RAP HATE THREAD. Why do people listen to this autistic fucking garbage...

RAP HATE THREAD. Why do people listen to this autistic fucking garbage? It's just a bunch of monkeys banging on their chests and bragging about stupid shit. It's immature and childish.

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it all just sounds like the exact same garbage over and over and over again. i can't understand how people can stand the shit.


Rap peaked in the 90s. Prove me wrong.

you know where it's at

What you're describing is the result of whites and jews taking over hip-hop and marketing it to teens, white and black alike. The last of real hip-hop died out in the 00's, these days most of these record labels are white/jew ran and purposely talk about the dumbest shit to sell records and appeal to kids

> (OP) (You)
>it all just sounds like the exact same garbage over and over and over again. i can't understand how people can stand the shit.
Agreed. I feel dumber every time I hear it. They literally sound retarded.

It honestly wasn't like that till old white men and capitalism got their hands on it.

Rap used to have actual substance and promoted the education of our youth. But then the non ethical capitalist's got their hands on it and ruined it like all the other genres us whites stole and conquered and capitalized.

Though ofcourse there are still some decent rappers out today but they aren't very successful or well known as the mainstream rappers of course.


Prove it

why do people eat cheese burgers? it's the same shit over and over again. listen faggot, music is subject and that is why it is beautiful. you can pick whatever you want to listen to and that's the great thing about it.

Yeah. I need to find it, but I once saw an interview with the rapper Desiigner where he makes those nigger baboon sounds he makes during his songs.

He's like "Yeah, I started my career OOGA BOOGA coming out of Georgia."

These niggers need to learn some real black music, like jazz or funk.

That's not even true. In the slightest. Mainstream artists in this generation have been some of the most prolific. And have achieved far more for the culture than underground hip hop.

Immortal technique and Hopsin don't do shit for Rap culture.

But burgers taste good

U mad?


Look up who owns the majority of today's hip-hop record labels and i can guarantee it will be older white men. Compare today's rap lyrics to those 15+ years ago. Rap first started going downhill in the 90's because that's when it became mainstream and "they" knew they could start marketing it to whites(majority) to earn even more money by watering it down to the garbage it is today. By the late 2000's, rappers like Lil Wayne and soulja boy were the norm

Or rock.
Or blues
Or Swing
Or Rag Time
Or any other genre invented by blacks.

reminds me of country. bunch of inbreds talking about how much they love beer and fucking their cousins

>ITT underage suburban NEETs don't understand rap music

Jesus H fuck

What do all those have in common?

They all use real fucking instruments.

>mfw autistic immature child projects his own problems on rap





Is this b8? Mainstream rappers are copying the same formula dirty south rappers did in the 00's, rapping about the same bullshit money, status and hoes. Even worse these rappers today all sound the same and aren't remotely original, how did they do more for hip-hop? The shit music they make almost does nothing but water down hip-hop. Garbage lyric, garbage flow, garbage images. There's nothing inspiring or legendary about it

I bet you only herd the famous artist (Kanye,Drake etc.)
>Implying they are bad
However, This is bait.


I hate most rap but I think k rino isn't bad, he at least is intelligent lyricaly and doesn't really talk about shootings, money and bitches..

Just go out on a limb and listen to this song but I can understand if someone doesn't like it



Rap music went downhill after the 90's




Well, Nas was still around, 2Pac, Biggie, DJ Quick, all the some awesome Soundtracks like Above the Rim, Friday, etc. The whole east coast vs west coast rivalry produced some of the best dis tracks ever. Songs back then had actual melodies & memorable beats instead of a jumble of distorted shit like now w some nigger yelling the same thing over & over again.

I hate rap so much now you don't even know. I can't believe people actually listen to it.

>"Why do people like different things? Why do people have opinions? Why can't everyone be the exact same and like the exact same things?"

Legit kill yourself




I don't think you hate rap I think you hate rap culture, and by extension the blacks


Well some are shit ofc, but you have Kalash Criminel for that.

the 90s are what caused hip-hop to go downhill, the west coast gangster bullshit made some pretty epic beats and tracks but it's part of what killed the culture.

Honestly, I didn't enjoy that slightly


Mos Def is the greatest of all time, discuss

I only like MATURE and ADULT things for MATURE ADULTS such as myself :^)

Because you're american


It's nigger music. Auto tune crap over a rhythm track. Not interested. Ook ook ook. Go back to the jungle, niggers. Stay there.

He's sight

MF doom is the greatest of all time. Discuss

>2 pac
Nope, nigger made bipolar music and he wanted to live by the gun so bad even though his family was pretty middle class, so he died by it. He wasn't much different than your average suburban white kid trying to become a gangster rapper and his rhymes weren't even that great people just love him cause he's dead

>rap about bitches
>rap about money
>rap about drugs
>rap about what ill do to you if you fuck with me
>guns going off in practically every song
>mix n match

nigga muh gun go off

It says so right in his name, as translated to English: Most Deft

so is Sup Forums yet youre here, wierd

So just porn vid soundtrack music?

That's what I call a serious insult my man. Das rude !

Do you hate the lyrics, the instrumental or both?

Lots of hip hop instrumentals are just really aesthetic pieces of music. They often just sound good to any ear, and the more artsy beats can be super interesting and experimental.

I can understand the lyrics, in part. I don't listen to much mainstream rap, but lots of it has completely shit lyrics, awful rhymes and an mediocre beat.

At their best rap lyrics can be very witty and poetic, with some having insane rhyme schemes, often full of wordplay.

Of course it is an acquired taste, just like any other.

Can't tell if this is bait or not. You have a point about rap being processed and shittly made currently but, I have to admit there are good rappers and hip hop artists out there. Not many new ones but they're out there. I'm no fan of rap personally but not everyone needs to be bashed for the shitbags that are shown to represent the culture. I play, record and produce music specifically with physical instruments so again, I'm not a fan of rap.

TLDR; Not all rappers/ hip hop artists are the scum you think of

You don't know french rap


>gun go off in every song

Bruh did you actually listen to "doris" or "I don't like shit I don't go outside"?


People always say that about him but its not like every track was a diary of his life or something. A lot of times it was from the perspective of someone else.

Yeah, I guess deep down he was a ghetto nigger (anyone who tats "thug life" on his chest is bound for jail or early death) & he blamed whitey too much in interviews, but I'm not gonna pretend he wasn't talented.

Well I don't know french so true. I can only rate the beat and Its pretty shitty for my taste .

>Well, Nas was still around, 2Pac, Biggie, DJ Quick, all the some awesome Soundtracks like Above the Rim, Friday, etc. The whole east coast vs west coast rivalry produced some of the best dis tracks ever. Songs back then had actual melodies & memorable beats instead of a jumble of distorted shit like now w some nigger yelling the same thing over & over again.
>I hate rap so much now you don't even know. I can't believe people actually listen to it.
But that whole concept of dissing back and forth is fucking childish. Rap is supposed to be spoken word/poetry set over music, and most of what they did with it was insult each other and their mothers? It's a lame genre of music

just some other french niggas chimping around

Three points to add to this debate:

- Rap is not black exclusive, so there's no point trying to embed racism in this debate. If you don't like black people, you don't like black people but that is not the fault of rap music.

- Some rap - particularly the roots of rap (R&B, soul) comes from/is poetry and has very developed lyrical qualities. Think: Gil Scott-Heron.

- Some rap is garbage. Kanye West is a fake celebrity and talentless oaf. Lil Wayne has brain damage. Drake is the musical equivalent of a soft cheese spread under the doorhandles of your car. Niggaz in Paris makes me want to bring a gun to the club. But, as with every kind of music, there is going to be a lot of garbage - particularly in pop, which is what rap is now a part of.

Opps, Didnt hear the song. Thats nice now.

lol go to shoot a school american

>Drake is the musical equivalent of a soft cheese spread under the doorhandles of your car

Oh my kek

thats french rap you peace of shit



Im not american and only fags shoot up schools. Decent ppl gas them.

Pray the motherfuckin 6god

my fucking cuck ass friend said it was like "poetry"

he's a weak wristed little shit that always tries to act cool with minorities whenever we see them, god i wanna fucking punch him

Exactly, I could eat a burger just about every day.

well said sir

>Ye talentless
Pls go kys

So punch him faggot. Sounds like your the cuck to me

90s shit? people dont' listen anymore

have you ever tried to write poetry or for that matter rap?
give it a go user.. try and be creative for once in your miserable life

I bet your friend is a lot cooler than you are

Pretty much, I don't see what's wrong with wanting to understand what I'm listening to

There is a difference between hip-hop (nigga nigga nigga make me pull my trigga trigga trigga bullshit) and rap (literally Rhythm And Poetry). Go back to NWA's Express Yourself, and you'll see really in-depth, smart lyrical choices with social commentaries and profound messages. Some modern lyrical rappers do similar things, such as Windmills in their album Broken Record. Don't confuse hip-hop and rap.

I do like some Doom

>bragging about stupid shit

Like what, money and drugs and women?

Other people have to get real jobs to get that shit.

firstly hip hop is not music it is a culture
secondly rap is not music it is a verb, and action

I rap, you rap, she rapped, we are rapping. get it?
For lack of a better word rap/hip hop have been smashed together as one genre and this is completely false

I mean everyone knows that. Doom is the epitome of everything good about hip hop.

how about using all caps when you spell the man's name faggots

You are not open minded


The difference is that Hip Hop is the culture and Rap is the music you stupid retard.

> (OP) (You)
>>bragging about stupid shit
>Like what, money and drugs and women?
>Other people have to get real jobs to get that shit.
Like the size of their jewelry, how "real" they are, how they don't cooperate with law enforcement? The subject matter of most of it actually seems to be a projection of their many insecurities.

There's only one french rapper that is even worth mentioning

Sit down,
Be humble.

>trying to grasp at so many personal insults

lol. rap is trash, fuck off.

In speaking specifically of musical genre, it's actually not. As far back as the medieval era, different musical genres have been described by their societal function, their compositional techniques/salient style features, as well as their orchestration and their voicings. A genre literally defines an area of similar music that is made in similar fashions to appeal to similar audiences by portraying similar emotions and source material. Rap, being the application of lyrical poetry to a rhythmic setting, does not necessarily align with hip-hop, which is more of a cultural representation. People can rap about anything, but saying the two are the same is wrong.

I bet youre the kind of guy to get really rustled and type a 500 word essay in all caps

so you are saying you can't do something "SO SIMPLE" as write some words that follow a basic rhyme scheme and meter?

IF it's trash then why can't you do it? I am confused.. are you less than trash? Is that what I should glean from your post?

>Complains about not using capitals
>Doesn't capitalize the h at the start of post
>Kills self

Earl just keeps getting danker by the minute

tl;dr, not all rap is hip-hop, even though the majority of hip-hop incorporates elements found in rap, they are not mutually exclusive

yeah and just as Rock N Roll took over pop after the Beatles.. Hip hop has taken over pop from 90s moving forward.

Everything you see that comes from most popular music has multiple elements that ultimately came from hip hop. Hip hop is the biggest driving force of music today

respect where it's due punk ass

You listen too much of your generation

back to now.


Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh let people enjoy things

I hate when people say this shit. Hip Hop itself is an urban culture not a form of music. Rap is the predominant form of music present within the culture.


kill the niggers

you belong on reddit, thanks for playing