ITT we share something interesting about ourselves or our lives. What's interesting about you, user ?

ITT we share something interesting about ourselves or our lives. What's interesting about you, user ?

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you forgot to share something.

Oldfag here,
I am a good listener and a good observer. My remarks on what I observe give me a certain mystique and aura of trusting kindness, according to the ladies.
Apparently this is the only thing that ever got me any luck with the ladies because there is nothing much remarkable about me besides that.

Also: self knowledge is something I attained through the years, Weirdly enough the resulting acceptance of self comes accross as confidence to others.

i had a son when i was 19. live in a low rent run down ass apartment in tennessee

Im philosoph that always knows too much and that pisses of some people when i share with them my knowledge sometimes i wish to have more time to think about the all things around

I live as a woman, have a bf, breasts, wear dresses, but I still have my cock. Its pretty interesting

I'm paid to make people laugh, despite being clinically depressed.
I also think about death everyday.

I'll be having my first mff threesome with my bi curious wife this saturday night. AMA

intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. -stephen hawking

Im demented and plagued with screams from those Ive seen dying.. I dont know, I want to find a psychologist but Im too paranoid Ill get arrested or some shit. Life sucks when you have trouble smiling, remember that.

Hey Louis

Aren't you worried your wife will leave you to be a dyke once she gets a taste of dat sweet sweet pussay?

congratz user,be sure to share the story and some pics with us

you know the rules

I never understood guys who were so eager for threesomes. I always imagined fucking with two girls at the same time to be rather stressful, but I wouldn't mind another dude if my girl enjoys it.

I had a couple really bad trips on acid, then 6 months later I had a bad trigger (hard to explain basically i saw an event that didn't seem possible, like seeing someone alive who should be dead for example) which led to me going into a delusional psychosis where I thought my previous acid trips put me in a coma and everything around me was a figment of my imagination, it ended with me being admitted to a psych ward after i spent a weekend mentally debating whether or not i was in limbo and having constant panic attacks and after a week of that shitty place i was ready to come home good as new. Scary stuff though don't get too cocky with acid folks

>inb4 some "wake up" fag tries to be spoopy

i never have to wipe when i poop

I wish dude, he at least has money
Now that is impressive bud

I've committed so many civil rights violations that I should be hung by my neck till ded.

im a failure
failed marriage
failed carreer
failed father
but i dance a mean irish jig

a true god among men

They are shit breasts

I'm about to put out an album that may actually be noticed by people. Tryin to change up music from the mundane pop played over the radio. We'll see what happens

the rules still apply

I am really very good at spinning pens.

search penspinning in youtube and you may see me in some of the results.

pic related.

Good for you dude, keep it up for all us losers

Nope, not worried at all. She's obsessed with my dick and she mostly just wants to be eaten out/dominated by another woman.
You bet I will.
Tbh user, I feel the same way sometimes, but I can't deny the fact that I've never been more excited to try this. Check'd btw.
Pic related, muh gril.

Women see me in a complete different light than my friends do. I'm generally a pretty laid back guy. But women have called me a psycho, a dickhead, an arrogant asshole, etc. I also fuck them like an animal and often leave bruises and scratches, even gave a few chicks scars from scratching. Also choke them out, fuck their throats, and am generally not really women-friendly in bed. Women don't complain tho, heard them say "You cannot rape the willing" on multiple occasions. Truth is that I've been obsessed with sex since I was 4 after being abused myself. Now I just spread the love. Can't really complain though.

i cucked OPs dad for the last few month.
the look on his face when i make him eat my creampie out of his wifes butthole was priceless.

>21 scandifag
>been to prison twice
>have 3y/o son in thailand
>have crazy ex here
>have had 2 dunepeople shoot after car
>drugs and shit and stds ayy
>work normal boring job today

I guess thats it

I'm almost 50 and have been coming here for 13 years. Never outgrew a teenage sense of humor. Also was a somewhat successful musician for a while, and got paid to play all over the world to thousands of screaming fans. (Not as a star, but as a side man). Still, that was pretty fucking cool. Now I'm just an old guy with a drinking problem who spends way too much time on Sup Forums.

I will suck any cock, anywhere, anytime.

Fine, let me find a sharpie

sup louis! your 2017 special was very good, a bit soft but good

LCK...have a good night man...sometimes shit sucks.

I'm a lesbian

no such thing

>Did my service in the armed forces (not that usual where I live)
>FFM threesome with my gf and her best friend
>pretty good listener
>know a lot of interesting people myself
I guess that's it. Other than that I've led a pretty standard life so far.

Yeah keep telling yourself that when your girl goes out with her girl mates

Lost my virginity in a psychiatric hospital in a threesome, no ragrets

i happen to know that trump is going to be the president of the US for 8 years

They only do it to turn men on. IDC if she "goes out" with other girls. Just makes her a better mate.

I know he's going to get rid of the two terms limit and rule indefinitely

My wife is having our 3rd child tomorrow. I am a functional alcoholic

are you a grill?

not being a complete retard isn't very unique, user

I zozzled

Are we doing zozzle again?

Zozzle never left

Appreciate it man, good luck to you too

Tits OR gtfo

I'm getting sent to Japan for two weeks.

I really, really like forklifts

Cant find a pen

Same here man. I was only Myspace famous though and I stopped drinking.

yes it did you glow in the dark faggotmaster
its kek or topkek
fuck zozzle
zozzle sucks ass

>Own two patents in chemical engineering
>Developed the primer paint for the Eurofighter Typhoon and Airbus A380

Other than that just regular boring family life.

I was the guitarist for a relatively popular ska band back in the late 90s and the early 2000s.

I never got famous at all, but I did get to play with some famous people. I just consider myself incredibly lucky I managed to make a living at it for so many years. And I really ought to stop drinking soon. It hasn't taken a toll on my health yet, and I'd rather it didn't.

I'm good at finding and fucking up investment opportunitys. had 260 bitcoins when I was younger, and was too lazy to wait for my next paycheck to build a computer, so I sold them at $5 a pop. Was going to throw $15k into tesla during its IPO, but decided to buy a car instead, even though I didn't need one yet. mom and pop cafe I used to work offered to give me the business for a fraction of what it was worth since I pretty much already ran the place. Turned them down and my coworker took it. Coworker says it makes them about 5k a month in profit, even though they hired someone else to manage it.

Doing better now though, threw 40k into AMD at $2.1 and 10k into micron at $9, which is worth about 300k now. But when I look at how much I could have made in the past, and how much my life has been set back by stupid decisions, it hurts.

I have a schizophrenic brother

found lover 4 years ago late march 2013
have sex with my lover girl and last for over 90 minutes unless i get scared about getting caught and can cum within 20 minutes otherwise its like a marathon of sex which i rather much enjoy
found lovergal after being molested at age 7
she has shared herself in the best ways for me and it looks like a lasting friendship
I have need to find my dad and kill a series of motherfuckers who beat my uncle to death /vengeance is mine
I have traveled for over 20 years and will move forward to complete several objectives
I also intend to raise a family once things settle down for the most part
these will be trying times

no i dont

yes i do

I work closely with Jessica Alba. I have been to her house and she has made me dinner on more than one occasion. She is not the smartest person, but she has a work ethic like no other and knows how to surround herself with smart people.

Zozzle is how us oldfags separate ourselves from you newfags. Now gfto muh Sup Forums

seriously? i hope this is bate cause you have no fucking take YOUR Sup Forums and stick it in your ass you faggotmaster


i keked

We are more than you think

fuck off

I'm a professional freestyle motocross rider. Bed ridden with a major tib fib fracture. Not my worst injury.

You baited yourself by getting so angry over proper Sup Forums terms. Go kek yourself, you truly are top zozzle

Cheated on my gf, she found out, cancelled the wedding which was planned in sommer. We have a daughter. Now i am her slave, cause i dont want her to leave, cause i love my kid. I am pretty sure she wont anyway, but she is using the situation to make me do things.

My IQ is 169. For those of you unfamiliar with IQ, this means I have "genius-level" intelligence.

I also have synaesthesia, and absolute pitch. Things as diverse as math, music, and art come naturally to me and I get straight A's without studying much at all. I also am able to understand music at a deeper level than most people.

While most people my age spend their free time listening to mainstream music, I spend my free time listening to works such as Jerry Garcia Band's Cats Under the Stars, Frank Turner's Sleep Is for the Week and Love Ire & Song.

All this and I'm an 18 year old still in high school.

i built this from scrap,,bikefag...whatta you think?

I thought i was alone..welcome pensioner.


Fucking sick as fuck man holy shit did I see you on that one forum building it in stages?

whatever faggot

Whys There a monitor on the bike

I sold a website to some nippon faggot who was going to use the data to blackmail high profile users

I once went to Bali to take part in a tantric workshop, which lasted 4 days. The shop was runned by this guy and was partly something he is doing in the vid
Believe it or not, this man fucks tons of desperate first world pussy, you can't even imagine

I think greek economy is fucked

thanks..nope wasnt me..its literally parts of 6 bikes and my own welding
tell me something i dont know

Are you doing it just for yourself? Or for customers?

I'm intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.

just me at the moment..still practicing/learning.but economy here is soooo fucked that its a bad bussiness move for now

You sound like one of those insufferable 'intellectuals' that either hangs around /r/atheism and talks down to people about quantum mechanics.

At least your capable of making investment decisions I wish I could and I have no idea how to start

had sex with my sister.

>$5 a pop
nigga you crazy???????

it's not really odd imo. selfacceptence is exactly the recognition of own abilities and limits, which in turn cancels any fears and this sooner or later starts to show as confidence. a hunter not afraid of a beast will appear confident

was she conscious?

did you kill them or what, why would you be afraid


thanks for this Sup Forumsro

My grandmother left me a huge amount of money in the bank. I never told my wife about it and I don't think I ever will.

I can suck my own dick. I do it since midschool.
I think thats why Ive never had a gf.

Do you love your wife?Why did you cheat?With whom etc.I am interested in the story