Ask a guy procrastinating studying for his exam Monday by shitposting on various boards anything

Ask a guy procrastinating studying for his exam Monday by shitposting on various boards anything

which boards are you shitposting on?

What keeps you from deepthroating a 12 gauge?

Post your dick with time stamp and study material

Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and lurking /r9k/ to feel better about my life

this website, a new generation of pornstars, and the fact that its springtime in the Midwest again and I can go outside without freezing my balls off

can you make an MSpaint drawing of boxxy for me? pls?


What are you suppose to be studying for?

Physical Geography exam over earth's hydrosphere and water sources and glaciers

If I have an A- in the class and the semester ends in a month, what are the chances I could fail the course if I put in zero effort on these last two exams?


Why are you attending college you fucking pussy

Don't you know in a few years college degrees will be useless?

do you believe in aliens?

doing the same for economics on Sunday
no way I'm passing that unless google can help me. the fucking math kills me.

C's get degrees

Don't bank on it

I'm going to school for broadcasting, haven't decided on whether I want to be in front of the camera or behind it yet. Useless? Maybe. However, this sort of program offers internships that will at least give me a leg up on competition when applying for jobs after graddy.

Not really. I think there's a great possibility that there are lifeforms outside of earth, but not in the upright walking sense in which they depicted.

what about cigarettes and booze + drugs?

jesus guys I've been sitting in the uni library for 3 hours avoiding opening up this fucking textbook

A life of being homeless, stealing from people, killing people and just kicking it in other peoples homes is a nice and calm life.

it's the journey not the destination(degree)

2 edgy.

Used to be a huge stoner, which is a big part of the reason I ended up dropping out my first time around in college; I was way too irresponsible, even though I had the capacity to be a decent-to-good student. Now, I'm 25, live at home with my parents, and am finishing up my first semester back in uni after having worked full-time these past 5 years. I still drink, but mostly stay away from all forms of smoking, but will have the occasional ciggy.

From 16-24, I did a handful of different drugs: weed, acid, shrooms, aderol, etc.

Got my last exam for my degree tomorrow, 60 percent average mother fucker.