Who is the funniest actress of our generation?

Who is the funniest actress of our generation?

Ilana from Broad City

amy schumer

In terms of being a funny performer/actor
Amy Poehler & Anna Faris


Jan Skylar



Literally, not memeing, who is this?

not funny or an actress

pretty funny

melissa mccarthy can be funny, but she is has safe unoffensive roles

Maria Bamford

learn to reverse image search

Natasha legerro

But I may be biased because I would fuck her til my dick bled

Elizabeth Bänks



what is that?

i might need to scroll up and take another look but i believe OP said funniest not sexiest

Aubrey Plaza

Aubrey is a fucking babe but I wish she had more range.

Absolutely this, she's basically untouchable at this point

flavor of the month attention whore

Tina Fey
Leslie Jones

Only two women who have ever made me laugh who aren't dead. Women are fucking garbage at comedy.

More patrician than you'll ever be

what's patrician about her, you pathetic moron virgin fuckstain?

aubrey really isn't that pretty. and he didn't ask about pretty.

it probably is amy pohler, op. she is liberal as fug but overall a really good comedic actress. melissa mcarthy is actually really good too, and not a zany libtard as much.

but Sup Forums hates both of these women for silly reasons.

tina fey is an excellent comedic writer, but her acting range is limited. and again Sup Forums will say she is alot of things she isn't. 30 rock was the most racist sexist show of the last 20 years.

there are no funny female standups that I know of, except for a few fat black ladies that just do black jokes. and shirly q a liquor is hilarious if you count a cross dressing gay man.

Hey, hey, don't fucking speak to me that way, I'll smash you.

>tfw no half-Puerto Rican gf

Try me, fuckhead.

>Tina Fey will never be your nerd wife who thinks you're so cool

This is not okay

Who's the chick in OP?

Whoever she is, if she thinks taking selfies while recreating memes is funny she's probably not


Meet me IRL bitch I'll fuck you right up the ass

Both of you cunts shut the fuck up or I'll suck both your dicks. Not so fucking tough now that you're gay, are you? Fucking fags. God I hate faggots.

women arent funny

Tina Fey

Keep talking to me like that and I'll eat your asshole

Lisa lampanelli

>inb4 not an actress

Not many women are funny so the choices are limited.

Is Ilana funny on her own, though? Or is it more the combination of her and Abi that makes that show so great? Abi is like 90% as funny, imho.

>Tfw I think Leslie Jones is actually really funny
>Can't tell people on Sup Forums

I just think that her being a disgusting ape loser has forced her to make up for it by being funny.

Fuck you, I'll suck your finger gingerly if you open your bitch mouth one more time. Christ.

Good thing you haven't told Sup Forums

Those guys are assholes

Her film and literature taste

Nigger I swear to god I'll kiss you softly and wisper sweet nothings into your ear

Tina Fey easily

enlighten me, what does she like?

How about I adopt some fucking kids with you, faggot? I bet you'd like that, fuck you, queer. Then we can grow old and establish a home in Colorado, little cuntboy. You're one false move away from a beautiful, long-lasting, loving relationship, stupid shitlord.

Women aren't funny.

I only watch snl when I catch it at a friends house or at a bar/taco shack. but leslie has grown in me. she does physical and surprise comedy well. she mainly writes shit for herself I don't agree with, but I am coming around to her as a comedian.

there will never be female comedians that are libertarian. which is so weird because comedy is based off of freedom. tina fey is actually the closest we have in the mainstream right now.

lisa lampanelli is in the new comedy documentary with a shit ton of male libertarians. but she isn't.

literally the only funny female in america

The works of Rekhviashvili and Ubukeyev
Meanwhile you praise Nolan and Tarantino

>watching communist garbage
and Tarantino is GOAT

Carrie Delevingne

Not funniest, but still pretty funny and also really hot


>great personality


Kimmy Schmidt/Erin/wherever her name is

Roach from tbbt (bernadette)

>those hips

Amy Sedaris.

>That body

I know it's not on topic but if she's >not pretty
why do I want to have so many demented depressed babies with her?

Credit where credit is due, that is a spot-on impersonation of the "just right" meme.

I'm impressed. you could say the impersonation hits just right


>haha you see what I did there pls have sex with me ;_;

your pathetic lmao

that girl took that picture so you all could post her doing a meme expression.

Alison Brie. It's not even close

Then Aubrey Plaza, Kaitlyn Olson, Ellie Kemper etc

Some Jewesses are. Case in point Alison Brie. It's their intelligence genes

Great writer. Actress...meh


Brie is the superior Bojack girl

Jessica Stevenson for co-writing Spaced


who is he and why is his head so big



Callie was a hot slut

How do fuck you dude's think Tina Fey is of your generation?
The answer is Jenny Slate.

but user that's a boy...

choose one.

her lips would feel so good on my asshole

as a rule of thumb, the more a girl looks cute, the more she's likely evil and attention driven. I hereby proclaim this one great succubus imperatrix


what world do you shit-fags live in?

Penelope Cruz

I found two fags trying to fuck each other

>Tina Fey

Pick one

I hope you and your shitty memes die

Melissa McCarthy

one of the few comedic actresses that does physical comedy

How is no one mentioning Kristen Wiig. Excellent improv actress, super funny when delivering lines. Perfection.

go away iPhone posting Sup Forumsedditor

She a shitty meme waifu you pleb



Tina Fey, more as a writer than actor

I really think anyone familiar with her comedy work would agree that she's a top contender. Plus goddamn!

thought she was ryry for a second

that girl is ten times prettier without wearing ten pounds of makeup at all times