singers were female
pop- while it seems most pop singers are female, there are a lot that are male that are still popular even today (frank ocean, harry styles)
metal- both

hell even shoegaze gf is a meme, and we all know men listen to shoegaze

I sincerely hope you're not white. If you are please reconsider your attraction to Asians. Racemixing with Asians is one of the worst crimes against humanity that you can commit. Time and time again hapas turn out to become extreme beta males with crippling social issues and have a general hatred of society due to the lack of identity. More times that not they will turn on their mother and father and will generally commit crimes(whether that is physically, psychologically or ideologically.) Not to mention that your throwing your genes down the drain and spitting in the face of your ancestors.

youre spitting in the face of your ancestors by browsing Sup Forums

It's not a hard and fast rule or anything, but I think female vocalists are primarily listened to by women, while both men and women listen to male vocalists.

I'm black and I don't really use race as a base of preference . if she's pretty, she's pretty if not then no
Now answer the queschen

>metal- both
I wish

I'm sorry that your mother and father cared more about their sexual thrills than about your wellbeing. Being mixed is something that I would never wish on even the most evil of human beings. The feeling of having no racial identity in a world that increasingly places importance on it must feel devastating.

its pretty equal really, especially if you go see concert footage and stuff, Its just mostly associated with a more masculine image

Something about that woman is just so unattractive imo. Her face is great and so is her body but together they do not mesh well imo. She looks like a fucking freak.

Sisters blend?

You are a disgraceful human being. The fact that you are willing to mix with a race that has accomplished much more and is superior to yours just because it gives you a few moments of enjoyment is sickening. Mixing with a race superior to yours will not create a superior child, in fact it will do the opposite and will only cause pain and suffering to the child and those around them. You are among the worst of humanity.
This is your subconscious telling you that it is wrong to be attracted to the another race.

big if true

Can you guys just stop derailing my thread the pic is evidently unrelated

do you actually believe you're trying to improve the world or do you actually believe you're le master troll?

What's with this dumbass trend of vapid threads made just to post pretty girls OP found on reddit or imgur?

i want to fuck that woman and make little whasian babies. little yellow crackers. tastes like

Just fuck off to Sup Forums

with your fuckboy paragraphs

Millions of people visit this website every day. Chances are that at least a handful of them will see my posts and see the light.As long as that happens I can rest peacefully. Trolling is another disgusting act. However, I don't blame trolls as they a mostly people who are and are just casualties of the modern world and postmodernism as a whole.

Show me a girl who listens to Ween or Swans and I'll show you 20 guys who do.

the fact that

rape has a ccomplished
much more than

a few moments of enjoyment

mixing will create a superior child, in fact

pain and suffering are among the worst of humanity

this is your subconscious telling you to


What does she write about

the lengths you people go through to reinforce your cuckhold fetish is impressive

What type of lyrics does marina and the diamands have

>Cant be inbred if mixed
i think that settles it

>This is your subconscious telling you that it is wrong to be attracted to the another race.
Lol, no. It's literally just this girl. Her body does not match her face. Normally, this would be a minor complaint but in this instance it's so bad that she looks freakish–in the traditional sense. Asian women are still superior in many senses–not all though. Pic related is more like it.

I bet you believe abortion is great because it kills niggers
fuck off stormweenie

I wouldn't have a boy, I would make sure she would give birth to a girl. Now, what's your problem with that?

my gf really likes 90s death metal, nu-metal, and early punk (the clash, sex pistols, the stooges, suicide).
i like hardcore punk and 80s-90s thrash metal, some electronic music, and "experimental rock"(frank zappa, Les Rallizes Dénudés, captain beefheart, butthole surfers)

most of the girls i knew in when i was in music theory had pretty diverse taste in music but none seemed to like rock to much. they all liked ed sheeran and mac demarco for some reason.

Les Rallizes Denudes are awful. If they were some elusive Turkish band then no one would care. Their appeal is literally only the exoticism of "le Japanese".

you clearly haven't listened to it in bead after a night of heavy smoking and fucking with your gf

also night of the assassins, is audio kino

God Sup Forums has really gone off the deep end. I guess 4 chan really is dead

Lol, I have seriously done something along those lines once. They're not that good. I'll say it again, their appeal is really only that they're Japanese because people find that exotic for some reason and confounding so they think it's good.

Fishmans actually made good music on the other hand.

i guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.

music is subjective after all .

yeah, but I still think no one would care if they had been Turkish or Mexican.

but doesn't that kind of contradict your theory of "people only like it because it's exotic?"

How so? Are you trying to imply Mexico or Turkey share the "exoticism" of Japan? Hell no. You know what I am referring to. Japanophilia is unique and prevalent. I'll go further, if they had been Chinese then they would not be as popular, if even popular at all.


Absolute pedantic garbage, without exception
Usually equally shitty music, but there are a handful of men with ok taste.

new copypasta?

also as someone whos 1/4th syrian i completely agree with everything this user said

I hope you are financially stable enough to be able to apply that same kind of plastic surgery to your child and his child and the whole family of ugly gooks.

>implying it's expensive
oh user

If you have that much money, why can't you just buy a wife that isn't a pie?

>all Asian women are ugly without surgery
My experience of ACTUALLY living in Asia says otherwise. Most white women are the actual pies. There are some good Mediterranean women but they're not really even white desu.