[blocks your path]

[blocks your path]

[calls animal control]

Fuck her pussy while I suck her tits

I thought this pasta used the sentence "blacks your path".

[I start fucking her tits]

Cast my net and enslave that jungle bunny.

"I'll be back"

ask her where her rent is...

"move bitch get out tha way get out tha way bitch get out the way"

Maserati is gods gift to this shithole

ask for a higher resolution image in place of this relic from 2001.

Can I borrow that handkerchief?
Oh it's a bikini, sorry my bad.

boulder bash and cunt punt

fucking millennials

bow down and offer my life in her service.

this came out like 4 years ago.


she was... she has not aged well. She's halfway between goddess and old fat skank now. Unless she gets in shape she's got 2 years left max

640x480 resolution came out a lot longer than 4 years ago.

*Unzips dick*

I'd explain to her that I'm really a nice guy and she should give me a chance. If anything, I'll be the one picking the cotton

oh look, someone trying to mock anyone thinking about race, do you really wonder why people would call you a jew?