Any Sup Forums tards have palm tattoos? I got one 3 weeks ago and it's starting to fall off...

Any Sup Forums tards have palm tattoos? I got one 3 weeks ago and it's starting to fall off, I knew I was gonna have to have it touched up eventually but not this fast, any advice?
Pic related

yes, try killing yourself

Will that work?

Well it worked for my aunt definitely worth giving it a shot

Just looks like the Sharpe is wearing off, just go back over it and try not to play with yourself as much.

>palm tattoos
Just why? Yeah top of your hands are fine. Face tattoos equal being permanently unemployed. So why the palm? Seems like a stupid thing to ever have. And I have gauges in my ears.

It's a memorial tart of my girlfriend that died of cancer, I wanted it in a place I could look at it

So palms are the only part of your body you can see?
Also, that's a marker pen

>It's a memorial tart of my girlfriend that died of cancer
You must have not loved her at all to do that shit man. Like you must have just been glad she is dead. Because she would die looking at that embarrassment

I'm pretty sure she doesn't have an opinion on it cuz she's DEAD

>I'm pretty sure she doesn't have an opinion on it cuz she's DEAD
Proving you didn't love her at all.

Nice bait, beta fag

Nah I'm done anyways. You can take over. Ops girlfriend is a cancer ridden corpse and he drew something stupid on his palms. have fun.

Thanks for all your help anons, I knew you wouldn't let me down


Palm tattoos always fade really bad. My advice is to get more tattoos.

Ayy lmao, I have a face tat and I have a decent paying job. Btw they're called plugs not "Gauges" you fucking autistic child.

I'm thinking if I get it gone over again sooner than later it will "stick" better?

You're an idiot

What a jack fuck, I hope you get cancer and die a virgin

A lot of reputable tattoo artists won't do palm tats for just that reason.

It's going to have to be touched up more than once.

fades more quickly depending on type of skin and how rough you are with your hands

How long should I wait in between touch ups? I'm thinking it would be better to get it done while the skin underneath is "still fresh"